The Taurus Zodiac Sign: Complete Taurus Horoscope

Name:  Taurus
Date:  April 20 - May 20
Symbol:  Cow head and horns
House Ruled:  2nd house
Attributes:  Earth sign
Ruler:  Venus
Characteristics:  Wealth
Key Words:  Pragmatic
Representative:  Organizational figure
Greatest Compatibility:  Scorpio, Cancer
Color:  Green, Pink
Lucky Numbers:  2, 6, 9, 12, 24
Day:   Friday, Monday

Taurus Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Taurus Personality Traits

Taurus people are kind-hearted and sincere towards others. Compared with challenging adventures, they are more suitable to choose the Sunshine Avenue to spend a stable life. They don't like to think deeply about things and usually just go with the flow and blend in with their surroundings, so they won't make enemies. As long as a friendly environment is ensured, you can live in harmony with the people around you and live peacefully.

1. Taurus: Duplicity and lack of security

Taurus is a duplicitous person. He takes soft things but not hard words. He always responds to his friends' requests. He is often deceived. What he fears most is being abandoned and ignored. Optimistic yet pessimistic, he often pretends to be strong, has a tough mouth, and is afraid of getting hurt. He is cold to strangers, but becomes cheerful once he gets to know him. Due to the lack of security, unemployment is the problem that Taurus are most afraid of facing, which means that they have lost the focus of their lives.

2. Taurus: Self-esteem

Taurus has a strong self-esteem but is quite unconfident and hates doing meaningless work. They are also lazy people who like to stay at home.

3. Taurus: focused and persistent

This kind of lover doesn't like things that are uncertain. To impress such a person, in addition to sincerity, you must also be patient. Because they are very slow to express their opinions, and sometimes they are obviously moved, but they pretend to be uncertain and distressed, so you have to wait patiently again and again. In addition to making thousands of promises and guarantees, you also have to express your die-hard love without leaving any trace. . Anyway, once they stick to you, it will be difficult to leave them. No matter how high the cost, it is worth it. Taurus people are not impatient and impulsive, they can only be patient. He is also very stubborn and does not like to change something once he has decided it.

4. Taurus: Pragmatic

Taurus take a pragmatic approach regardless of money or life. They won't say I love you easily, they won't send flowers casually, and they won't even remember your birthday, let alone various formal anniversaries such as Valentine's Day, which makes people very angry. Because there is no form of love, how can it be proved that it is love? However, Taurus will tell you that sometimes real help is better than flowers and perfume, and sometimes stepping forward and taking responsibility is actually better than all sweet words. Therefore, the love of Taurus may be so dull that no sparks can be felt. However, under the appearance of poor love, their deep and watertight care is hidden and grows stronger over time.

5. Taurus: Too strong self-awareness

A Taurus man is a person who likes to follow his own philosophy of life. You won't change your lifestyle easily. Stubbornness is a prominent feature of your character, and it is also your main shortcoming. Normally gentle and gentle, you can become intimidating when provoked. Taurus people have a strong sense of family. You regard the family world as a reliable temple for your happiness and peaceful life. You love your children more than anything and have high hopes for them.

6. Taurus: Taking money too seriously

Taurus people are slow to adapt to adversity. Frustration and failure can often make you depressed, and you may even artificially imprison yourself in silent anger and refuse all contact with the outside world. Even if the situation improves, it will take a long time for you to pick yourself up again and achieve your original goals with unprecedented work enthusiasm. Taurus people tend to be conservative in their thinking and take money too seriously. Don't say that love has nothing to do with money. Think about it, if you meet someone who is very penniless, even buying a bottle of yogurt has to be AA-sized, will it extinguish that loving heart?

7. Taurus: Stubborn

Taurus gives people a gentle, slow and temperamental image. However, they are very stubborn in their hearts. Do you know what "cow temper" is? It is not difficult to find out if you look at Taurus people. Taurus' stubbornness comes from their arrogant temper. Taurus is very accustomed to living with a mask. They are polite to others on the surface, but they have their own standards in their hearts. If he thinks highly of you, he will be considerate and kind to you. If he feels that you have nothing to do with him, a cold and harsh temperament will immediately emanate. Taurus will insist on doing things according to their own ideas. It is difficult for you to change their thoughts and concepts. Even close people can find it difficult to change their minds.

8. Taurus: Easily seduced

Many times, Taurus people originally want to take advantage of others, but in the end they are likely to be taken advantage of by others. This is a typical example of being clever but being misled by cleverness. When Taurus are greedy, or when it is profitable, in this case, they may be eaten by the other party because their skills are not as good as theirs. In this case, they will inevitably feel that they are being taken advantage of.

9. Taurus: slow to warm up

They are usually slow to adapt, and it takes them a while to adapt to a relationship, a job, or an environment, but after adapting, they rarely change unless they are forced to. Moreover, Taurus people have artistic instincts and have the taste and ability to highly appreciate any art.

10. Taurus: Strong thinking ability

Under the appearance of being greedy for pleasure, Taurus has a philosopher's heart. Their way of looking at problems is different. They have a materialistic thinking logic and will not easily follow others' opinions. Because of this, they make people feel very stubborn. But don’t deny the wisdom of Taurus just because of their stubbornness. As evidenced by Marx, Lenin, Kant... Taurus’ complete rational thinking can often establish a rigorous system, but sometimes they are too easy to get into trouble! But even the arrogant Taurus has distinct personal qualities.

A message for Taurus men: In your eyes, sweet words are hollow, and houses and bankbooks are real. However, you are still willing to be romantic for the one you love.

Words for Taurus women: You will say: Of course a diamond ring is nice, but it will only become more precious if my lover puts it on my finger.

Love between Taurus and the 12 Zodiac Signs

The steady and slow-paced Taurus is also slow-paced when it comes to love. Stability and conservatism are synonymous with Taurus. When it comes to love, Taurus often prefers it to be sparse, and they will not start a relationship casually, but once love begins, Taurus is also extremely affectionate.

1. Taurus and Aries love

If the speed-conscious Aries is paired with the slow-paced Taurus, it will definitely be very educational for Aries. In the face of Aries' intense orders, Taurus can often remain motionless. Because they are next-door neighbors, the two can always understand each other. As long as Aries can tolerate Taurus' slow pace, Aries' ideals can be realized with the stability of Taurus. Taurus is an excellent helper for Aries.

2. Taurus and Taurus love

Two people who are both Taurus have very similar personalities and behavior patterns, and they will only confirm a relationship after getting to know each other. Since both Taurus are conservative and firm, the longer they get along, the more they will be able to discover each other's strengths, and they can be more silent than vocal. However, the stubbornness of both parties can easily lead the relationship to a dead end. If two Taurus can learn to forgive, they can hold each other's hand tightly.

3. Taurus and Gemini love

Taurus can often make up for the shortcomings of the fickle and uncertain Gemini, and the well-spoken Gemini will always bring a lot of fun to Taurus, but at the same time, it also makes Taurus feel that they are not practical enough, and they are generally discouraged. Gemini will also feel bored by Taurus' silent and stable lifestyle. When the two get along, Taurus still needs time to adapt to Gemini's thinking ability, but they are usually very tolerant.

4. Taurus and Cancer love

Both of them long for a good social circle and a sense of security at home. Taurus, who has always been devoted to relationships, coincides with Cancer, who yearns for a stable relationship. The two often have many things in common, and it is easy for sparks to fly. An ideal pair. But Taurus always has difficulty understanding Cancer's emotions, and Cancer is helpless against Taurus's stubbornness. Therefore, both sides must beware of an emotional cold war.

5. Taurus and Leo love

The down-to-earth and steady Taurus always makes Leo feel an inexplicable sense of dependence, and Taurus can easily identify Leo as the partner they are looking for throughout their lives because of their majestic and dedicated appearance. However, Taurus, who pursues stability, will feel that Leo's love is too brilliant like fireworks and cannot last long. Leo will also feel that Taurus is too pragmatic and loses the excitement of life. Different values ​​may be the main conflict between the two.

6. Taurus and Virgo love

Virgo and Taurus can be said to be a very well-matched couple. They both pursue a stable life and spiritual satisfaction, and it is very easy to have a feeling of knowing each other. The talents and enthusiasm of Taurus that are not easy to be noticed can only be realized by careful people. Only Virgos can find out. Emotionally, neither of you is the type to take the initiative to express love. Slow brewing and steady flow are the portrayal of you.

7. Taurus and Libra love

Libra always has qualities that attract Taurus, and Taurus will turn into a coquettish little girl in front of Libra. Both of you are quite gifted in your taste for beauty, and your common thoughts and interests will become opportunities for your development. Two people can fully enjoy the fun of love when they are together, but be careful that the frequency of doing things between the two people is different, which will be the key to the impact on the relationship.

8. Taurus and Scorpio love

Scorpio and Taurus, who are both cold on the outside and hot on the inside, are possessive and passionate like a volcano. Once they fall in love, they will go all out and sparks will fly. The fire-like Scorpio makes the conquering Taurus eager to try. Taurus, who lacks courage, has no choice but to stay away and watch for safety. Both of them have the habit of hiding their worries. If they have to wait for the other person to express their feelings first, they have to develop enough patience.

9. Taurus and Sagittarius love

The masculine and freedom-loving Sagittarius faces the gentle and conservative Taurus. The two have completely different personalities. It is basically difficult for Taurus to change their slow pace. At this time, they can only let the wandering Sagittarius stop for a while. Taurus, who has a cautious personality, is both curious and surprised when faced with the enthusiasm and emotion of Sagittarius, and has overwhelming thoughts. If this pair wants to last long, Sagittarius's understanding and concession are necessary.

10. Taurus and Capricorn love

Capricorn is an ideal and reliable partner in the eyes of Taurus. One is stable, the other is cautious. This tacit understanding of the couple can give each other confidence and security and satisfy each other. Firmness, reliability, these shining advantages will always be the colors that surround you. Loyalty to your feelings makes your love have a bright future.

11. Taurus and Aquarius love

The futuristic Aquarius and the practical and rational Taurus always stand out from each other and have completely different life concepts. Aquarius will think Taurus is too practical, but Taurus will think Aquarius is too extreme. Taurus, who is reasonable in everything, can actually make Aquarius, who is erratic by nature, feel safe. Taurus will also be attracted by Aquarius's chic attitude towards life. The two of them might as well learn from each other's characteristics.

12. Taurus and Pisces love

Taurus, who doesn't know much about romance, can always give Pisces a feeling of care and love in the details of life. Taurus will also feel that Pisces is always so gentle and considerate. Taurus can help Pisces find the warmth of reality, and Pisces can also give Taurus a sense of security. The longer time goes by, the more they can discover each other's strengths. They are very comfortable getting along with each other, and they are definitely an ideal couple.

Taurus Career

Taurus people have a down-to-earth and reliable nature. They pay attention to details and are good at management and financial management. Taurus people are suitable for careers in finance, accounting, real estate and other industries. They are interested in a stable work environment and continued financial gain. Taurus people are suitable for positions such as financial managers, investment consultants or real estate agents.

Requires attention:
Being too practical will damage a lot of friendships.

As long as Taurus is diligent in their work, they will have a good harvest. Taurus has no complaints about your current career, but you have some regrets about your relationship, which has always made you brood.

When it comes to friends, Taurus sometimes has opinions but doesn't show them clearly.
In the workplace, your practical approach has indeed made many people hate you so much that they dare not speak out.
If you really want to talk about the areas where you are prone to problems at work, maybe you need to review whether you are sincere to your friends and whether you have established good connections.

Taurus is stubborn and stubborn, and looks docile and has no temper, but in fact, when it gets angry, its energy should not be underestimated. When counterattacking, his gentle tone is aggressive, which often makes the opponent unable to resist;
You don't want to reason with rude people. If the other person wants to hear your opinion, you can be very righteous.
You like someone who wants to communicate with you, but if the other person is "unkind", you would like the other person to calm down before talking. In short, you don’t want to get hurt in vain.

Key points to review: You should not regard money as the only focus of your life, and be careful of losing big for small things.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Taurus

Strengths that Taurus should have

Very patient
Passionately in love
Have artistic talent
down to earth
Do things with a plan
can persist to the end
Stubborn in choosing good
Pursue peace and live a regular life

Weaknesses he or she may have

Too possessive and jealous
die-hard die-hard
Lack of coordination and not good at division of labor and cooperation
Taking things too seriously
lack of humor

Taurus Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Taurus

Taurus is suitable for wearing some classic, simple jewelry, such as sterling silver or amethyst. These accessories will bring them more stability and comfort.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Taurus

Taurus is the owner of wealth, and Venus, the goddess of beauty, is its guardian planet. Taurus has a stable and persistent character and firm beliefs.

In late spring, Taurus is responsible for flowers, preferably flowers that are in full bloom, and they like flowers with a pungent smell.

Flowers that symbolize Taurus: morning glories, violets, gardenias, carnations, etc.

Flowering Plants: 'Good Luck' Potted Plant. Taurus people are hard-working and down-to-earth, but too honest and conservative, making only a little money from their daily work. You can place a plate of blessing potted plants on the left side of the table, which will help you make money faster and easier.

The Representative Animal of Taurus


As the name suggests, Ox is the most suitable representative animal for Taurus. Because the hard-working Ox has the same personality as the simple and honest Taurus, because Taurus is also a born artist. Only Ox, like Taurus, can be honest and steady. Giving people a huge sense of security and being down to earth.

Lucky Colors for Taurus


Taurus is a little money obsessed, and they like golden things the most. Gold can make their eyes shine.

2024 Taurus Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Taurus

Entering 2024, the overall fortune of Taurus will have some fluctuations. At work, Taurus will be affected by some unfavorable factors, leading to greater ups and downs in career.

Your fortune will be relatively poor in the first half of the year. You will make frequent mistakes at work, and you may miss out on promotion opportunities or even face the risk of unemployment.

Taurus themselves are not very good at communication, and their indifferent personality makes them less able to deal with interpersonal relationships. They lack support when encountering difficulties and will feel isolated and helpless. Fortunately, your fortune will improve in the second half of the year, and development in all aspects will gradually stabilize.

In terms of relationships, as long as Taurus treats them with heart, most people can find a happy ending. Married people need to learn to be considerate and tolerant, and not to act according to their own temperament in everything. Families need to be run carefully, and being too selfish will have a negative impact on marital happiness.

If singles want to be single successfully this year, they need to work hard to improve themselves. Especially Taurus women can try makeup and change their dressing style to give people a sense of freshness, enhance their personal charm, and help develop their relationship.

There will be some fluctuations and ups and downs in the learning status of Taurus in 2024. Although I usually work hard, my understanding is relatively weak, learning is difficult, and it is difficult to master some knowledge points. Taurus needs to find a learning method that suits them, so that they can get twice the result with half the effort and learn more easily and happily.

2024 Taurus Career Horoscope

In 2024, Taurus' work status will experience some fluctuations. In March, family affairs will take up most of the time and energy, making it difficult for Taurus to deal with work problems. In this case, mistakes occur frequently, which may cause Taurus to miss promotion opportunities or even face the risk of unemployment.

Newly hired Taurus friends will face the risk of being fired. However, Taurus should not be discouraged. It is inevitable to make mistakes at work, but they must be modest and low-key and work hard to make up for their mistakes, so that they can quickly return to normal work.

In addition, Taurus themselves are not good at communication. They also show a negative attitude towards work this year and lack the ability to deal with interpersonal relationships. Therefore, they will fall into an isolated and helpless situation when encountering difficulties.

However, your fortune will improve in the second half of the year and your work will gradually stabilize. Taurus must learn to focus on work, accept criticism and suggestions humbly, and actively correct their mistakes.

In terms of interpersonal relationships, Taurus needs to be more patient and friendly, establish good interactions with colleagues, and avoid impatience and indifference. By cooperating and communicating with others, Taurus can build a stronger support network and create more opportunities for career development.

In September, Taurus will usher in good career opportunities. Especially for those with plans to expand, this will be a time to act.

However, Taurus needs to proceed with caution and avoid making blind decisions. Before making a decision, you should carefully consider various factors and develop reasonable plans and strategies.

2024 Taurus Wealth Horoscope

Taurus's financial situation is relatively stable in 2024. Although there are some ups and downs in work, the overall income has not been greatly affected. Taurus is naturally good at financial management, attaches great importance to money, pays attention to diligence and frugality, and rarely makes impulsive purchases.

However, Taurus's conservative nature in financial management may result in your relatively weak ability to keep money. Especially in the first half of 2024, Taurus may lose valuables due to negligence, and the risk of theft at home is also higher. Taurus should ensure the safety of their doors and windows when going out. If anti-theft windows have not been installed at home, consider installing them in time. If conditions permit, you can consider installing monitoring equipment at the door to comprehensively improve home security and minimize losses even if theft occurs.

In addition, in 2024, Taurus will face the situation of relatives and friends borrowing money from them, which requires detailed analysis of specific issues. Whether to provide help should be decided based on the other party's actual situation. Don't help the poor. If the other party only encounters temporary difficulties, you can lend a helping hand appropriately; but if the other party lacks enterprising spirit and only pursues enjoyment without ambition, it is not appropriate to lend a hand. Understand that once you lend this money, you may not be able to get it back and you will only cause losses to yourself.

Entering the second half of 2024, Taurus's physical condition is not stable and some medical expenses need to be invested. Therefore, Taurus can consider purchasing some critical illness insurance to prepare for emergencies. If you really get sick, you can at least get some financial support and avoid putting yourself under huge financial pressure.

2024 Taurus Love Horoscope

Entering 2024, Taurus is showing a good trend in emotional development. Affected by the direct movement of auspicious stars, Taurus shows a proactive side when dealing with emotional problems and is willing to take the initiative to communicate with their partners.

Especially for singles, in 2024, your desire to get rid of your single status is very strong. When you see your friends around you getting married one by one, you are very envious of this, so you will take the initiative to seek help from your family to introduce a suitable partner. However, although Taurus is full of desire to be single, their personal charm is not very obvious. In daily life, you need to learn to dress yourself appropriately and no longer be as careless as in the past. No matter how outstanding your personal abilities are, if you don't pay attention to your appearance, it will be difficult to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Especially for Taurus women, you can refer to fashion magazines when it comes to dressing and grooming to find a style that suits you, so as to show a more charming charm.

In addition, when getting along with lovers, Taurus needs to think more about the other person and avoid being too self-centered. Especially in situations of disagreement, you should put yourself in the other person’s shoes. In a relationship, insisting on one's own opinion will cause great harm to the relationship. Sometimes, the more rational you are, the easier it is to cause emotional problems. Therefore, Taurus needs to learn to compromise and be considerate appropriately in relationships.

At the same time, Taurus needs to balance the relationship between family and work in 2024. While career advancement is important, family bonding is equally important. You can go out with your family on weekends, which not only relaxes your mood, but also enhances the relationship between husband and wife and makes the family relationship more harmonious.

For married people, keep an appropriate distance when getting along with the opposite sex. If you want to avoid interference from a third party, you can appropriately show the sweetness between you and your partner in front of others, which will help deepen the intensity of the relationship and protect your feelings from outside influence.

2024 Taurus Academic Progress Horoscope

Entering 2024, Taurus will show a positive attitude and strong willingness to learn. However, sometimes you seem a bit rigid, do not know how to adapt, and easily fall into misunderstandings, which is detrimental to learning.

In order to make learning easier and more effective, Taurus needs to find a learning method that suits them. If you are not sure which method is suitable for you, you can seek help and advice from your teachers and classmates.

In addition, some Taurus may be partial to science. For those subjects that are relatively weak, Taurus can use weekends or after school time to participate in extracurricular tutoring and strive to improve their level in these subjects. By putting in extra effort, Taurus can improve their weak areas, thereby improving their overall performance.

Entering the second half of 2024, Taurus' physical condition will be unstable, and colds and fevers often occur, which directly affects daily study. In order to ensure that their grades are not affected, Taurus needs to invest more energy and time in their spare time. Although the process will be somewhat arduous, only in this way can the steady improvement of results be ensured.

While dealing with physical discomfort, Taurus should also pay attention to reasonable arrangements for study and rest time, and maintain good work and rest habits and eating habits to enhance the body's resistance and learning effects. In addition, cooperation and mutual assistance with classmates are also very important. Taurus can actively participate in group discussions, learn from each other, and make progress together with the help of collective wisdom and strength.

Taurus Man

Taurus Man: Serious and Stubborn


The Taurus man has a weak ability to adapt to new things. He likes a stable life and has the character of a pastoral poet. Under normal circumstances, a Taurus man is not willing to change his living habits easily. It is also relatively slow to change the rhythm of emotions, but once triggered, it is out of control.

Therefore, Taurus men generally give people a feeling of honesty and loyalty, and are as upright and long-lasting emotionally as a cow. The concept of family is very important to a Taurus man. What he longs for is a wife who can shoulder the responsibilities of family life with him. A family-centered Taurus man can usually bring a sense of reliability and security to his family.

Personalized tags:

1. Slow pace: I don’t like to change my living habits at will, and I like a stable and down-to-earth life.

2. A family man: A family-oriented and family-centered Taurus man will give people the feeling of being a good man.

3. Slow to warm up: He doesn’t get to know people quickly, and he doesn’t like to get involved in a relationship easily. He is a typical slow to warm up.

How to get along with a Taurus boy

When getting along with a Taurus man, you must pay attention to making an appointment with him in advance when making an appointment with him, and remember to arrive on time. Because Taurus people are very planned and like to live a regular life. They have almost always arranged what they want to do in advance and included it in their daily itinerary. Therefore, if you go to him often, it may bore him. In fact, it’s not that he doesn’t like people sticking to him, but because he has already arranged plans for this period of time, and they hate their plans being postponed. a feeling of.

When getting along with a Taurus man, be sure not to force him to make quick decisions. Taurus are slow in their movements and thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended that when dating a Taurus man, it is best not to keep asking him what to do next or telling him what to do. This will make the Taurus man feel very bored. Because he likes to make decisions slowly, and all you have to do is not to rush him, otherwise you will be asking for trouble, remember this! And never try to change Taurus, they have some established habits, which are different from ordinary people. It looked strange to his eyes, but it had a calming effect on him.

People around you should try to understand the pragmatic character of a Taurus man. Taurus men do not like vigorous and exciting emotional games, but prefer gentle and gentle emotions that flow over time. If you think that Taurus people are too practical and unromantic because of this, you are wrong! Once he makes up his mind, he will adopt all gentle and sweet methods, such as high-end restaurants, exquisite gifts, and gifts for you. Commuting to and from get off work, there will be no shortage of these.

You have to remember that a Taurus man will never like a woman who talks loudly and behaves openly. What he wants is a dignified lady, a good wife and mother. He doesn't want to waste time playing exciting love games. Therefore, when you are with him, especially in front of his friends, it is best to speak less when it is not necessary, keep smiling, and sit beside him dignifiedly. He will look back at you from time to time, and he will like to take you to attend some social occasions together in the future.

Taurus men and "sex"

For a Taurus man, sex and love are a mixed bag. Love means making love. Making love is the least expensive activity in the world that can bring human enjoyment. He is the primitive animal among the twelve constellations that best knows how to make every organ of the body enjoy happiness. Therefore, sexual activity is not a power game for him, but an activity that can bring him fun and ultimate enjoyment.

The strong love of a Taurus man first comes from the sexual desire for the body. He loved making love with women as much as food and money. He is very pragmatic and has no interest in exploring ideals and beliefs that you cannot see or touch.

Taurus men like physical contact, and like to be gently touched, kissed, and hugged by women. If a woman masters the skill of touching, she will have a trick to defeat him. She can always turn this peaceful, stable, and reliable " "Bull" is trained like a wild bull running wild at a bullfighting festival! In front of a bull with sexual desire, you have a strong advantage. Don't be shy about your dreams. In the face of sexual temptation, he will always be a burning "desire" "Chariot."

The simple and reliable Taurus doesn't have too many playboys. Generally speaking, he is not a playboy who seeks mental stimulation, loves other things, and likes the new but dislikes the old. Usually he is a trustworthy lover. He also hopes that his lover will not develop "sexual disorders", otherwise that will be the biggest reason for him to cheat.

Taurus as a dad

A Taurus father will be a warm and caring father. He is very generous to children and will do everything possible to arrange their future. From about the time a child is two or three years old, preparations will be made for the child to enter a star primary school. Taurus attaches great importance to material things, and your partner should be careful that he will spoil his children in this regard. Of course, the other half of the Taurus must also teach the children to respect him as the head of the family, so that the parent-child relationship will always be harmonious. When the stubborn Taurus father loses his temper, his partner must remember to tell his children not to talk back.

Taurus Woman

Taurus Woman: Gentle and Submissive


Not only are you studious and knowledgeable, you are also very good at using your excellent mind. Gentleness and obedience are your most obvious personalities. You are very diligent and willing to work hard down-to-earth. But you are a bit negative. Although you are not very outstanding, your gentle and considerate character is very attractive.

You have strong beliefs, can resist hypocrisy and fraud, and hold noble beliefs. Because you are full of childlike innocence, you are very willing to pursue a fresh life. You are realistic and simple, stick to your duties, and work hard to open up a future. You are the type who expresses your true self.

Taurus is a female sign with an introverted personality: you are more inclined to the feminine side of women. You value feelings, are down-to-earth, and quite confident in yourself! And you are steady, peaceful, gentle, and not too reckless in doing things.

If you are determined to marry a Taurus woman, I will stand up and salute you - you are really so wise.

To be flattering, Taurus women should be the mainstay of society. Their temperaments are stable and gentle, and they are practical and hardworking in doing things. It is almost impossible for them to be a pampered young lady who likes to have a bad temper, let alone cry and be emotional. They are practical and know how to budget, so you can rest assured that she will never be a spendthrift young lady.

Another thing that many men will envy is that your Taurus woman is not jealous. She will not lose her temper just because you glance at a girl or say an extra compliment. Most of the time, she is really very generous. However, if you do whatever you want and make mistakes easily because of this, the consequences may be disastrous!

"Loyalty" should be regarded as the first requirement of an Ox woman's relationship. I have said that she will not be stingy about your every move, but you have to have a limit. She has a very high desire for emotional possession, so don't betray her. For many Taurus women, this is their law. The only death penalty in the law. You have to remember: Don’t be convinced that her temper is gentle and her temperament is stable! When you really offend her, you will deeply understand what a "thunder" fire is. I advise you not to try.

In fact, Taurus women are not only very possessive about love, but also have this tendency toward friendship. She was loyal and generous to her close friends, sometimes to the point of doting. But she will also demand absolute loyalty from her friends, otherwise she will be disappointed, angry, and sometimes even a little blind in her standards.

alright! Since you know that she has absolute requirements for "loyalty", you can rest assured that she will treat you absolutely faithfully! Your Taurus woman will never leave you when you encounter difficulties. She will be strong enough to accompany you through the difficulties. When faced with painful setbacks, Taurus women are often brave and admirable. They rarely look smart and capable, but they do have a perseverance.

How could you bring such a good wife and mother into your home without spending some time to bring her home? First of all, you must remember that the actual Taurus woman pursues real feelings. I'm not saying she's not romantic, in fact Taurus in love is both romantic and sexy. It’s just that you have to use the actual sensory enjoyment that can be seen, heard, smelled, and touched to guide her romantic temperament.

Don't go on a date with her smelling like garlic. If possible, brush your teeth to keep your breath fresh. Wear a color-coordinated outfit. Taurus girls under the guardianship of Venus attach great importance to beauty. The texture of clothing is also very important. She likes materials that feel good to the touch. You see, most Taurus girls always wear simple but comfortable clothes. They are almost less likely to choose clothes that are fashionable but look cheap. Therefore, you naturally don’t have to dress too “strikingly”!

If you have the chance, take her to a concert (of course, heavy rock is usually not a good fit for a Bull woman). Invite her to a delicious and elegant dinner. After dinner, take a walk under the moonlight. You will soon see a gentle and romantic heifer. Taurus women like nature very much, so it is also a very good suggestion to ask her to go for a walk in the countryside sometimes.

The methods provided above are naturally suitable for everyone. But the content of your conversation is more important. You don't have to brag in front of her about your prosperous career and promising future. Showing off is not the way to attract her. She would rather marry a wealthy and ideal small businessman than a nouveau riche who spends a lot of money. You should believe that she has the patience to accompany you down to earth and fight for your future. Also, you have to remember that it is best not to criticize her in front of outsiders. This feeling is a bit close to betrayal for her and can easily cause her to become angry and uneasy.

A Taurus woman may not be very interested in chatting with you about some illusory knowledge. She will be more interested in knowledge that is actually helpful in life. She doesn't like wasting time on "empty talk." So, please don’t always bother her with specious words, don’t say she is not “intellectual” enough. When you encounter problems in your life, you will find that she knows a lot!

If you insist on saying that Taurus women have any shortcomings, then it is just "slowness". It may not be appropriate to say that she moves slowly. It should be said that the Taurus woman is very insistent on the pace of what she does. Absolutely step by step. And she really doesn't like others rushing her. For example, when you ask her about the result of something, a Taurus will rarely tell you the result directly. She will habitually tell you the causes and consequences of what happened, step by step. If you are impatient, she will be upset and feel disrespected.

Taurus's way of doing things is actually quite buffering for this fast society. As long as you know how to respect her, I guarantee that the friends around you will envy you! After all, how lucky you are to have such a gentle and sensible girl! Also, your bank balance will rise quickly! "Saving money" is a special skill of Taurus women!

Taurus women and "sex"

Taurus women are relatively conservative in their sexual performance. But under the guardianship of Venus, she actually longs for romance in her heart. Most Taurus women have a high sex drive but are shy about taking the initiative. We will always fully cooperate with the other party's performance. She tends to like long-term flirting and sexual intercourse, has good endurance, and is not interested in hasty sex. If a Taurus woman is willing to boldly let the other person know her likes, dislikes, and needs, it will be helpful for a happy sex life.

Taurus woman and men of twelve zodiac signs

1. Aries: You may think he is a bit "stinky". You admire his drive for work, but his impatience makes you uneasy.

2. Taurus: This seems to be a guarantee for building a stable and happy family, but often when two people who are too similar get along, there will be a feeling of "not enough". .

3. Gemini: He is always fresh and interesting, but always gives you an unreliable feeling.

4. Cancer: He is gentle and gives you a "home" feeling, but you have to be considerate of his emotional ups and downs.

5. Leo: You may feel that his love is too bright to last, and the way he does things makes you a little worried.

6. Virgo: In all aspects, he is very reassuring to you. But the habit of being picky is a bit too much for people to bear.

7. Libra: He is also under the guardianship of Venus and has qualities that attract you. In front of him, you will turn into a little girl who loves to act coquettishly. This change makes you a little worried.

8. Scorpio: His fire-like and ice-like personality makes you a little scared, but his perseverance and persistent temperament make you admire him. Usually you would choose to keep your distance first, just to be safe.

9. Sagittarius: Your personalities are completely different. He is a typical person who makes you curious, surprised, and overwhelmed.

10. Capricorn: Although he is really not very interesting and may not be able to give you romantic love, he is an ideal and reliable partner in your mind.

11 Aquarius: You think his thinking is too erratic, but he may think you are too practical. You might as well learn from the other person's completely different temperament.

12. Pisces: He is always so gentle and considerate. The only thing that worries you is whether his ideas are too far from reality?

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