The Monkey Chinese Zodiac: Complete Monkey Horoscope

Name:   Monkey
Year of Birth:   2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932, 1920
Earthly Branches of Birth Year:   Born in Shen year
Five Elements Analysis:   Earth
Lucky Numbers:   1, 7, 8

The 0rigin of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Knowledge and Stories

The earliest record of the twelve zodiac animals comes from the ancient Chinese stem and branch chronology. In ancient China, in order to record time, people divided a day into 12 hours, and each hour was represented by a corresponding animal. Later, the ancients associated these 12 animals with the year, forming the 12 zodiac animals we know now.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important part of traditional Chinese culture and are also a concrete expression of Chinese cultural concepts such as the heavenly stems, earthly branches, yin and yang and the five elements. These twelve animals each have their own unique symbolic meanings and legends. They not only represent the understanding of time, the universe and life, but also reflect the understanding and imagination of nature and animals.

Each hour has a corresponding animal representative:

1. Rat 11 pm - 1 am (zǐ hour)
Rats like to come out in the dead of night, especially at midnight, so they are called "rats."

2. Ox 1 a.m.-3 a.m. (chǒu hour)
In ancient times, cattle were used to plow fields and do hard work, so every time it was ugly, farmers would get up to feed their cattle so that the cattle could work better, so they were called "ugly cattle".

3. Tiger 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. (yín hour)
The tiger is the king of beasts. It is ferocious in nature and likes to travel between day and night, so it is called the "Yin Tiger".

4. Rabbit: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. (mǎo hour)
When it's just dawn, rabbits like to go out to graze most at this time, so they are called "Mao Rabbits".

5. Dragon 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (chén hour)
It is when the fog comes, and it is said that dragons like to fly in the fog the most, so they are called "Chen Dragons".

6. Snake 9 a.m.-11 a.m. (sì hour)
When the sun is shining high in the sky, snakes like to come out and walk most at this time, so they are called "Si snakes".

7. Horse 11:00-1:00 noon (wǔ hour)
The sun is at its strongest when the scorching sun is in the sky, and the personality of our horses is the strongest, so we call it "noon horse".

8. Sheep 1pm-3pm (wèi hour)
When the sun gradually sets in the west, it is the best time to herd sheep, so it is called "Wei Sheep".

9. Monkey 3pm-5pm (shēn hour)
The sun has set, and this is the time when monkeys come out and play, so it is called "Shen Monkey".

10. Chicken 5pm-7pm (yǒu hour)
At this time, the sun sets over the hill and when it gets dark, all the chickens will go back to their coops, so they are called "unitary chickens".

11. Dog 7pm-9pm (xū hour)
In the dead of night, when people are quiet, this is the time when dogs make their last inspection before going to bed, so they are called "dogs."

12. Pig 9pm-11pm (hài hour)
At this time, pigs sleep the most soundly and deeply, so they are called "Hai pigs".

The 12 zodiac signs are not just a mark of time, they also contain rich wisdom. Through these animals, we can learn about many values ​​and philosophies of life in traditional Chinese culture. For example, Ox represents hard work and steadfastness, Dragon represents courage and courage, Monkey represents resourcefulness and flexibility, and Pig represents open-minded optimism...

Monkey Personality, Love, Career

Monkey Personality Traits

Character strengths:

1. Humorous, witty and lively, so his multi-faceted talents often surpass the crowd.

2. Popular, but focused on fame and fortune, possessiveness, quickness in doing things, and strong self-confidence.

3. Flexible hands and feet, good at imitation, open-minded, and generous personality.

4. Having many friends of the opposite sex, being passionate and unrestrained, but lacking in quality, when it comes to love, he or she becomes a dedicated person.

5. If you are self-centered in everything, good at communication, and have good luck, your talents will be revealed when you are young. If you persevere, you will be able to achieve great things.

6. Act very strategically and never act blindly.

Character flaws:

1. Although you have extraordinary wisdom, you are short-sighted. You should sing less and be content.

2. Too self-centered and picky.

3. Too shrewd and a bit cunning.

4. Like to seize other people's weaknesses, scheme or control others.

5. Very stingy and never give up money easily.

The Secret of Love in the Monkey Zodiac

They are also very smart when it comes to love. They don't like pedantic people. The person they pursue is perfect in their imagination.

They hope that their future person will not only be beautiful or handsome, but also a decent and generous person, and a docile and considerate person at home.

In their hearts, they hope to meet someone who is as perfect as the lover of their dreams, only then will they feel satisfied.

Monkey Career

Suitable for engaging in entertainment industry and independent business.

People born in the Year of the Monkey are humorous, witty, lively, popular, value fame and fortune, and have a strong desire for exclusivity. People born under the sign of Monkey are agile, confident and have a generous personality.

They are self-centered in everything and are good at communication, so they have good fortune and are sharp-edged. Only by perseverance can they achieve great things. But the vision is short-sighted, and one should sing less high-pitched words. Those who are content will always be happy.

Analysis of Compatibility and Conflict between Chinese Zodiac

Analysis of the Compatibility and Conflict of the Monkey Zodiac

Clash Chinese zodiac for Monkey: Tiger, Snake, and Pig

Highly compatible Chinese zodiac for Monkey: Rat, Dragon

Other Chinese zodiac animals belong to the moderately compatible

Analysis of Marriage Compatibility and Conflict for Monkey

Monkey women are best suitable for marriage: Rat, Sheep, Ox, Snake and Dragon men

Monkey men are best suitable for marriage: Sheep, Ox, Snake, and Dragon women

Monkey women are not suitable for marriage: Tiger, Pig, or Dragon men

Monkey men are not suitable for marriage: Tiger, Pig, or Dragon women

Monkey Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Monkey

Monkey: The meaning of monkey has two levels: first, together with longevity peach, it means health and longevity. The second is the homophony of "Hou", which expresses the meaning of being appointed to an official position, implying promotion and fortune, and rapid advancement.

Taboo items: For people whose zodiac sign is monkey, the opposite animal is tiger, so they should avoid the shape of tiger when wearing it.

Wearing gold pearls for monkeys who belong to the metal zodiac can relieve epileptic convulsions, red eyes, swelling and pain, mouth and tongue ulcers and other symptoms, and is also good for skin whitening.

Lucky Flower of Monkey

People born in the Year of the Monkey are suitable for planting flowers such as seaweeds and begonias.

Their flowers and leaves are all unique, and complement each other well with the wit and humor of people born in the Year of the Monkey.

Lucky Colors for Monkey

Lucky colors: yellow, blue, green

Taboo colors: white, gray

2024 Monkey Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Monkey

Entering 2024, it is the year of Tai Sui for Monkey people, so whether it is career, money, or emotional health, their fortunes can continue to rise, and their lives will become happier day by day.

Monkey people should face the future with a positive and optimistic attitude. They must not be too decadent and lazy, nor miss a golden opportunity.

Be full of confidence in 2024. Whether you encounter opportunities or challenges, you should face them with 100% spirit. You must also dare to try new things, and don't always look forward and backward, and be timid. This will make it difficult to achieve a huge personal breakthrough.

There will be many auspicious stars around you this year, including "Huagai", "Sun", "Santai", etc., which will allow Monkey people to achieve good results in many aspects, and can also lay a solid foundation for future life development. . Want to further improve your luck.

2024 Monkey Career Horoscope

In terms of career, in 2024, Monkey people can get the help of the auspicious star "Huagai". They are talented and can fully display their talents. They can be reused by superiors. They can also have outstanding performance in certain projects and be promoted. The possibility of a salary increase is particularly high.

It will also have a certain reputation in the industry, which may attract the attention of many headhunting companies, and many well-known large companies will also offer olive branches for cooperation.

Monkey people should stay rational at this time, have a clear understanding of future development, and never blindly quit their current jobs.

For government workers, when dealing with some crisis public relations incidents in 2024, they will be able to show strong courage, appear to be adaptable, be particularly flexible and smart, and be able to handle everything properly in the end. In this way, you can naturally gain the trust of your leaders and subordinates, continue to be promoted, and climb to your ideal position in one breath. I want to further improve my career luck.

2024 Monkey Wealth Horoscope

In terms of money, entering 2024, people born in the Year of the Monkey will receive the care of the "Three" auspicious stars, their career fortune will be very strong, and they will be able to achieve impressive results in the workplace. Not only can the basic salary continue to increase, but you can also receive additional commissions and bonuses. All the income combined is very generous and considerable, and it is very likely that you will be in the first salary echelon of the company.

In terms of side business, there will be many relatives and friends around, who will actively offer olive branches for cooperation. As long as the Monkey people are willing to cooperate with them, both of them will be able to run the side business successfully and get rich money into their accounts.

In terms of spending, Monkey people have always been very smart and know what money should be spent and what money should not be spent. The same will be true in 2024. In addition to basic expenses such as food, clothing, housing and transportation, they will not spend too much money on other aspects. They will reasonably allocate assets with the money they earn. Part of it will be taken into the bank, and part of it will be used to buy investment and financial products; the other part will be kept at home for spending. Want to further improve your financial luck.

2024 Monkey Love Horoscope

In terms of relationships, entering 2024, with the help of the auspicious star "Sun", the relationship fortune will be very smooth.

For single friends, there will be male nobles around you who will take the initiative to help matchmaking, and may organize some blind date dinners. During the meal, you may have the opportunity to meet someone you fall in love with at first sight, or even have a flash love and marriage. After getting married, Monkey people will undergo great changes in their life plans, shoulder a strong sense of responsibility, and make their small family more prosperous and happy.

For friends who have a partner, the relationship between two people will become more stable and deep in 2024. They may experience something together, and the relationship between the two people will become more indestructible, and engagement and marriage will gradually be put on the agenda.

Married Monkey people are very likely to have a baby. With a new baby in the family, they will look happy and prosperous. There will also be some unexpected surprises happening at home from time to time, which will make the Monkey people's attachment to the small family even deeper.

2024 Monkey Healthy Horoscope

In terms of health, Monkey people will not have any major problems in 2024. For children, under the careful care of their parents, they can grow up healthily and enjoy a happy and worry-free childhood. There are not many things to worry about, and they will live happily every day.

For the elderly, although their physical condition is not as good as that of young people, compared with their peers, they will appear healthier, younger, and have particularly strong bones. In addition, I have retired and am at home, and I have a lot of time and money on my hands, so I may travel around to relax.

For young people and middle-aged people, the physical fitness is also very good. Although they may occasionally suffer from some minor illnesses, they will not rise to a serious level.

However, it needs to be reminded that due to the influence of the evil star "Five Ghosts" this year, monkey people may sometimes be emotionally unstable and may become suspicious or have some hallucinations. Be sure to rest and, if necessary, seek help from a psychologist.

Monkey people who have the habit of driving should pay attention to driving safety and abide by traffic rules.

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