The Rat Chinese Zodiac: Complete Rat Horoscope

Name:   Rat
Year of Birth:   2020, 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924, 1912
Earthly Branches of Birth Year:   Born in the Year of Zi
Five Elements Analysis:   Water
Lucky Numbers:   2, 3
Unlucky Numbers:   5, 9

The 0rigin of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Knowledge and Stories

The earliest record of the twelve zodiac animals comes from the ancient Chinese stem and branch chronology. In ancient China, in order to record time, people divided a day into 12 hours, and each hour was represented by a corresponding animal. Later, the ancients associated these 12 animals with the year, forming the 12 zodiac animals we know now.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important part of traditional Chinese culture and are also a concrete expression of Chinese cultural concepts such as the heavenly stems, earthly branches, yin and yang and the five elements. These twelve animals each have their own unique symbolic meanings and legends. They not only represent the understanding of time, the universe and life, but also reflect the understanding and imagination of nature and animals.

Each hour has a corresponding animal representative:

1. Rat 11 pm - 1 am (zǐ hour)
Rats like to come out in the dead of night, especially at midnight, so they are called "rats."

2. Ox 1 a.m.-3 a.m. (chǒu hour)
In ancient times, cattle were used to plow fields and do hard work, so every time it was ugly, farmers would get up to feed their cattle so that the cattle could work better, so they were called "ugly cattle".

3. Tiger 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. (yín hour)
The tiger is the king of beasts. It is ferocious in nature and likes to travel between day and night, so it is called the "Yin Tiger".

4. Rabbit: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. (mǎo hour)
When it's just dawn, rabbits like to go out to graze most at this time, so they are called "Mao Rabbits".

5. Dragon 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (chén hour)
It is when the fog comes, and it is said that dragons like to fly in the fog the most, so they are called "Chen Dragons".

6. Snake 9 a.m.-11 a.m. (sì hour)
When the sun is shining high in the sky, snakes like to come out and walk most at this time, so they are called "Si snakes".

7. Horse 11:00-1:00 noon (wǔ hour)
The sun is at its strongest when the scorching sun is in the sky, and the personality of our horses is the strongest, so we call it "noon horse".

8. Sheep 1pm-3pm (wèi hour)
When the sun gradually sets in the west, it is the best time to herd sheep, so it is called "Wei Sheep".

9. Monkey 3pm-5pm (shēn hour)
The sun has set, and this is the time when monkeys come out and play, so it is called "Shen Monkey".

10. Chicken 5pm-7pm (yǒu hour)
At this time, the sun sets over the hill and when it gets dark, all the chickens will go back to their coops, so they are called "unitary chickens".

11. Dog 7pm-9pm (xū hour)
In the dead of night, when people are quiet, this is the time when dogs make their last inspection before going to bed, so they are called "dogs."

12. Pig 9pm-11pm (hài hour)
At this time, pigs sleep the most soundly and deeply, so they are called "Hai pigs".

The 12 zodiac signs are not just a mark of time, they also contain rich wisdom. Through these animals, we can learn about many values ​​and philosophies of life in traditional Chinese culture. For example, Ox represents hard work and steadfastness, Dragon represents courage and courage, Monkey represents resourcefulness and flexibility, and Pig represents open-minded optimism...

Rat Personality, Love, Career

Rat Personality Traits

Character strengths:

1. Pay attention to feelings, have great ambitions, be good at managing money, be smart, energetic, meticulous, good at social interaction, and humorous.

2. Witty, full of ideas, and considerate.

3. Popular and attractive.

4. Versatile.

5. Women especially like to be clean and will keep housework in an orderly manner.

6. Smart and well-behaved, with an optimistic personality that learns everything.

7. A more active and changeable personality with a strong desire for profit.

8. Full of imagination, good at taking advantage of opportunities, lively and lovable.

9. He has a keen sense of omnipotence and is good at multi-faceted management.

10. Strong curiosity, want to quickly get involved in anything, and can handle it skillfully.

Character flaws:

1. Lack of courage to do things.

2. Have the character of being stubborn and stubborn, and have the shortcoming of acting recklessly.

3. Have the habit of going to bed late.

4. Kind nature but somewhat rude attitude.

5. Have a selfish egotistic personality.

6. Good at opportunism, picky, and not ambitious enough.

The Secret of Love in the Rat Zodiac

They pay attention to the taste of life, are talented, smart and careful, and are surrounded by people, so they are often considered to have constant love affairs and unfocused love. In fact, this is because they want to pursue a lifelong partner, but are too busy in the pursuit process.

People born in the Year of the Rat, especially women, tend to be strong, careful, and good at sociability. They are clean by nature, strict in doing things, and keep their houses in order. They are typical good wives and mothers. Men are mostly active outside and give full play to their roles. effect.

Rat Career

Suitable for artists, doctors, writers, and even Yi scholars.

People born under the sign of Rat have a frank and gentle attitude towards things. But they are prone to vanity, and their luck will be hindered or even failed because of affairs with the opposite sex.

But his carefulness will give him considerable potential in career development. Although there will be setbacks along the way, if you know how to save and get rich, you will be able to live a stable life.

Just be careful not to be overconfident, as things often happen that you regret later.

Analysis of Compatibility and Conflict between Chinese Zodiac

Analysis of the Compatibility and Conflict of the Rat Zodiac


Clash Chinese zodiac for Rat: Sheep, Horse, Rabbit, Rooster.

Highly compatible Chinese zodiac for Rat: Dragon, Monkey, Ox.

Other Chinese zodiac animals belong to the moderately compatible

Analysis of Marriage Compatibility and Conflict for Rat

Rat women are best suitable for marriage: Ox, Sheep, Rabbit, Pig, and Dragon men.

Rat men are best suitable for marriage: Monkey, Rabbit, and Dragon women.

Rat women are not suitable for marriage: horses, snakes, and dogs men.

Rat men are not suitable for marriage: snake, dog, horse or sheep women.

Rat Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Rat

Rat: Often also known as the "money rat", it is flexible, clever and clever. In jade, the rat symbolizes wealth and wealth.

Taboo items: People whose zodiac sign is rat will have a conflict with the horse, so they should avoid this kind of animal shape when wearing it.

Rats who are born in the water zodiac are suitable for wearing pearls. Pearl is also an organic treasure that comes from water. Using the water of pearls to replenish the water of the five elements is a very clever way to improve luck. The meaning is not clingy or vulgar. Buddhism believes that it can avoid evil and ensure peace. Wearing it for a long time will bring you happiness and wisdom, and bring you closer to nature.

Lucky Flower of Rat

People born in the Year of the Rat are suitable for planting honeysuckle, marigolds, sage, etc.

These flowers bloom in the winter when metals are abundant and the haze climate is more common. They can symbolize harvest and tranquility, allowing people to see life even in the cold season. Choosing something that suits you can bring you good luck.

Lucky Colors for Rat

Lucky colors: red, yellow, blue

Taboo colors: white, green

2024 Rat Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Rat

Entering 2024, it is the year of Tai Sui for people born in the Year of the Rat. There will be many surprises around them this year, which will only make their lives more joyful.

As we all know, in daily life and work, Rat people themselves are very motivated and hard-working types. Once you can get the blessing of good luck, you will definitely be able to give full play to your own advantages and abilities, perform better than others, make a lot of money, and benefit your relatives and friends around you.

However, people born in the Year of the Rat need to be reminded that although they have good fortune, they still need to pay attention to the balance between work and rest, and do not work too hard to study or make money. Otherwise, once the body is exhausted, the gains will not be worth the losses.

While working hard, you should also spend more time with your family and friends, and enjoy more wonderful family love and friendship. Only in this way can your life be rich and exciting.

2024 Rat Career Horoscope

In terms of career, people born in the Year of the Rat can get help from the auspicious star "Huagai" in 2024, and they will perform very well in the workplace.

No matter what happens, they will show their strong ability and courage, win big customers and big orders for the company, and inject a steady stream of energy and vitality into the company's development. In this way, you can naturally get the attention of the big boss, and your position and salary will change greatly in a short period of time, and all in a good direction.

However, it needs to be reminded that while working hard this year, Rat people should also pay attention to maintaining relationships with colleagues, be good at adapting, and pay attention to restraining bad tempers.

When contacting and getting along with others, you should be reserved and don't say anything out loud. This will easily expose your personal weaknesses and allow others to take advantage of you. It may cause irreparable losses to future development. Even if you particularly hate a person, don't show it directly, especially in the workplace. This is a taboo.

2024 Rat Wealth Horoscope

In terms of money, people born in the Year of the Rat will receive the help of the "Three" auspicious stars in 2024, and their salary income will be particularly generous, especially compared with previous years, it will show a straight upward trend.

However, Rat people need to be reminded that even if their salary income is the highest in the company, they should be low-key and restrained, and never tell their colleagues about their salary receipts at will. Otherwise, it may arouse the jealousy and dissatisfaction of others, and some people may deliberately spread rumors secretly, which may even affect their career development, and they may be collectively excluded by everyone.

In terms of partial wealth this year, people born under the Year of the Rat may receive unexpected wealth at any time. They should maintain a calm and calm mind and never make a fuss or be overjoyed. Excessive emotional ups and downs may affect the stability of personal finances and cause huge damage to health.

In terms of spending, since you have the ability to make a lot of money, don't wrong yourself too much, and be willing to spend money to improve your quality of life.

2024 Rat Love Horoscope

Entering 2024, Rat people can get many unexpected surprises in their love life.

Single friends must become more confident and brave. If you meet the person of the opposite sex you like, you must proactively express your love. Don't miss out on a high-quality peach blossom. Only by becoming more proactive can more stories happen between two people. If you bury your love deep in your heart, you may miss a wonderful marriage.

Friends who are in love with each other can develop their relationship further this year, and they may also consider where to buy a house in the future, how many children to have after marriage, etc. Two people may also choose to get engaged or get married because of the urging of their parents.

For married friends, although their marriage life is stable enough, they need to beware of the intrusion of the "Five Ghosts" evil stars. No matter what happens, no matter whether it is good or bad, you should inform your partner in time and never hide anything, otherwise there will be a lot of suspicion and estrangement between each other.

2024 Rat Healthy Horoscope

In terms of health, entering 2024, the physical condition of rat people is still quite good. You should maintain a relaxed and happy mood. There is no need to be afraid of non-existent diseases. Even if you are uncomfortable in your body, it is not a serious problem. As long as you can go to the hospital in time to get medicine, you can recover quickly.

Since the overall fortune throughout the year is particularly strong, people born in the Year of the Rat are in good spirits. As the saying goes, people feel refreshed during happy events, so there is no need to worry about psychological or mental illness.

However, it needs to be reminded that due to the existence of the evil star "Beatou", people born under the Year of the Rat must pay more attention to their parents or other elders in the family this year. It is best to take them for a comprehensive physical examination. Only in this way can we understand the physical condition in time, otherwise some difficult-to-treat diseases may occur.

In 2024, people born in the Year of the Rat must also deeply understand the importance of health. They should not sit or lie down all the time. They should insist on doing more physical exercises every day, so that their physical fitness can become stronger and stronger. Rat people who have the habit of driving should pay attention to driving safety and abide by traffic rules.

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