The Scorpio Zodiac Sign: Complete Scorpio Horoscope

Name:   Scorpio
Date:   October 23 - November 21
Symbol:   Poisonous scorpion tail
House Ruled:   8th house
Attributes:   Water sign
Ruler:   Pluto, Mars
Characteristics:   Eager
Key Words:   Passionate, jealous
Representative:   Organizational figure
Greatest Compatibility:   Taurus, Cancer
Color:   Scarlet, Red, Rust
Lucky Numbers:   8, 11, 18, 22
Day:   Tuesday

Scorpio Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Aries Personality Traits

It is a natural truth that things have two sides, and they like to move forward in tireless exploration. This is the distinctive characteristic of Scorpio's personality. The world of Scorpio is full of secrets, and it is difficult for outsiders to find out. They have calm insight and cautious action abilities, but they are not easy for others to detect. They are hidden deep in their hearts.

Scorpios are not sociable, reticent, and modest in expression. They are easily underestimated by others, but once they fight back, they are powerful enough to make the other party afraid. Scorpio always gives people a sense of humility and dignity.

1. Scorpio: A person who loves his only lover forever.

Scorpios are characterized by loving someone deeply for many years and cherishing the time spent intimately with them. Only sweet people can meet your expectations. Only the lover who is always tender to you and wants to stay with you can stay with you forever; the best lover is the one who can tell your feelings from your expression.

2. Scorpio: Respect each other’s secrets

Compatible partners for Scorpio are Pisces who can respect each other's secrets in love, money and spirit; Cancer who can take on the responsibility of building and defending their homeland; partners who also belong to Scorpio can maintain integrity with each other and live a peaceful and happy life. Incompatible ones such as the talkative Aquarius are inappropriate; the stubborn and greedy Taurus will cause conflicts; the vain or mystical Leo will only disappoint you.

3. Scorpio: Possessive

Scorpio A Scorpio in love will be willing to change themselves for the other person. You are so possessive that you often make the other person breathless; but at the same time, you also desire to maintain a sense of mystery. Isn't it a bit contradictory? You will be held tightly to your heart by men who are indifferent, cold but full of mature charm.

4. Scorpio: Strong desire for control

Scorpios are very controlling and often obsessed with controlling others. They like to control everyone they can control, including lovers, children, friends or subordinates. Even when they stay with unfamiliar people, Scorpios are also very accustomed to controlling the situation. Not to mention that in relationships, Scorpios have a strong possessive desire. Their keen insight can see every move of their lover. They can detect what you are selling in your gourd without having to hear whether you are telling the truth or a lie. What kind of medicine is it? If it infringes upon them, Scorpio will be unreasonable and unforgiving, loving to hold grudges and teaching others. This kind of control often makes people around you depressed and even scared.

5. Scorpio: the sexy sign

Scorpio is the sexiest sign, because it also controls the reproductive organs, has strong sexual desire, and affects their energy to be exerted endlessly. They must live a very fulfilling life every day. If there is no goal, it is difficult for them to invest!

6. Scorpio: Resentful and revengeful

Scorpios are vindictive, so be careful not to offend them, as they will definitely take revenge one day. Because of the influence of Pluto, they will have a cunning and cruel character, and they will do whatever it takes to attack their enemies. If you want to be a middleman, he may get angry at you. , venting his anger. Scorpios are kind in nature. Just as there are still more good people in this world, most Scorpios are kind in nature. For human nature, we still hope that it is good. For anyone, we will choose to believe it, and only give people one chance to deceive them. Just one time can cause great harm to Scorpio. As time goes by, Scorpio is no longer kind.

7. Scorpio: Pessimistic and lonely

Scorpios tend to view everything from the cruel side, so when we are with Scorpios, the atmosphere will be very dull. Because Scorpio has prepared for the worst in his heart and keeps a low profile about everything. In this way, he can face everything calmly, but he has lost one vitality and one anger. Loneliness is not loneliness. Scorpios will have many friends, so they are definitely not lonely. Scorpios will also have many people they can confide in. However, Scorpio is indeed lonely. That loneliness is the solitary realization of deep contemplation at night, the sole bitterness of deep night. Scorpios are not psychologically social animals. The weakness of loneliness lies in Scorpio himself, because after all, the power of a person cannot compete with the power of the group. Perhaps, in the deepest heart, the person Scorpio trusts the most is himself!

8. Scorpio: mysterious, extreme

Scorpio people have a successful advantage, that is, once they set a goal, they will never give up until they reach the goal and never back down!
Scorpio people love power and like to have their own way of thinking. Money and material things are indispensable to you, but you never use it to tie your hands and feet. You always remember those who have helped your career and work, and you are willing to donate generously to you. You like careful and well-thought-out risky actions, and you are good at using your charm and charisma to achieve the goals you desire. Your material desires must be fully satisfied. According to legend, Scorpio has a "gold and jade" marriage with the eighth house of the zodiac, which symbolizes death, inheritance and gifts. Therefore, so far, Scorpio people are still enjoying the benefits that their spouse often gives you in terms of material life. There are also some Scorpio people who may go to the other extreme. You have no interest in happiness and wealth in this world, but instead create your own path of faith, or experience the turmoil of mysticism deep in your heart.

9. Scorpio: Emotional

The biggest weakness of Scorpio, there is no doubt that it must be feelings! Scorpio is a very emotional person and attaches great importance to everything he gives, so Scorpio's dependence on feelings is unimaginable. However, this is also our most fatal weakness. It is said that the more you care about something, the easier it is to be hurt by it. When a Scorpio knows that all their investments are fake or irretrievable, the feeling is no less than the end of the world. This blow can be devastating.

10. Scorpio: Self-righteous

Scorpio is a perfectionist, but Scorpio is also a human being, not an almighty god. When some emergencies disrupt Scorpio's plans, Scorpio will calmly deal with the issues they have considered, because Scorpio is not used to doing things without any preparation, but because of this, it is difficult to deal with unexpected things. Other than that, there is almost nothing you can do. In fact, smart Scorpios will only retain 80% certainty about the success of things, because nothing is impossible in this world except for the fact that it has already happened. Scorpio is a sign that is not easily fooled.

A word to the Scorpio man: She won’t be able to imagine how much you love her unless she tries it for herself.

A message for Scorpio women: Your love is really deep, but sometimes it can make people breathless.

Love between Scorpio and the 12 Zodiac Signs

Scorpios usually have low self-esteem and are sentimental. They have many beautiful longings for love, and they long for the love between the prince and the princess in the story. They often feel that they are not good enough. They often compare themselves with others and always find that they have many shortcomings. It may be due to inner inferiority that makes Scorpios always very passive when it comes to love.

1. Love between Scorpio and Aries

Both of them like to seize the dominant position and challenge new things. They can easily burst out with passion for each other. They are a very radical combination. However, the confident and creative Aries may make Scorpio feel too unrealistic. The depth and restraint of Scorpio often make the straightforward Aries confused. The strong desire for control is also a difficult constraint in the eyes of Aries. This It will not be an easy relationship.

2. Love between Scorpio and Taurus

They understand each other very well, both like a regular life, have a strong possessive desire and are emotional. They are a very well matched couple. Taurus is always very patient and likes to take care of Scorpio in its own way, making Scorpio full of happiness. Scorpio's dedication and affection make Taurus unwavering in this relationship. Loyalty is very important between you and it is the backbone of your relationship.

3. Love between Scorpio and Gemini

Although the two are not the best combination, there are countless possibilities hidden there. The curious Gemini will naturally flirt with the mysterious Scorpio. The introverted Scorpio can easily become interested in the knowledgeable Gemini. However, there are still obstacles in communication between Gemini's leaping thinking and Scorpio's deep concentration that cannot be ignored. Therefore, if Gemini can stay grounded, the chance of success is still very high.

4. Love between Scorpio and Cancer

When a possessive Scorpio meets a protective Cancer, they both absolutely require affection and passion in their relationship. Their personalities and values are also very similar. Both of them are very sensitive and emotional, and it is easy for them to feel sympathy for each other. Although both of you are very emotional, your ability to tolerate each other can add a lot of fun to life. Scorpio, who is cold on the outside but hot on the inside, and Cancer, who is gentle and maternal, will be a very affectionate combination.

5. Love between Scorpio and Leo

A Leo who likes to be noticed and a Scorpio who likes to be introverted and controlling is a relatively high-risk combination. Their fiery tempers will explode at any time if they collide. The other person has a bit of a "king can't see the king" feeling. If the two of them If Scorpio truly loves each other, as long as Scorpio doesn't hurt Leo's self-esteem and is a little more flexible, Leo will definitely make Scorpio full of happiness and joy every day, with a dramatic effect.

6. Love between Scorpio and Virgo

Kind-hearted Virgos are both patient and diligent, and are also easy to control for the controlling Scorpio. A Scorpio should be a very happy couple when they meet a Virgo. Virgo is also obsessed with the introverted Scorpio, who is mysterious and full of wisdom. Both of them have very high demands on relationships and are a bit mentally obsessive. Once they are together, they will go on steadily, but when a passive Virgo meets a calm one, Scorpio, who will take the initiative first?

7. Love between Scorpio and Libra

The charming Libra and the mysterious and passionate Scorpio will be a brilliant combination. Scorpio is not too nosy and has a goal in everything. Libra's sociability may make Scorpio both appreciate and have a headache, but Libra cares about each other very much. Feelings, everything likes to be casual, Libra will be more accommodating to Scorpio, Scorpio's mystery and depth can arouse Libra's curiosity, but be careful of the relationship being one-sided.

8. Love between Scorpio and Scorpio

The two people who are both Scorpios are both uniquely charming yet secretive, attracted to each other but wary of each other. They have the same personality traits, they are dedicated and possessive, and their super insight can often easily detect the other person's thoughts. Therefore, the good times will get better and better, and the bad times will also be worse. Love and hate are clear. , it is very easy to become polarized. When two people interact, mutual trust and good communication will have a very positive effect.

9. Love between Scorpio and Sagittarius

It’s not easy for Sagittarius, who pays attention to superficial intuition, to meet Scorpio, who likes in-depth analysis. Both of them have very personal personalities. The careless Sagittarius may never know why Scorpio loses his temper. Scorpio often pours cold water on Sagittarius. If you want to maintain it, Scorpio needs to have a tolerant heart and give Sagittarius appropriate space. , if they can find each other's balance point, it will also be a good combination.

10. Love between Scorpio and Capricorn

Scorpio will know how to appreciate the ambitious Capricorn, and can enthusiastically support Capricorn's ideals and provide good advice. Capricorn is absolutely emotionally loyal, and his stable and down-to-earth character can satisfy Scorpio's possessiveness. Both of them attach great importance to security and treat each other sincerely, making them a very tacit couple. But both of them are very introverted and like to keep things in mind, so they should create more opportunities for communication.

11. Love between Scorpio and Aquarius

Aquarius's detached temperament and extraordinary wisdom will deeply attract Scorpio, who loves to observe all things. Aquarius likes a free and unfettered way of love, while Scorpio is just the opposite. They like passionate love. Aquarius rarely They will adjust themselves according to the Scorpion's pattern. When differences arise and the two of them take sides, if Scorpio wants to get over Aquarius and maintain an unstable relationship, he must first abandon his desire for control.

12. Love between Scorpio and Pisces

This pair is simply a match made in heaven. As a water sign, you have an essential understanding with Pisces, who is also a water sign. This kind of relationship will be deeply satisfying to your heart and soul - your Pisces sweetheart will understand you on a level that few others can.

Scorpio Career

Scorpio people are deep, keen and decision-making, and they are suitable for careers in investigation, psychology and finance. Scorpios are good at discovering hidden truths and solving complex problems. They are suitable for becoming detectives, psychological counselors, investment analysts or risk management experts. They like challenges and delving into the nitty-gritty of things.

Requires attention
Take the initiative, be unique, and gain the upper hand

For Scorpio, when you make up your mind to do something, it is often a major decision; some are not even out of your will, but are forced by the situation. Scorpios who know how to weigh the priorities, whether it is career or love, will often get what you want in the "battle", especially making more money than others. Scorpios who are mixed in love and hate may still have many emotional matters to be resolved, but don't worry, you already know what to do.

Scorpios in the workplace are anti-authority, don't like to explain too much to others, and use God to establish their own unique image. Scorpios know how capable they are. You can use your intuition to understand the other person's thoughts. If someone wants to harm you, you can often smell the murderous intention. You are like a scorpion, you will not sting someone easily unless the other person goes too far. If you want to fight back, it is easy for you. You can definitely "impress" the other person.

Key points for review: Scorpios with a hot temper should be careful about messing up things at critical moments. When arguing with others, try to save some dignity for them.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Scorpio

Strengths that Scorpio should have

Clear grievances
keen intuition
Have the ability to execute decisions
Don’t be afraid of setbacks and persevere to the end
Be loyal to friends
natural sex appeal
Persistently pursue the truth of things
Good at keeping secrets
Have potential passion for life

Weaknesses he or she may have

Too strong
Too possessive
Too revengeful
Being unreasonable and unforgiving
Acting emotionally, knowingly
Duplicity, insidious, scheming
Love and hate are too strong

Scorpio Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Scorpio

The mysterious and profound Scorpio is best suited to wear jewelry with strong energy and mystery, such as obsidian or garnet. These accessories will bring them more profound and mysterious feelings.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Scorpio

Scorpio is the transformer of life, and Pluto is its ruler, exuding the potential power of intersection and deepening, leading Scorpio to adopt a belief in self-improvement.

Scorpio is responsible for late autumn flowers, bushy vegetation, spiky dark red anesthetic plants, and especially the colors of Pluto and Scorpius.

Plants that symbolize Scorpio: dwarf roses, datura, poppies, etc.

Flowering plant: Clivia. Scorpio people are not very interested in money, and they don't have much desire to make money, so they won't work hard all the time, and of course they won't get rich. If you place a pot of "Clivia" in the upper right corner of the wall opposite the sofa at home, it can bring good luck to noble people and help you embark on the road to wealth.

The Representative Animal of Scorpio


Although Scorpios are usually mysterious and like to hide in corners and observe everything, the most important thing is that they can hit the opponent hard at all times. Therefore, Mustang is the most suitable for Scorpios. Although they behave as they please, they are always ready to fulfill other people's dreams.

Lucky Colors for Scorpio


Scorpio likes cooler colors, which are relatively low-key, and most of their clothes and accessories are black.

2024 Scorpio Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Scorpio

The overall fortune of Scorpio in 2024 shows a fluctuating trend. Especially at the beginning of the year, Scorpios may not perform well at work, have reduced personal abilities and are slow to respond.

When facing difficulties, we often feel at a loss and don’t know how to deal with them. In this state, it is easy for competitors to take advantage of the situation and miss development opportunities.

At the same time, the economic situation is also unstable, and you will encounter economic disputes and face financial losses. He showed impatience in studies and his grades declined.

However, by July, Scorpio begins to realize his own shortcomings, and his personal abilities have been significantly improved. Demonstrated great commitment and concentration in all aspects, with a positive and positive work attitude.

In addition, there will also be positive developments in relationships. In 2024, Scorpio's fortune will be ups and downs, sometimes smooth and sometimes bumpy.

Therefore, Scorpios need to maintain firm beliefs and a positive attitude in the new year. When facing work challenges, be brave enough to accept them and continue to improve your capabilities. Be prudent and cautious in financial management to avoid getting into disputes.

At the same time, you must adjust your mentality when studying, stay focused and patient, and believe that you can gradually recover your performance.

At the same time, you should treat your love life sincerely and maintain good communication and understanding with your partner.

2024 Scorpio Career Horoscope

In 2024, Scorpio will face some challenges and pressure, especially at work. Affected by the evil stars, work development becomes difficult. You often take on heavy tasks, and your superiors seem to be particularly picky about you and put pressure on you. Faced with this unfair treatment, you will feel negative and confused, not knowing how to improve the situation.

In addition, because you are not good at expressing and socializing, relationships with colleagues have become tense and cold. You feel that you are not interpersonally tactful enough to establish good communication with others, which further aggravates your anxiety.

Some people even consider quitting their jobs, but keep in mind that quitting is not the best way to solve a problem. Re-employment requires adapting to a new working environment and facing unknown difficulties, so it needs to be carefully considered.

However, entering the second half of 2024, Scorpio's work situation will gradually become clearer. You will be able to complete the tasks assigned by your leadership on time, your personal abilities will also be improved, and you will find a platform suitable for your own development and demonstrate outstanding performance.

At this stage, you need to pay special attention to some details. Whether it is important events or small details, you must work hard to avoid small mistakes that affect your own development.

For Scorpio women, they may face some difficulties at work because they have to take care of their families. In this case, it is recommended that you communicate with your leader. For example, you can consider changing to a more relaxed position. Although the salary and career prospects may be relatively low, it can better balance work and family and avoid conflicts between the two.

2024 Scorpio Wealth Horoscope

The economic situation for Scorpio in 2024 will be relatively sluggish, and the balance of payments will be roughly maintained. Saving for goals like buying a car or a home can be difficult.

During this year, the most important thing for Scorpios is to avoid financial dealings with others. Whether they are lending money to others or being lent money by others, they should try to avoid it. Borrowing money from others can bring its own set of troubles, and lending money to others can lead to losses. So, be cautious and sensible.

In addition, Scorpio's financial gains in 2024 may not be as expected, so it is not advisable to invest too much time and money in investment financial management and stock funds. Over-investment may not yield the desired return, but may affect normal work and have a negative impact on primary income.

In addition, do not try to obtain wealth through unfair means and avoid illegal activities. While some money may be gained in the short term, the negative consequences will have a serious impact on future development.

Although the financial situation is not particularly ideal, Scorpios can reduce financial stress by making good spending plans. With your own income, you can completely provide a stable guarantee for your life. Although you will not get rich quickly, you can still live a life that is not too tight.

In 2024, Scorpios need to do their own thing in a down-to-earth manner and not be too obsessed with money or have unrealistic fantasies. This can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Paying attention to the actual situation, making reasonable financial plans, and focusing on accumulation and savings are the keys for Scorpio to achieve a stable pace financially in 2024. Maintaining a rational and cautious attitude and avoiding impulse and speculation will help maintain one's own economic stability and development. Believe in your abilities and keep working hard, and you will have better opportunities and improved economic conditions in the future.

2024 Scorpio Love Horoscope

2024 is not very stable for Scorpio's emotional development, especially at the beginning of the year, Scorpio will suffer emotional harm. For Scorpios who are in love, although there are often some conflicts with your partner, you are very dedicated to your relationship and are willing to devote yourself to it.

However, it is a pity that Scorpio's efforts are not understood by their partners, and they may even suffer emotional betrayal, which is a huge harm to you. Faced with a partner's betrayal, it will take a long time for Scorpio to get out of this shadow.

Scorpios should not be too negative when dealing with emotional issues. If you feel that you are not suitable for your partner, it is a wise choice to separate in time. There is no need to put yourself in constant pain for the sake of feelings. Although love plays an important role in life, if an unhealthy relationship will affect personal growth and development, then breaking up in time is a wise decision.

For single Scorpios, you are less likely to be single in 2024. Although there will be some friends of the opposite sex around you, these people do not match your preferences. Therefore, you don’t have to jump into a relationship just to be single. During the emotional blank period, Scorpio can work hard to improve themselves. As the saying goes, "If you bloom, butterflies will come." When you become good enough, you will naturally be able to attract better people of the opposite sex, which will also be more helpful for the development of relationships.

For married Scorpios, they must learn to be tolerant and understanding when getting along with their partners. If two people often fall into quarrels, no matter how deep the relationship is, frequent quarrels will weaken the stability of the relationship. Therefore, to maintain stability in a marriage, learn to handle conflicts, respect each other's point of view, and seek harmony and communication.

In 2024, Scorpios need to stay strong and face challenges in relationships. Whether you are facing a breakup or dealing with problems in your marriage, you must stay rational and calm, and try to face difficulties with a positive attitude. Through growth and hard work, Scorpio will be able to find better balance and happiness emotionally.

2024 Scorpio Academic Progress Horoscope

Overall, the learning status of Scorpios in 2024 will be relatively stable. Most people have a positive and serious attitude towards learning, are aware of their own shortcomings, and work hard to focus on learning.

However, affected by Mercury retrograde, Scorpios will find it difficult to study. Although you have put in a lot of time and effort, your results have been inconsistent and inconsistent. This is partly due to insufficient knowledge, and partly due to sloppiness and carelessness during the exam.

Therefore, Scorpios need to pay attention to every exam, whether it is a monthly exam, midterm exam or final exam, they must take it seriously. Be more careful and conscientious during the exam to avoid a drop in performance due to temporary mistakes.

In addition, Scorpios should avoid rote memorization when it comes to learning, but should find a learning method that suits them to get twice the result with half the effort. If you rely too much on rote memorization, you will easily feel tired and weak, which is very detrimental to the progress of learning.

Therefore, Scorpios should try different learning methods and techniques, such as mind mapping, explaining to others, or conducting practical exercises to improve learning effects.

If conditions permit, Scorpios can consider participating in some extracurricular tutoring or training and seeking help from a tutor. Although this will bring some additional expenses, it will be of great help to learning. Extracurricular tutoring and training can provide more in-depth learning guidance, while tutors can provide targeted tutoring based on individual learning needs. These auxiliary measures can help Scorpios better understand and master knowledge.

Scorpio Man

Scorpio Man: Domineering and Sinister



Whether they are observing people or understanding other people's hearts, Scorpio men can observe the subtleties and discover details that are difficult for ordinary people to detect. They have the ability to penetrate into the depths of other people's hearts. Scorpio men do not take the usual path. They are affectionate and passionate, but once they fall in love with you, you must be the only one in his life.

They like to be unique and have patience and perseverance. They have to walk the road they choose on their knees. Once they decide, they will not change easily. Difficulties are insignificant in the face of their determination.

Scorpio men are born with a magnetic field that attracts others. They exude a mysterious, exciting and charming atmosphere. Sometimes they are as passionate as fire and will burn you, and sometimes they are as cold as ice and will freeze you three feet away. Scorpio men appear gentle and indifferent on the outside, like unopened bottles of sorghum wine. They appear as clear and mellow as water, but are actually as strong as strong wine.

They will give everything they have to the person they love, and are loyal to love. They are the most infatuated constellations among the twelve constellations. At the same time, they are extremely possessive and cannot tolerate a grain of sand in their eyes. Once jealousy is aroused, it is extremely destructive. I advise female friends not to try it easily.

Personalized tags

1. Love and hate are clear: if you love someone, you must love him to the end, and at the same time, you also hope that the other person will treat you the same way. Loyalty and complete love are what Scorpio men care about most. He can't stand betrayal, and he rarely betrays others. Once you betray him, it is equivalent to erasing all his trust, love, dedication and sacrifice. This will make him hate you completely. They will be very persistent when they fall in love with someone. Once they give up, they will never look back.

2. High self-esteem and aggressiveness: Scorpio men like to work in a valued environment and strive to make themselves a pivotal role. Scorpio men have strong self-esteem and cannot bear the contempt of others. Once he senses hostility or you damage his self-esteem, the Scorpio man will raise his sting to attack you.

How to get along with a Scorpio man

A Scorpio man can look at things objectively. When he looks at you, it seems as if you have no secrets in front of him. Under the calm surface, your purpose is actually already clear. You don't need to cover up or defend yourself in front of him. Pretending is useless. He is an invincible iron and steel. The only way to avoid being defeated by him is to never fight with him. You have two ways. One is to love him without regrets, or to train yourself to become an indestructible body of gold and steel. . They always look so mysterious, but in fact this is their way of protecting themselves. If a Scorpio man loses his sense of mystery in front of you, then congratulations, you are very close to him.

Scorpio man and sex

In this regard, a Scorpio man has a passion that can melt you, and his way of expressing himself is often intense. Usually a Scorpio man always has enough energy to conquer the other person. He pursues a sense of victory, and it is the same in this regard. If you respond coldly, he will immediately feel bored. He may look at you coldly during sex, so don't be shy, let alone be afraid. Scorpio men often have a cold face and a hot heart. He just likes to appreciate the results of victory. The reproductive organs, around the pelvis, nose, throat, etc. are the most vulnerable parts of Scorpio people. Most of the reasons that damage Scorpio's health are caused by being too reluctant. But because their vitality and recovery power are very strong, they can be rejuvenated with enough sleep and fresh air.

Scorpio man becomes a father

A Scorpio father is a practical educator. He loves his children, but he will not pamper them. He does not allow children to cheat on him. Telling the truth is the best solution for them. Paying attention to independence will teach children how to survive on themselves and the outside world. Some Scorpio fathers may seem a little too strict. Although this is all for the benefit of the children, you should still remind him tactfully and in a timely manner that in addition to education, children need warm fatherly love.

Scorpio Woman

Scorpio Woman: Foresight



You are a warm and cheerful person who does not like to cheat and is very attentive. You can always actively seize your luck. You look very quiet, but in fact you have a great mind and are very enthusiastic about everything. You are very patient. He usually comes across as cautious and taciturn, but in fact you know how sultry he is, right? !

You are very insightful and like to observe others secretly when you are bored. You are not fooled by any obstacles, you are dedicated, and you know how to choose your ideal partner. Most people think you are jealous and possessive. It is recommended that you find some interests that suit you and express your overly focused personality and possessiveness so as not to put too much pressure on others.

Scorpio is a female sign with an introverted personality: you are more inclined to the feminine side of girls. You value feelings, are down-to-earth, and quite confident in yourself! And you are steady, peaceful, gentle, and not too reckless in doing things.

Scorpio woman

Scorpio women with mysterious charm are often regarded as threats to love by other girls. She may not necessarily be beautiful, but usually her smile will make a man's heart flutter. She seems to have the power to inspire the deepest primal desires of the opposite sex. To put it simply and tackily, it is sexy.

In many situations, the bravery shown by Scorpio women is beyond the reach of men. If she truly falls in love with you, even if the whole world opposes you, she will not be shaken. No matter how bumpy your future is, she will go through it with you and never complain. Her tenacity will make you feel like you have an army of millions. When a Scorpio woman commits to you "till death do us part", she means it, and she can actually deliver.

Another admirable characteristic of Scorpio girls is their ability to suppress emotions. You will almost never see a Scorpio woman who likes to cry and have emotional breakdowns. Even if she's emotionally hurt to the point of suicide, if she doesn't want you to know, you still won't be able to tell. When faced with a strong blow, a Scorpio woman can be as calm as ice.

Of course, if you want to have such a strong and passionate love, you will have to tolerate some of her personality flaws. First, Scorpio women are a little suspicious. She seems to want to find out all your secrets, and she can't stand any concealment from you, let alone deception.
Second, when a Scorpio woman is quarreling, her words are like knives, killing you all over. Unless she finds you invulnerable, she may find other ways to fix you.

A Scorpio woman does have a bit of dominance over her man. That is her purpose of participating in everything. It is not to dominate you and become your queen. She just wants to help you with all her strength on the road to success. , so I plan everything for you. She longs for you to be a strong, brave and intelligent man. But I worry that you will be too independent and too far away from her. All these contradictions, suspicions, and strong possessiveness are all because of loving you!

Scorpio women don't have ordinary love, if not all, then nothing. And she wants the same thing from you. Think clearly quickly, this is a thrilling love, if you miss it, the opportunity will be hard to come by!

Scorpio girls and "sex"

In astrology, Scorpio rules the sexual organs of the human body. Therefore, Scorpios are usually the most "sexually" attractive.

Scorpio women, like Scorpio men, are passionate and intense in their sexual performance. The energy is very strong, the endurance is very good, and it can give the other party a sense of complete dedication and accomplishment. And I also know how to get great pleasure from sex. She likes long, intense and lingering sex, and a calm and dull opponent will disappoint her.

Scorpio woman and men of twelve zodiac signs

1 Aries: A combination of enemies. He is a big boy who makes you feel bad and is spoiled by you. But his naughty nature always makes you angry and sad.

2 Taurus: You both value each other and have considerable trust and respect for each other. But sometimes there are obstacles in communicating opinions.

3. Gemini: That is usually not someone you can trust and give your affection to, and it is not easy for them to have a very deep relationship with each other.

4. Cancer: You can cooperate well emotionally and give each other sincerely and wholeheartedly. However, you often have the upper hand in terms of momentum.

5. Leo: They are deeply attracted to each other, but in the process of getting along, they find that there are too many differences in personality. They often become partners who love and torment each other.

6. Virgo: You will enjoy his meticulous advice to you and appreciate his nagging. In front of him, you look like a mother sometimes, and like a naughty little girl sometimes.

7. Libra: You will probably keep some distance. Libra's comprehensiveness will make you feel unreal. And your love and hatred may not resonate with him.

8. Scorpio: This is a showdown between masters and a good show. When you are good, you are like glue, but when you are bad, you are like enemies for three generations.

9. Sagittarius: The way you love is very different. Although there is mutual attraction, the result is often that you are angry to death and he runs away without a trace.

10 Capricorn: Your combination is very helpful to each other. You are both strong-willed people, and it is easy to create a bright future when you cooperate with each other.

11 Aquarius: There is a big gap between your views on things. If you want to stay together for a long time, it is best for you to learn to respect his space.

12. Pisces: Your hearts are easily connected, and each other can fully appreciate each other's love. In life, you usually have to play the role of taking care of him.

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