The Cancer Zodiac Sign: Complete Cancer Horoscope

Name:   Cancer
Date:   June 21 - July 22
Symbol:   Two crab claws
House Ruled:   Fourth house
Attributes:   Water sign
Ruler:   Moon
Characteristics:   Feel
Key Words:   Sensitive
Representative:   Leader
Greatest Compatibility:   Capricorn, Taurus
Color:   White
Lucky Numbers:   2, 3, 15, 20
Day:   Monday, Thursday

Cancer Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Cancer Personality Traits

Cancer has strong self-control, honesty and loyalty. The man will be a good family man and the woman will be a model wife. Harmonious interpersonal relationships, no disputes, and strong adaptability to the environment. When achieving a certain goal, you will act flexibly based on the reactions and ideas of others and work hard to achieve appropriate results. Unable to clearly distinguish between oneself and others, and will be as responsible for other people's things or items as one's own.

1. Cancer: A home-loving type who will sacrifice for his lover

You can say that he is a typical home-loving person, with the instinct to sacrifice everything for his lover and take care of him wholeheartedly. Therefore, you must find someone who can satisfy your desire to be passionate and honest with only you. You also like skin-to-skin contact and a close relationship with him. Sexy charm is also an important condition for him.

2. Cancer: sentimental

Cancer people are sentimental by nature, prone to melancholy and daydreaming. They often dwell on the good old days in the past and tend to live in the past (this character will be strengthened when Mercury is in Cancer). Cancer is an indecisive zodiac sign. He is a very home-loving person. He is too gentle, which makes people think he is a bit feminine. He will think about a small thing for a long time.

3. Cancer: No opinion

People have grown up after experiencing one or another of these things, and there is often a big gap between their appearance and their true self. It’s just because of their different personal experiences. But it is estimated that without this shortcoming, it will be difficult for Cancers to grow. There is no unique mature point of view, so as long as you are mature and persuasive, no matter how perverted the strong crab is, you still can't convince yourself to accept this point of view. Opinions change day by day, and it is not only the people who care about Cancer who are annoyed, but the Cancers themselves who are most annoyed. They are all people with a strong sense of reminiscence, and they are still thinking about a thing over and over again years later. Every time they think about something, their views are probably different from before. Once they think they have done something wrong, sensitive Cancers will be entangled in such mistakes and unable to raise their heads, because they are people who like to get into trouble. Therefore, another major attraction of Cancer is that they regret it all day long.

4. Cancer: Pretentious decency

Cancer likes to take care of people and help people, and especially likes to pass on perceptual wisdom as a person who has been through it; but please remember, you must say thank you, he does not mind helping you and giving and loving, but he very much cares if you are ungrateful. Since he helps you but doesn't feel anything, then... he has no choice but to test whether you respond to him by scolding you. The emotional image of Cancer has earned him a bad reputation.

5. Cancer: Childish

Cancers are super insecure. If they are in a good mood, they will ask directly. If they are in a bad mood, they will test in a roundabout way, and they will also go around and say that you really don’t know what you did wrong to make them cry to the point of breaking their heart. Cancers with so many landmines often make people feel overwhelmed and don’t understand why. Turning over is like turning over a book. One moment it was sunny, and the next moment it was covered with dark clouds. It was just thunder and wind, but it would only make you sweat profusely if it didn't rain!

6. Cancer: self-deception

If a Cancer woman likes a person, she will treat him as one of her relatives. They clearly know that the other person has shortcomings and weaknesses or that they are not suitable for them, but they are unwilling to admit that their feelings are wrong. Instead, they blindly tolerate the other person, excuse and cover up the other person, and speak for the other person. In the end, it is you who will suffer as a result of such self-deception.

7. Cancer: Not good at expressing emotions

The biggest shortcoming of Cancer is that it is too introverted and lacks interest, which is the biggest taboo in love. Love is born from passion. Everyone hopes that their love will be like a fire. No matter whether they can get together in the future, they all hope that the love will be vigorous and the best memory in their lives in the future. Because of strong self-esteem, anything goes wrong. I like to hide things in my heart, giving my girlfriend the illusion of distrust.

8. Cancer: Introverted, shy

Cancer people are relatively introverted and shy. Although they often express themselves in a very superficial and exaggerated way, basically they lack self-confidence and are not very able to adapt to new environments. Although they are very interested in new things, they are actually very traditional and nostalgic, and they seem to have a dual personality. If you look at it from another angle, they are just very sensitive to emotions!

9. Cancer: maternal feelings

Cancer is the most maternal of the twelve signs, and the same goes for men. He is kind, considerate, tolerant and does not hold grudges, and is very loyal to his family and good friends. He has a good memory, a strong thirst for knowledge, strong obedience, and a rich imagination.

10. Cancer: Emotional

It is a well-known fact that Cancer is emotional, but some people will say that everyone has emotions, but the emotional changes of Cancer are really incomprehensible to non-Cancer people, and their emotions change faster than the sky changes. When he changes his face, he may be very happy one second, but he may fall out the next second. You can never guess what his next expression will be, but you can still find it if you observe carefully. Because there are reasons for Cancer's emotional changes, they are not so neurotic that they can change their emotions without any reason.

A message for Cancer men: For you, cherishing the yarn ball given by your childhood sweetheart does not mean that you cannot forget her, but that you just want to preserve the toys of childhood.

Words dedicated to Cancer women: In a helpless moment, you hope to have a warrior to defend you, but be careful that he will coax you or lie to you.

Love between Cancer and the 12 Zodiac Signs

Cancers are often criticized for being both principled and unprincipled. They know what they like when it comes to relationships, but they will not directly reject their rejecters. The feeling of indifference will make the pursuers unbearable, but once they fall in love Will give wholeheartedly.

1. Love between Cancer and Aries

When the self-centered Aries meets the family-centered Cancer, their personalities and attitudes are completely opposite. However, Cancer’s natural maternal brilliance makes the childish Aries particularly dependent. Cancer also likes Aries' innocence and straightforwardness. If they don't mind that Aries is not attentive enough, there won't be much problem between the two of them getting along. It's just that the sensitive Cancer also needs people to understand and care for it, so it's difficult for Aries to meet its standards.

2. Love between Cancer and Taurus

Cancer, who lacks a sense of security, appreciates Taurus' stability and self-confidence. Once they are determined, they are unlikely to change. Taurus also likes Cancer's gentleness and thoughtfulness. Carefulness and love can always take good care of Taurus. Both of them pursue stability, value family, and have the same values, so they are a quick match. However, both of them are sensitive types, so they need to be honest with each other to resolve unnecessary misunderstandings.

3. Love between Cancer and Gemini

The changeable Gemini meets the emotional Cancer, one is rational and the other is emotional. Although the two have different personalities, Gemini, who talks and laughs happily, can always easily touch Cancer's heart and create ripples. The gentle and considerate Cancer always tolerates and dotes on the casual Gemini, and makes Gemini rely on this sense of security. Two simple people are simply together and sincere to each other, so there is no big problem.

4. Love between Cancer and Cancer

Because the two Cancers have the same characteristics, they can take care of each other and rely on each other. They are also both introverted, hiding their feelings in their hearts and not showing them easily. They have a strong desire for family and are very loyal to their marriage, so they are a very stable combination. You are both very sensitive and emotional, and can easily get into conflicts over small things, so you need to learn not to be disturbed by each other's emotions.

5. Love between Cancer and Leo

The bold and generous Leo will like Cancer's thoughtfulness and obedience, but it is somewhat unable to withstand Cancer's emotionality. Cancer will like Leo's optimistic and bright temperament very much, but will also feel burdened by Leo's expressive personality. Although they are fundamentally different, both of them are very traditional and family-oriented. , a combination of strength and softness can make a very good couple.

6. Love between Cancer and Virgo

Without careful consideration, it is difficult for Virgos to enter a relationship. They do not like to act casually, and the gentle Cancer can give Virgos just this kind of feeling, which is warm and lasting. Both of them understand each other well and can easily rely on each other. Cancer may feel that Virgo, who is rational by nature, is not romantic enough, but security is the most important thing. If we can communicate more, the problem will naturally be solved.

7. Love between Cancer and Libra

The passionate Cancer is always easily infatuated with the elegant Libra, and Libra can easily gain more creativity from Cancer's rich love and sensitive emotions. Romance is the source of two people being together, and hesitation is also the root of delay for two people. The autistic Cancer and the passive Libra are like two people playing hide and seek, always advancing and retreating. Since neither of them likes to take the initiative, there is naturally a lack of interaction.

8. Love between Cancer and Scorpio

The love between Scorpio and Cancer can be described as a rare and enviable myth. They are a very dedicated combination. Cancer's wholehearted love will be trusted by the possessive Scorpio. And Scorpio's enthusiasm can always satisfy Cancer's inner sense of security and fill up their inner uneasiness. The two cherish each other and their feelings are getting deeper and deeper. However, Cancer's lack of expression and Scorpio's hot and cold temperament will be big obstacles on the road to love.

9. Love between Cancer and Sagittarius

The sensitive Cancer is like a rock on the outside and soft water on the inside, while the straightforward Sagittarius is always carefree and free and unfettered. When these two people with completely different personalities meet, it's like a scholar meets a soldier, which makes sense. Cancer may be entangled in this relationship in various ways, but Sagittarius is completely unaware of it. In this way, Cancer can only whet Sagittarius's appetite while maintaining a smile and mystery. It will be difficult for curious Sagittarius not to be attracted.

10. Love between Cancer and Capricorn

Neither of these two people know how to play tricks. They both regard the future as their responsibility and have a strong sense of responsibility. They are a rare stable and solid combination. Capricorn's strong willpower always convinces Cancer, and Capricorn will also be impressed by Cancer's understanding and affinity. Calm Capricorn can always control Cancer's mood, so it would be great if Capricorn could come up with some sweet words to spice things up when they get along.

11. Love between Cancer and Aquarius

The calm and rational Aquarius can easily make the dependent Cancer feel decisive and full of leadership, leading to a feeling of admiration. The two have completely different personalities, but they can create sparks of passion. Although they are not favored by the outside world, they are a very mysteriously attractive couple. Aquarius always influences Cancer as the leader. , if you can try to learn some sensibility from Cancer, it will be more harmonious.

12. Love between Cancer and Pisces

Pisces and Cancer are always rated as the most romantic combination, and they can definitely make a romantic literary film. One is filled with the brilliance of motherly love, and the other desperately needs to be loved. Cancer's wholehearted dedication will make Pisces feel particularly warm, and Pisces' sacrifice and devotion also make Cancer particularly touched. Both parties have no sense of security, so they will work harder to maintain the relationship. . Beautifully and romantically envy others.

Cancer Career

Cancer people are full of compassion and love, and they are excellent team players and listeners. Cancer people are suitable for working in fields such as medical care, education and social work. They are attentive to the needs of others and have a strong interest in people's well-being. Cancer people are suitable for careers such as doctors, nurses, teachers, social workers or child psychologists.

Requires attention

Carrying emotional debt can be overwhelming

Cancers are extremely sensitive and sometimes tend to misinterpret other people's meanings, which often leads to many misunderstandings at work. Cancers must learn not to "reject others from thousands of miles away". When having disputes with others, they should be sincere in communicating with others. Even if the plan and idea you propose does not win the support of others, don't take it to heart all the time.

If Cancer is injured, it will be sad for a long time. Your emotions are always relatively unstable, and your self-confidence is somewhat insufficient. As soon as you have a dispute with someone, no matter who is right or wrong, your emotions will fall into an unsafe state. When faced with whether to fight back against the other party, sometimes you will either choose to "keep things quiet" or "turn your back and be ruthless".

Key points to review: Conflict is the main reason why you lose opportunities. Please stop keeping your worries in your heart and open your mind.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Cancer

Strengths that Cancer should have

Sincere and deep emotions
Rich imagination
Nostalgia for the past, emphasis on friendship
keen intuition
Know how to be considerate and caring
Friendly and warm

Weaknesses he or she may have

Follow your emotions
Can't lift it up and can't let it go
Too sentimental
Not knowing when enough is enough
lack of rational thinking
Can't stand the blow
Talk in a roundabout way, not directly
Overprotect oneself
Indulging in the past and unable to face the facts
Too soft-hearted

Cancer Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Cancer

For gentle and considerate Cancers, they are more suitable to wear jewelry that symbolizes family and affection, such as pearls or moonstones. These accessories will give them more soft and warm feelings.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Cancer

Cancer is the home builder, and Earth's satellite, the Moon, is its ruler. An explosive sensitivity to protect and care makes them emotional, delicate and affectionate.

Cancer is responsible for summer flowers. In the name of moonlight, it is especially related to white flowers, but also to flowers that are sensitive to moonlight such as primroses and night-blooming epiphyllums.

Representative flowers of Cancer: lilies, magnolias, jasmine and white roses.

Wealth-lucking plant: "Lucky Bamboo". Cancer people don't know the secret of making money, and their attitude towards money is relatively conservative, so their wealth grows very slowly, and it is not easy to get rich. You can put a few lucky bamboo branches on the refrigerator (must be an odd number), which can help you gain wealth faster and make money faster.

The Representative Animal of Cancer


For Cancer, the unbridled crab claws can withstand everything, and the most important thing is that it can bring infinite security to the crabs. Although the only thing to note is that Cancer is actually like a crab. Under the strong shell is a soft heart, and it is the fragile heart that hurts the most.

Lucky Colors for Cancer


The lucky color of Cancer is gentle sky blue, which gives people a sense of intimacy.

2024 Cancer Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Cancer

For Cancer in 2024, although it will be affected by evil stars, it will also be blessed by auspicious stars. The overall fortune is still good, and good development is expected in all aspects.

However, these results are not easy to come by. You need to put in a lot of hard work and cannot have the mentality of getting something for nothing. Those Cancers who want easy rewards should abandon this idea, because only by putting in the effort can you truly achieve the desired results.

Especially at work, Cancers need to take the problems they encounter seriously. When your leader assigns tasks, you should be proactive, show an optimistic and positive attitude, and avoid negative emotions. Because once you are in a low mood, you can easily be misunderstood and you may miss some development opportunities. Only by facing work with an optimistic attitude can we win the attention and favor of leaders and lay a solid foundation for career development.

In 2024, Cancers can set some small goals for themselves, but they cannot be greedy and ambitious, let alone blindly set them. Otherwise, if the goal cannot be achieved, disappointment will occur, which will affect the progress of the work. Therefore, Cancer needs to set goals carefully, plan rationally, and achieve them step by step to avoid unnecessary pressure and frustration.

In addition, in terms of relationships, Cancer will encounter some twists and turns, often caused by poor expression or lack of communication. Therefore, you must pay attention to emotional management. If you want your relationship to have a happy ending, you need to manage it carefully and pay attention to expression and communication. Maintaining openness and warmth in relationships can promote the stability and further development of relationships.

2024 Cancer Career Horoscope

Cancer is about to enter 2024, and you will find it difficult to face some challenges at work. The company's overall development may face some problems and even layoffs. Although Cancer themselves are not on the layoff list, due to the reduction of employees, you have to take on more work tasks and the work pressure will increase.

However, in this process, Cancer will use their own efforts to show their own value. You can stand alone and perform well at work. This high-pressure work state will make Cancer physically and mentally exhausted, and is often accompanied by negative emotions.

However, in this case, Cancer must adjust his mentality in time. Overly passive behavior may cause dissatisfaction from the leader and even resentment from others. Therefore, Cancer must learn to face difficulties with a positive attitude, not only to win the recognition and favor of the leader, but also to lay a solid foundation for future career development.

For those Cancers who start their own businesses, 2024 will be a golden period for career development. You will reach new heights, however, this also means that your work will become busier. Especially around August, Cancer will make many noble friends. The appearance of these noble people will bring work inspiration to Cancer and may even promote the expansion of business scale, but it also means a busier life.

At this stage, Cancer should consider sharing the pressure and tasks, either by recruiting a capable subordinate or by seeking help from a reliable friend. However, you need to provide appropriate compensation in order to be taken seriously by others.

2024 Cancer Wealth Horoscope

Cancer is about to enter 2024, and your wealth fortune will remain relatively stable. Although income has increased relative to the past, these gains have been achieved through hard work and effort.

Cancer understands that acquiring wealth is not easy. You know that only by putting in hard work and sweat can you get the rewards you deserve. Just because making money is not easy, Cancer must be cautious when facing money problems. You should be more restrained in consumption and try to avoid unnecessary expenses. If conditions permit, you can choose to eat at home and reduce the chance of eating out, which will play a certain role in saving money.

In addition, in 2024, Cancer can try some investment and financial management activities. Especially for those who don’t know much about this aspect, you can read more relevant information or consult professionals to get more returns through financial management.

However, at the beginning, Cancer should start cautiously and invest only a small part of their savings to test the waters. There are risks behind financial management, and a little carelessness may lead to huge losses, so a sound investment strategy is crucial.

It should be noted that due to the influence of Mercury retrograde, Cancer may face some financial challenges and may even lose money. Therefore, you should take good care of your personal belongings in daily life and do not carry too many valuables, such as cash and jewelry, to avoid unnecessary attention and losses.

In addition, Cancers should also be cautious in financial dealings with others in 2024, especially when someone borrows money from them, they should consider carefully and refuse appropriately. Because borrowing money at will may lead to non-repayment by the other party.

2024 Cancer Love Horoscope

In 2024, Cancer will face some emotional challenges, not as ideal as expected. Especially for single Cancers, although there will be friends and relatives around to help introduce a partner, the quality is not satisfactory, and it is difficult to meet someone who truly makes you excited.

Although your romantic luck is relatively strong this year and you may meet many destined friends of the opposite sex during your travels, your romance will only be short-lived and you will soon part ways due to various reasons. For Cancer, you need to be more cautious when facing emotional problems, and don't fall in love blindly just to get rid of being single. Being too eager will only hinder the development of feelings and even lead to disputes.

In 2024, married Cancers may face conflicts and quarrels with their partners. Although the problem is not too big, as long as you can control your emotions, increase your investment in the relationship, and use your free time to travel and date with your partner, you can deepen the relationship, resist the temptation of the outside world, and avoid negative effects on the relationship.

Cancers in love may consider marriage at this stage. However, marriage is a complicated matter that involves various issues between the two families. Therefore, it is necessary to fully communicate on many issues and think more from the other party's perspective. Don't be stubborn, especially on important matters, and make appropriate compromises. Otherwise, it will easily lead to conflicts and become a huge obstacle to the development of relationships, causing the person who originally planned to get married to have the idea of shrinking back.

2024 Cancer Academic Progress Horoscope

Entering 2024, Cancer will show surprising performance in learning. You can find a learning method that suits you, thereby improving learning efficiency and achieving twice the result with half the effort.

Cancers show great enthusiasm in learning, can get rid of distracting thoughts, leave things irrelevant to learning behind, and devote themselves wholeheartedly to learning. Therefore, your results are also very stable.

However, for those Cancers who have been lingering downstream, don't be too discouraged. 2024 is an excellent time for you to check for leaks and fill them. You can start with basic knowledge points, gradually clarify the basic knowledge, and then go into in-depth understanding of those relatively difficult knowledge points, step by step. Only by following the steps can you steadily improve your performance.

In addition, during the learning process, Cancers should actively ask the teacher for advice and solve the knowledge points they do not understand in a timely manner. Don't be lazy, let alone take chances. Only by firmly grasping the knowledge learned in class can we ensure stable improvement in performance. If conditions permit, you can ask your parents to hire a tutor for one-on-one tutoring, which can quickly improve your grades.

Cancer Man

Cancer Man: Shy and Reserved



Cancer men are gentle and personable. When you meet him for the first time, you feel amiable and you feel no pressure when you are with him. Over time, you will find that he is eloquent and has his unique humor. But his emotions would come out to cause trouble from time to time, making him insecure.

Personalized tags:

1. A good family man: Cancer men who put family first are good at cooking and cleaning the whole house. They make you feel relaxed when you get home.

2. Aura of father's love: For Cancer men, their happiness comes from their families, so their happiness lies in their children. Cancer men will give all their father's love to their children and build a happy paradise for them.

3. Seriousness: Steady and low-key, with a serious attitude toward career and life. Sometimes he is considered boring.

How to get along with a Cancer man

Cancer men are insecure and very sensitive. Many times he will want to protect himself. What you need is to give him a sense of security. He is very worried about being rejected, so when you want to shirk him, try to be tactful, otherwise you may Will hurt him.

The Cancer man has a strong self-esteem and cares about what others think of him. He needs your care and patience. He is very sensitive. Your unintentional words may scare the Crab into hiding in his shell.

Remember, gentleness is the first rule of communication. As your relationship develops further, his uneasiness will drive him to test you, and he hopes to be in a safe environment.

Don't throw away his belongings. The Cancer man is a collector. He is very nostalgic, and recalling the past is one of his hobbies.

Cancer men and "sex"

Their gentle nature prevents them from being rough when it comes to sex. They are always shy. If you want excitement, you should take the dominant position.

Cancer man becomes a father

His care is meticulous and the children can feel that they are well protected.

He is more patient with his children than you are, so that when the children are able to become independent, he still cannot accept the fact, because he does everything in detail. You need to inoculate him well to prevent the children from becoming impatient because of his good intentions. In the end He is the one who is hurt, and then let him understand that you will always be with him.

Cancer boys are reticent and reserved in their speech. They are by no means the kind of frivolous, impetuous, and nagging people.

They are distrustful of strangers, insecure, and usually have a bit of an Oedipal complex.

They are family-loving people, not good at talking but kind and gentle, and occasionally sentimental, which may make you feel depressed and want to comfort this lost man.

Of course, this is a Cancer man who cares about his family.

Cancer Woman

Cancer Woman: Kind and Warm


Not only do you have a rich imagination, but you also have a strong understanding. You are frank, generous, upright, and loyal to your friends. Also, you are very good at managing money and saving money. You have a maternal defensiveness and the adaptability of a non-judgmental friend. You are good at imitating and creating new things while imitating. When you are too sympathetic to others, you will become a dual personality, because you are emotionally fragile and your heart will soften as soon as you hear the other person's misfortune. Sympathy will change your view of others.

Cancer is an introverted girl sign: you are more inclined to the feminine side of women. You value feelings, are down-to-earth, and quite confident in yourself! And you are steady, peaceful, gentle, and not too reckless in doing things.

Cancer woman

Cancer girls who are gentle and considerate can easily make people feel "in love". If you are a person who pursues "the feeling of love", choose her and you will definitely not be disappointed. Cancer girls usually give men the confidence that "if I lose your love, my life will be meaningless." This is really a feeling that many men dream of.

However, if you are just a person who treats love as a game, please do not provoke her, because, first, this is really cruel to a Cancer girl who is truly in love. It's not something they can easily blaspheme; secondly, for some Cancer girls, if she falls in love with you, it's not that easy to get rid of her. You should know how difficult it is to get out of a crab's claws, right? Her fighting spirit will surprise you.

Her gentleness, thoughtfulness, and wholehearted love will make you deeply moved. Few girls will make you feel that you are so important. But her moodiness can also drive you almost crazy. She is very insecure, sensitive and easily hurt. Often your unintentional words will make her burst into tears or make her angry and upset.

There are two types of Cancer girls. Of course, they are as cute as the warm sun at normal times, but when they get emotional, one type is the crying type, and the other is the time bomb type. If you encounter the former, the situation is relatively lucky, just bring two extra packs of tissues with you. If it's the latter, I'm afraid the mental pressure will be greater.

Cancer girls have a strange characteristic, that is, if you don't tell her "enough", she will keep trying to see how far you can tolerate her. She seems to have a hard time understanding what "enough is enough" means. In the end, her emotions will reach the point where she can no longer control them, and of course, you will eventually be unable to bear it.

For Cancer girls, spoiling a man seems to be the best way to possess him. Even if you leave her today, when you think about it clearly, you will come back to her sooner or later, because no one will love you like she does. .

So, you should understand that you have to learn to love her in appropriate ways. If you know how to get along, she will be a rare wife. You can enjoy the sweetness of love all your life, and she will give everything to your family without reservation.

Another characteristic of Cancer girls is that although she usually looks fragile, emotional, and looks like she can't live without you, when you encounter real problems and even you are desperate for help, She will become a strong and resilient girl. You can rely on her like a child in her mother's arms. She will treat your wounds carefully and be strong with you through difficulties.

Most Cancer girls are very money-conscious and know how to live within their means. (Unless she has a spendthrift Moon sign or rising sign) Usually she will only spend money randomly to calm her inner uneasiness when she is depressed (feeling that you don't love him).

Please love her with a mature and responsible attitude! Don't blame her after spoiling her! If you truly love a Crab, you will receive abundant rewards. I sincerely hope that every Cancer woman can meet a good man.

Cancer girls and "sex"

Cancer girls are a bit shy when it comes to sex, and it is difficult to regard sex as a game! If the other person has a playful attitude, it will make her feel uneasy or even angry. She can only be guided into the situation when the location is hidden and the other party is very sincere and devoted. But once you enter the situation, you can completely indulge in it. Cancer girls' sex can be very passionate, but they may lack skills and humor.

Cancer girls and men of the twelve zodiac signs

1 Aries: You will like his lively and straightforward personality, but he is careless and always seems to turn a blind eye to your emotions.

2. Taurus: He can provide you with a solid and reliable shoulder. He will also appreciate your gentleness and meticulousness. However, you also have to slowly learn his actual attitude towards life.

3. Gemini: His superior way of expressing love may make you convinced. But his changeability will definitely make you, who is already insecure, even more uneasy.

4. Cancer: It is easy for you to understand each other if you are of the same zodiac sign. The only worry is that when two people fall into an emotional low at the same time, it may take a long time to recover.

5. Leo: You will like his optimistic and cheerful temperament, but you will occasionally hate the sense of oppression that his exaggerated personality brings to you. And he may be a little impatient with your emotional state.

6. Virgo: He can easily become your trusted friend, but when it comes to love, you may feel that he is not romantic enough.

7. Libra: You will easily become obsessed with the charm of a Libra man. He is likely to be the one who spoils you and leaves you disappointed.

8. Scorpio: Your all-out love will win the trust of a Scorpio man, and his passion can always satisfy your inner uneasiness.

9. Sagittarius: He is not a person who can make you feel at ease, although the atmosphere with him is always lively and interesting.

10. Capricorn: His strong willpower will convince you, but he is usually not a man who knows how to deal with your changing emotions.

11. Aquarius: His calmness and indifference may make you feel crazy with loneliness, but you can become good friends who can talk well.

12. Pisces: The passionate nature of a Pisces man will make you very happy. The maternal qualities of Cancer girls are exactly what Pisces men deeply need.

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