The Dog Chinese Zodiac: Complete Dog Horoscope

Name:   Dog
Year of Birth:   2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934, 1922, 1910
Earthly Branches of Birth Year:   Born in the Year of Xu
Five Elements Analysis:   Earth
Lucky Numbers:   3, 4, 9

The 0rigin of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Knowledge and Stories

The earliest record of the twelve zodiac animals comes from the ancient Chinese stem and branch chronology. In ancient China, in order to record time, people divided a day into 12 hours, and each hour was represented by a corresponding animal. Later, the ancients associated these 12 animals with the year, forming the 12 zodiac animals we know now.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important part of traditional Chinese culture and are also a concrete expression of Chinese cultural concepts such as the heavenly stems, earthly branches, yin and yang and the five elements. These twelve animals each have their own unique symbolic meanings and legends. They not only represent the understanding of time, the universe and life, but also reflect the understanding and imagination of nature and animals.

Each hour has a corresponding animal representative:

1. Rat 11 pm - 1 am (zǐ hour)
Rats like to come out in the dead of night, especially at midnight, so they are called "rats."

2. Ox 1 a.m.-3 a.m. (chǒu hour)
In ancient times, cattle were used to plow fields and do hard work, so every time it was ugly, farmers would get up to feed their cattle so that the cattle could work better, so they were called "ugly cattle".

3. Tiger 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. (yín hour)
The tiger is the king of beasts. It is ferocious in nature and likes to travel between day and night, so it is called the "Yin Tiger".

4. Rabbit: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. (mǎo hour)
When it's just dawn, rabbits like to go out to graze most at this time, so they are called "Mao Rabbits".

5. Dragon 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (chén hour)
It is when the fog comes, and it is said that dragons like to fly in the fog the most, so they are called "Chen Dragons".

6. Snake 9 a.m.-11 a.m. (sì hour)
When the sun is shining high in the sky, snakes like to come out and walk most at this time, so they are called "Si snakes".

7. Horse 11:00-1:00 noon (wǔ hour)
The sun is at its strongest when the scorching sun is in the sky, and the personality of our horses is the strongest, so we call it "noon horse".

8. Sheep 1pm-3pm (wèi hour)
When the sun gradually sets in the west, it is the best time to herd sheep, so it is called "Wei Sheep".

9. Monkey 3pm-5pm (shēn hour)
The sun has set, and this is the time when monkeys come out and play, so it is called "Shen Monkey".

10. Chicken 5pm-7pm (yǒu hour)
At this time, the sun sets over the hill and when it gets dark, all the chickens will go back to their coops, so they are called "unitary chickens".

11. Dog 7pm-9pm (xū hour)
In the dead of night, when people are quiet, this is the time when dogs make their last inspection before going to bed, so they are called "dogs."

12. Pig 9pm-11pm (hài hour)
At this time, pigs sleep the most soundly and deeply, so they are called "Hai pigs".

The 12 zodiac signs are not just a mark of time, they also contain rich wisdom. Through these animals, we can learn about many values ​​and philosophies of life in traditional Chinese culture. For example, Ox represents hard work and steadfastness, Dragon represents courage and courage, Monkey represents resourcefulness and flexibility, and Pig represents open-minded optimism...

Dog Personality, Love, Career

Dog Personality Traits

Character strengths:

1. Be upright, abide by the rules, and have a sense of responsibility.

2. Respect your bosses and elders, work seriously, and have a strong self-concept.

3. Lack of flexibility and expressiveness, so often lose many beautiful things and have a strong sense of defensiveness.

4. Both likes and dislikes are obvious. Once you show your true feelings, you will treat the other person wholeheartedly and kindly. You are straightforward and innocent in temperament. Most people get married early.

5. You will have good fortune in life and be helped by noble people. After middle age, chances of promotion are high. If you work hard to realize your potential, you will be an excellent supervisor.

6. Know how to get along with others.

Character flaws:

1. If you are emotionally unstable, you must exercise self-restraint and constantly absorb new knowledge and ways of dealing with the world.

2. Like to be nosy.

3. Stick to your point of view, be stubborn to the end, and never give up until you achieve your goal.

4. A bit mean and difficult to change opinions.

5. Easily irritable and angry.

6. Weak endurance.

The Secret of Love in the Dog Zodiac

Dog people are loyal to their duties, and their activity is eye-catching enough to arouse the favor of the opposite sex.

They are honest, never put on airs, like to share worries with others, know how to be considerate and care about others, and they will definitely be good friends of their husbands, wives, or children.

In their love life, they will not fall madly in love like people born in the year of Horse or Tiger, but they can silently cling to their loved ones and guard their families to give them care.

Dog Career

Suitable occupations are teaching, medical, and business.

People born under the sign of Dog are upright and responsible. I respect my superiors and elders and work seriously. He has a strong self-concept and a strong sense of defensiveness.

People born under the sign of Dog have good fortune and are easy to be supported by noble people. If they are proactive and work hard to realize their potential, they will have success in their careers. It's just that your emotions are not easy to stabilize, so you need to exercise self-restraint and actively learn how to deal with others.

Analysis of Compatibility and Conflict between Chinese Zodiac

Analysis of the Compatibility and Conflict of the Dog Zodiac

Clash Chinese zodiac for Dog: Ox, Dragon, Sheep, and Rooster

Highly compatible Chinese zodiac for Dog: Tiger, Rabbit, and Horse

Other Chinese zodiac animals belong to the moderately compatible

Analysis of Marriage Compatibility and Conflict for Dog

Dog women are best suitable for marriage: Rabbit, Snake, Pig, and Horse men

Dog men are best suitable for marriage: Rabbit, Snake, Tiger and Pig women

Dog women are not suitable for marriage: Dragon, Rat, and Dog men

Dog men are not suitable for marriage: Rat, Ox, Dragon and Sheep women

Dog Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Dog

Dogs: Dogs are considered "man's friends". They are loyal and brave, can protect the family and hunt, and symbolize good luck, peace, wealth and joy.

Taboo items: For people whose zodiac sign is dog, the opposite animal is dragon, so avoid wearing it in the shape of an animal like a dragon.

Dog's five elements belong to earth, and fire generates earth. Ruby, ruby tourmaline, hot pink spinel, fire opal, red coral and other fire attributes can make your career prosperous and everything goes well.

Lucky Flower of Dog

People born in the Year of the Dog are suitable for planting roses, white orchids, violets, etc.

These flowers have beautiful blooms and complex floral language that complement the gentle, loyal, and sensitive character of the Year of the Dog.

Lucky Colors for Dog

Lucky colors: yellow, blue, red

Taboo colors: white, gray

2024 Dog Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Dog

Entering 2024, it is the year of Tai Sui for people born in the Year of the Dog. Coupled with the intrusion of evil stars, the fortune for the whole year is not very optimistic.

You must become more positive and progressive. Don't always be content with the status quo. When you encounter difficulties, you must not shrink back or be afraid. You must become braver so that you can get your life back on track.

In 2024, affected by the evil star "Big Consumption", there will be a lot of money to spend, and it is likely to be unexpected money expenditures. Dog people must manage their money properly and deeply understand the importance of money. They must not spend money unscrupulously or as they please.

In addition, you must find ways to keep your job this year, do not leave your job blindly, and conscientiously complete the tasks assigned by your superiors, so as to ensure a stable amount of money in your account every month. After all, this is the year of Tai Sui, so you have to be careful in everything, especially take care of your health.

2024 Dog Career Horoscope

Dog people enter 2024, and their career fortune will change greatly due to the influence of the "Yima" star. This is a lucky star, and as long as you are willing to change, it will bring about good changes.

Dog people should not be content with the status quo and don't always cling to the job in front of them. This will make their workplace situation more and more difficult.

In 2024, there may be huge changes within the company, and there will be fierce conflicts between major interest groups. Dog people must not join forces at will, nor clearly express their support for a certain interest group. Instead, you should be low-key and restrained, complete the tasks at hand seriously, and don't get involved in messy things, so as not to be fired or excluded.

There will be a lot of business trips this year. They may go abroad or to other cities. You must be mentally prepared in advance. If you are going to a place with a harsh natural environment, it is best to purchase relevant items or medicines in advance to avoid feeling uncomfortable when you arrive in a new place.

2024 Dog Wealth Horoscope

Entering 2024, money will be affected by the evil star "Big Consumption". Dog people may encounter unexpected financial losses anytime and anywhere.

Do not leave large amounts of cash or valuables at home. Before going out, be sure to carefully check whether the doors and windows are closed and locked, so as not to give thieves any opportunity to take advantage. When you go out, don't carry a large amount of cash with you, and don't wear all kinds of expensive gold jewelry. Doing so will make you a terrible target and be targeted by thieves.

Be sure to find ways to keep your job this year and don't leave your job blindly. When it comes to making money, don't entertain the idea of getting rich overnight, don't do anything you're not sure about, and don't impulsively seek job opportunities elsewhere, as this may lead to serious financial losses.

There is no need to buy too many lottery tickets in 2024, because all the money spent is basically wasted, and there is no way to get unexpected surprises.

2024 Dog Love Horoscope

Entering 2024, due to the existence of the evil star "Sui Po", people born in the Year of the Dog may encounter many emotional ups and downs and obstacles. It is particularly difficult to achieve a happy and sweet love and marriage life.

For single friends, although there are relatives and friends around to help introduce partners, most of them are not high-quality romantic partners. The two people do not have the same chat topics, and they are not very interested in each other. In the end, they will settle down.

If you are friends with a partner, the two people will gradually become estranged due to various problems, including betrothal gifts and dowry, as well as how many children they will have in the future. These practical reasons will make the two people unable to go on together in the end and may choose to break up peacefully.

Married friends will have many problems within their families. In terms of children's education, support for the elderly, and daily expenses of family life, the couple may be frugal and may even fight directly. This will make the Dog people very sad and sad, and they will also be completely disappointed in their family life and unable to continue walking hand in hand with their partners.

2024 Dog Healthy Horoscope

In terms of health, in 2024, affected by the evil star "Heaven Crying", people born in the Year of the Dog often feel sad and depressed emotionally, and they are often depressed, uncomfortable, irritable, etc. If there is no way to get timely diagnosis and treatment, the condition is likely to worsen, and eventually more serious psychological or mental illness will occur.

This will be particularly painful for Dog people, and in the end they will have many terrible physical symptoms. Although the overall fortune in 2024 is not ideal, Dog people should maintain a positive and optimistic attitude to make themselves happier and not worry about too many messy things. When you are feeling down and uncomfortable, don't be depressed alone. Instead, you should promptly talk to your family and friends about the bad emotions deep in your heart. This will make you feel better.

In addition, this year, Dog people should not stay at home all the time, but should take time to go out and walk around more. However, you should not travel too far away. It is best to travel in the suburbs, otherwise unexpected accidents may occur during the long journey.

Dog people who have the habit of driving should pay attention to driving safety and abide by traffic rules.

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