The Goat Chinese Zodiac: Complete Goat Horoscope

Name:   Goat
Year of Birth:   2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931, 1919
Earthly Branches of Birth Year:   Born in Si year
Five Elements Analysis:   Fire
Lucky Numbers:   2, 8, 9

The 0rigin of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Knowledge and Stories

The earliest record of the twelve zodiac animals comes from the ancient Chinese stem and branch chronology. In ancient China, in order to record time, people divided a day into 12 hours, and each hour was represented by a corresponding animal. Later, the ancients associated these 12 animals with the year, forming the 12 zodiac animals we know now.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important part of traditional Chinese culture and are also a concrete expression of Chinese cultural concepts such as the heavenly stems, earthly branches, yin and yang and the five elements. These twelve animals each have their own unique symbolic meanings and legends. They not only represent the understanding of time, the universe and life, but also reflect the understanding and imagination of nature and animals.

Each hour has a corresponding animal representative:

1. Rat 11 pm - 1 am (zǐ hour)
Rats like to come out in the dead of night, especially at midnight, so they are called "rats."

2. Ox 1 a.m.-3 a.m. (chǒu hour)
In ancient times, cattle were used to plow fields and do hard work, so every time it was ugly, farmers would get up to feed their cattle so that the cattle could work better, so they were called "ugly cattle".

3. Tiger 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. (yín hour)
The tiger is the king of beasts. It is ferocious in nature and likes to travel between day and night, so it is called the "Yin Tiger".

4. Rabbit: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. (mǎo hour)
When it's just dawn, rabbits like to go out to graze most at this time, so they are called "Mao Rabbits".

5. Dragon 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (chén hour)
It is when the fog comes, and it is said that dragons like to fly in the fog the most, so they are called "Chen Dragons".

6. Snake 9 a.m.-11 a.m. (sì hour)
When the sun is shining high in the sky, snakes like to come out and walk most at this time, so they are called "Si snakes".

7. Horse 11:00-1:00 noon (wǔ hour)
The sun is at its strongest when the scorching sun is in the sky, and the personality of our horses is the strongest, so we call it "noon horse".

8. Sheep 1pm-3pm (wèi hour)
When the sun gradually sets in the west, it is the best time to herd sheep, so it is called "Wei Sheep".

9. Monkey 3pm-5pm (shēn hour)
The sun has set, and this is the time when monkeys come out and play, so it is called "Shen Monkey".

10. Chicken 5pm-7pm (yǒu hour)
At this time, the sun sets over the hill and when it gets dark, all the chickens will go back to their coops, so they are called "unitary chickens".

11. Dog 7pm-9pm (xū hour)
In the dead of night, when people are quiet, this is the time when dogs make their last inspection before going to bed, so they are called "dogs."

12. Pig 9pm-11pm (hài hour)
At this time, pigs sleep the most soundly and deeply, so they are called "Hai pigs".

The 12 zodiac signs are not just a mark of time, they also contain rich wisdom. Through these animals, we can learn about many values ​​and philosophies of life in traditional Chinese culture. For example, Ox represents hard work and steadfastness, Dragon represents courage and courage, Monkey represents resourcefulness and flexibility, and Pig represents open-minded optimism...

Goat Personality, Love, Career

Goat Personality Traits

Character strengths:

1. Be thoughtful in everything, handle affairs around you properly, be enterprising, sociable, have a gentle personality, and have a benevolent mind.

2. Introverted and hardworking, with the characteristics of being soft on the outside and strong on the inside.

3. He is cautious in doing things and gives people a feeling of reliability. He is a sentimental, meticulous and considerate person.

4. Highly motivated and courageous to move forward. There will be many troubles and troubles in life, and multi-faceted approaches will be taken to handle matters.

5. Kneel down as a suckling lamb, be filial throughout your life, have strong endurance and make unremitting progress.

6. Eating when you see green means that you can be hard-working, but very subjective and stubborn, prefer mysterious colors, and most likely believe in ghosts and gods, and are devout believers.

7. He has a strong thirst for knowledge and does not miss even the trivial details.

8. Don’t waste money, know how to be thrifty, be kind to others, love nature, and have a noble and generous manner.

9. Very popular and able to gain support from noble people to seize opportunities and develop careers.

Character flaws:

1. Sometimes I am pessimistic and indecisive. I like to leave things to chance and dislike routine work.

2. By nature, he likes to be cared for, praised by others and advised by friends.

3. Don’t dare to make bold confessions of love.

4. Very subjective and stubborn, but weak and timid.

5. Women born in the year of the Sheep are kind-hearted and like to take care of others. They are usually beautiful women with a well-proportioned figure and regular facial features.

6. Shyness is his characteristic, and he is very interested in strange and weird theories.

The Secret of Love in the Goat Zodiac

The way to fall in love is to use a step-by-step expression method that will not give the other person a sense of oppression. It is like the gentle breeze blowing in spring, affectionate and affectionate, and treating the other person with respect and hospitality.

Sometimes the other person will not understand what you are thinking, let alone feel the heat of love, and may end up breaking up because of this. After all, falling in love requires sparks.

Women are strong-willed, but on the one hand they are dependent and love to act coquettishly. As for men, women born in the year of the Sheep are cute and charming, but lack the spirit of independence. Once they enter the family, they have no sense of time and are not good at managing the family. She is really not a good housewife.

Goat Career

Suitable for painters, civil servants, and beauticians.

People born under the zodiac sign Sheep have delicate thinking and perseverance, are independent-minded and rebellious. He has a gentle and steady personality, pays attention to benevolence and justice, and is gentle and elegant.

Young people will be able to achieve great things if they have the help of noble people, but they should cultivate more enterprising spirit and learn how to deal with adversity, so that life will be smoother.

Analysis of Compatibility and Conflict between Chinese Zodiac

Analysis of the Compatibility and Conflict of the Goat Zodiac

Clash Chinese zodiac for Goat: Rat, Ox, and Dog

Highly compatible Chinese zodiac for Goat: Rabbit, Horse and Pig

Other Chinese zodiac animals belong to the moderately compatible

Analysis of Marriage Compatibility and Conflict for Goat

Goat women are best suitable for marriage: Rabbit, Snake, Monkey, and Horse men

Goat men are best suitable for marriage: Horse, pig, monkey, and rat women

Goat women are not suitable for marriage: Tiger, Sheep, or Dog men

Goat men are not suitable for marriage: Ox, Tiger, Sheep or Dog women

Goat Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Goat

Sheep: Sheep is the same as "yang", which also means good luck and beauty. In addition, the sound of sheep is close to "yang", which also means everything goes well.

Taboo items: For people whose zodiac sign is sheep, the opposite animal is the cow, so avoid animal shapes like cows when wearing it.

The five elements of the Sheep zodiac belong to earth, and fire generates earth. As you can imagine from the color, orange, red, and purple-brown gemstones belong to the fire attribute.

Ruby, rubellite, hot pink spinel, fire opal, red coral and other fire attributes can help your career prosper and everything goes well.

Lucky Flower of Goat

People born in the Year of the Sheep are suitable for planting morning glories, asparagus, wisteria, etc.

These flowers are typical ornamental flowers, which complement the gentle personality and literary atmosphere of people born in the Year of the Sheep.

Lucky Colors for Goat

Lucky colors: red, yellow, green

Taboo colors: gray, blue

2024 Goat Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Goat

Entering 2024, for people born in the Year of the Sheep, fortune has both a good and a bad side. We should not look at it too generally, but should analyze specific issues in detail.

At different stages or when fortunes are different, we must face it with a dialectical perspective, so that we can maximize our advantages and minimize negative impacts, thus making life happier and better.

People born in the Year of the Sheep must have a clear life plan this year and not be too confused all day long. They should have a clear understanding of the future. They should also be clearly aware of their own shortcomings and make timely adjustments and changes. Only in this way can they become better. Be better and better. Otherwise, the days will just go by day by day, and in the end you will become a person who has accomplished nothing. When you get older and regret it, it may be too late.

2024 Goat Career Horoscope

In terms of career, people born in the year of Sheep will be affected by the evil star "Tongue Rolling" in 2024, and may fall into public disputes for no reason.

When working, you must be low-key and restrained, and avoid getting too involved in messy quarrels. Never speak ill of colleagues or leaders behind your back, and be good at hiding your true thoughts deep inside. Even if you really dislike a colleague, don't conflict with him or her, but continue to maintain a semblance of peace.

But generally speaking, people born in the Year of the Sheep will be blessed by the "lucky star" in the workplace this year, so there won't be too many problems. As long as people born in the Year of the Sheep are not too decadent and lazy, they can achieve some small achievements, and they may develop in a good direction, whether in terms of position or salary.

When working this year, Sheep people must be more practical and conscientious. They must not relax their vigilance when dealing with every small detail. They must be good at thinking when encountering problems and do not always pin their hopes on others.

2024 Goat Wealth Horoscope

In terms of money, people born in the year of Sheep will be blessed by the auspicious star "Tiande" in 2024, and many noble people will suddenly appear around them. Of course, these people may be friends and family members who have known each other for many years, or they may be new friends made at parties or special occasions.

All in all, people born in the Year of the Sheep can get cutting-edge business information from these people, which can help them make a lot of money as long as they are good at utilizing it. For example, you can buy some stocks or funds in advance based on the information provided by these people. When the situation changes later, the Sheep people will be able to make huge profits from it.

What needs to be reminded is that although you have a lot of income this year, you must plan your personal financial expenditures reasonably and do not let yourself become a terrible moonlighter. At the very least, you must ensure that your monthly income is greater than your expenditures.

Only in this way can you accumulate a certain amount of wealth and make plans for your future life. Never squander money on unimportant things, such as excessive plastic surgery, or crazy purchases of luxury goods, etc.

2024 Goat Love Horoscope

In terms of relationships, people born under the sign of Goat will be affected by the evil star "Old Constellation" in 2024. They will become very introverted and autistic, unwilling to communicate with the outside world, and have no interest in such things as falling in love.

For single friends, even if they are very old and their parents are following them every day urging them to get married, the Sheep people themselves are completely unaware of the importance of starting a family and starting a career early, and may still be addicted to their own little world. This is very likely. If you miss the best age for marriage and childbirth, even if you regret it in the future, it will be too late.

If you are a friend with a partner, it is easy for the two people to have many gaps and conflicts, and even have differences in their basic world outlook, outlook on life and values. In this way, the relationship between the two people is destined to have no way to continue.

Married Sheep people may encounter domestic violence from their partners in 2024, which will cause serious physical and mental trauma. The two people will go to court directly for divorce.

2024 Ox Healthy Horoscope

In terms of health, people born in the Year of the Goat will be affected by the evil stars "Disease Talisman" and "Hansha" in 2024. Not only will they suffer from serious diseases, but they may also encounter terrible accidental bleeding accidents.

We must improve our awareness of safety precautions. Whether at home or out, we must improve our sense of smell and sensitivity to danger. In this way, once something terrible is approaching, you can stop the loss in time and avoid falling into a terrible predicament.

If you want to travel or engage in leisure and entertainment this year, of course you can, but you must put safety first and don't do anything particularly dangerous. For example, deep sea diving, bungee jumping, wingsuit flying, etc., all of which may cause terrible events.

Sheep people who have the habit of driving should pay attention to driving safety and abide by traffic rules.

You can also learn more about health care through TV, books, or other channels. Even young people should do some basic body care. Only in this way can the body become stronger, and all kinds of germs or diseases can be firmly blocked from the outside, so that one's body will not be invaded and attacked by the outside.

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