The Snake Chinese Zodiac: Complete Snake Horoscope

Name:   Snake
Year of Birth:   2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929, 1917
Earthly Branches of Birth Year:   Born in Si year
Five Elements Analysis:   Fire
Lucky Numbers:   2, 8, 9

The 0rigin of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese Zodiac Knowledge and Stories

The earliest record of the twelve zodiac animals comes from the ancient Chinese stem and branch chronology. In ancient China, in order to record time, people divided a day into 12 hours, and each hour was represented by a corresponding animal. Later, the ancients associated these 12 animals with the year, forming the 12 zodiac animals we know now.

The twelve zodiac animals are an important part of traditional Chinese culture and are also a concrete expression of Chinese cultural concepts such as the heavenly stems, earthly branches, yin and yang and the five elements. These twelve animals each have their own unique symbolic meanings and legends. They not only represent the understanding of time, the universe and life, but also reflect the understanding and imagination of nature and animals.

Each hour has a corresponding animal representative:

1. Rat 11 pm - 1 am (zǐ hour)
Rats like to come out in the dead of night, especially at midnight, so they are called "rats."

2. Ox 1 a.m.-3 a.m. (chǒu hour)
In ancient times, cattle were used to plow fields and do hard work, so every time it was ugly, farmers would get up to feed their cattle so that the cattle could work better, so they were called "ugly cattle".

3. Tiger 3 a.m. to 5 a.m. (yín hour)
The tiger is the king of beasts. It is ferocious in nature and likes to travel between day and night, so it is called the "Yin Tiger".

4. Rabbit: 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. (mǎo hour)
When it's just dawn, rabbits like to go out to graze most at this time, so they are called "Mao Rabbits".

5. Dragon 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. (chén hour)
It is when the fog comes, and it is said that dragons like to fly in the fog the most, so they are called "Chen Dragons".

6. Snake 9 a.m.-11 a.m. (sì hour)
When the sun is shining high in the sky, snakes like to come out and walk most at this time, so they are called "Si snakes".

7. Horse 11:00-1:00 noon (wǔ hour)
The sun is at its strongest when the scorching sun is in the sky, and the personality of our horses is the strongest, so we call it "noon horse".

8. Sheep 1pm-3pm (wèi hour)
When the sun gradually sets in the west, it is the best time to herd sheep, so it is called "Wei Sheep".

9. Monkey 3pm-5pm (shēn hour)
The sun has set, and this is the time when monkeys come out and play, so it is called "Shen Monkey".

10. Chicken 5pm-7pm (yǒu hour)
At this time, the sun sets over the hill and when it gets dark, all the chickens will go back to their coops, so they are called "unitary chickens".

11. Dog 7pm-9pm (xū hour)
In the dead of night, when people are quiet, this is the time when dogs make their last inspection before going to bed, so they are called "dogs."

12. Pig 9pm-11pm (hài hour)
At this time, pigs sleep the most soundly and deeply, so they are called "Hai pigs".

The 12 zodiac signs are not just a mark of time, they also contain rich wisdom. Through these animals, we can learn about many values ​​and philosophies of life in traditional Chinese culture. For example, Ox represents hard work and steadfastness, Dragon represents courage and courage, Monkey represents resourcefulness and flexibility, and Pig represents open-minded optimism...

Snake Personality, Love, Career

Snake Personality Traits

Character strengths:

1. Mysterious, romantic, elegant appearance and proficient attitude, personable, good at rhetoric, and good at maneuvering.

2. Calm and composed, have special talents, and have the fighting spirit and spirit to carry through.

3. Will not show off his talents, but will progress step by step according to the plan.

4. Be naturally sensitive and knowledgeable, have good intentions and care for others, and have strong adaptability.

5. People tend to have the upper hand in terms of luck and dream of using their own strength to create a prosperous career. However, if they lack the spirit of cooperation, they are prone to failure.

6. He is taciturn and does not get angry easily. He thinks twice before doing anything. He is a thoughtful intellectual.

7. Know your own abilities very well, attach great importance to spiritual life, have a sixth sense of the afterlife and superhuman insight, and have strong observation and judgment of things.

8. You are very lucky in terms of wealth throughout your life, you are never short of money, and you have a strong desire for money.

9. He has a sharp mind. Although he is mediocre by nature, he can make quick decisions and be smart and rich in inspiration.

Character flaws:

1. Indifferent on the surface, very possessive, with a weak personality. He is not easy to get close to and does not reveal his true feelings easily, let alone interact with others casually.

2. He is vain by nature and often has a suspicious eye.

3. Emotions are unstable and relationships are prone to twists and turns.

4. Know how to advance and retreat, sociable, slightly jealous, not easy to get along with people around you, attach importance to feelings and money.

5. Although his attitude is courteous, he is actually a stubborn person who refuses to admit defeat.

6. Love deeply and exclusively, and cannot tolerate the other person’s betrayal.

The Secret of Love in the Snake Zodiac

When you first get to know them, their cold personality will make you feel scared, but after getting along for a long time, you will find that they are actually very affectionate, have a fiery heart, and have strict and even picky requirements for women. It is difficult for them to accept it. Simple.

Women have a strong possessive desire. Once they fall in love with a man, they will never let him leave. At the same time, they are very jealous. They do not allow their boyfriends or husbands to have other girlfriends, but they cannot restrain themselves. Therefore, men must pay attention when interacting with them.

Snake Career

Suitable for entertainers.

People born under the sign of Snake are very suspicious, have the ability to think carefully, or give people a sense of mystery.

Fame, fortune and wealth are easy to obtain for people born under the sign of Snake, and they are full of money luck. Snake people are very talented and will most likely achieve great things. But while wisdom and talent are extraordinary, they also need to be exercised with caution.

Analysis of Compatibility and Conflict between Chinese Zodiac

Analysis of the Compatibility and Conflict of the Snake Zodiac

Clash Chinese zodiac for Snake: tiger, monkey, and pig

Highly compatible Chinese zodiac for Snake: Ox and Rooster

Other Chinese zodiac animals belong to the moderately compatible

Analysis of Marriage Compatibility and Conflict for Snake

Snake women are best suitable for marriage: Ox, Rabbit, Dog and Monkey men

Snake men are best suitable for marriage: Rabbit, Horse, Sheep, Dog, and Monkey

Snake women are not suitable for marriage: Rat, Horse, Sheep and Pig men

Snake men are not suitable for marriage: Rat, Tiger, Snake, and Pig women

Snake Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Snake

Snake: Snake is also a small dragon. Like the dragon, it symbolizes auspiciousness. The snake is also the embodiment of wisdom.

Taboo items: For people whose zodiac sign is snake, the opposite animal is pig, so avoid pigs in the shape of animals when wearing it.

The five elements of the zodiac snake are fire, and wood produces fire. Wooden products naturally belong to wood, so cultural and recreational accessories are basically in this category. Wood is mainly green, so the colored gemstones belonging to wood are green colored gems, such as: emerald, green jade, peridot, green tourmaline, etc.

Lucky Flower of Snake

People born in the Year of the Snake are suitable for planting purple jasmine, rosemary, etc.

These flowers have an exotic feel, and given that people born in the Year of the Snake are full of mystery and independent spirit, these flowers are a perfect representation of their unique personalities.

Lucky Colors for Snake

Lucky colors: purple, yellow, green

Taboo colors: gray, white

2024 Snake Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Snake

Entering 2024, for Snake people, there may be major opportunities and turning points in some aspects. You must grasp it firmly in the moment of lightning, otherwise you will definitely regret it in the future, and it is difficult to encounter this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity again.

But in other aspects, you may encounter major setbacks and blows. You should treat them with a normal mind and never give up on yourself. Don't be intimidated by difficulties, but learn to sharpen your personal willpower and stimulate stronger potential amid difficulties.

This year, there are a lot of malefic and auspicious stars around you, and they are in a balanced state in terms of strength and power. Snake people should look at it dialectically and find ways to resolve it. They must not sit still and wait for death.

This year you will also need to make detailed work plans, don't be too confused, and have a clearer understanding of life.

2024 Snake Career Horoscope

In terms of career, Snake people will be actively guided by the auspicious star "Yima" in 2024, and there may be many changes around them, which may seem a bit turbulent in a short period of time. But don’t worry or be afraid, because after the short-term turmoil, there will definitely be huge opportunities for career development.

If there is an opportunity to go on a business trip or work overtime in the company this year, Snake people must take the initiative to fight for it, so that they may win a good opportunity for promotion and salary increase. However, when you arrive in a new place, you must integrate into the new group as soon as possible, and you must also find ways to make yourself more lively and outgoing. If you feel uncomfortable, you must see a doctor in time.

In 2024, Snake people may need to accept some new work projects and content. They must take the initiative to contact and learn more. You can learn more about relevant knowledge in private. This will help expand your personal knowledge reserve and broaden your horizons. , conducive to future career development.

2024 Snake Wealth Horoscope

In terms of money, Snake people may be a little bumpy on the road to making money in 2024 due to the influence of "unlucky" evil stars. The real income is very large, and the basic salary and additional commission bonuses together are very considerable, which will make Snake people feel very at ease.

However, this year, try not to focus on side jobs or investment and financial management. Because even if you invest a lot of effort, energy and funds in the early stage, you will not be able to get considerable returns in the later stage, and you will lose all your principal. This is definitely a result that Snake people do not want to see.

In addition, do not blindly enter unfamiliar areas this year, as this will bring great risks, and you may even fall into the trap set by scammers.

If Snake people have a lot of money on hand, they can deposit all the money in the bank. Although the interest rate is not much, it is at least very safe and sound. It will not bring any losses to yourself, and you can get a certain amount of income more or less every month.

2024 Snake Love Horoscope

In terms of relationships, Snake people will enter 2024. With the help of the auspicious star "Tianxi", there will be many unexpected surprises.

Single friends may suddenly be confessed by someone of the opposite sex they have secretly loved for a long time, which will make them ecstatic. The relationship between the two people will progress very quickly, and there may be a flash love and marriage. In this relationship, Snake people will be particularly satisfied. After getting married, they will definitely be inclined to give and contribute to the entire family.

Friends who have a partner, the relationship between two people will be unbreakable in 2024, and there will never be a third party. Although there will be occasional quarrels, it will not rise to a serious level. The relationship between the two people will, on the contrary, become more serious. Able to gradually heat up amid the noise.

Friends who are already married can implement their pregnancy preparation plan this year. The whole process will be particularly smooth and it will be easy to conceive a baby. It is also possible to have twins at one time, or twins, and the family will be filled with joy.

2024 Snake Healthy Horoscope

In terms of health, Snake people will be affected by the evil star "Disease Symbol" in 2024 and may be hit by diseases. There is a possibility of both serious and minor illnesses. However, with the existence of the auspicious star "Heavenly Solution", even if you will experience a lot of pain in the middle, the final result will be beautiful, so Snake people do not need to worry too much.

You must prepare sufficient funds this year so that if you fall ill, you can receive treatment in the hospital with peace of mind, otherwise you will have to give up in vain. You should strengthen physical exercise at ordinary times and do not sit or lie down all the time, otherwise your immunity will become very low.

In addition, you should also find a suitable exercise method based on your own health condition. You can go to the gym to train with a personal trainer, you can also do yoga at home, or do more housework. Of course, it is worth considering to insist on walking in the community every day, or walking and running in the park, etc.

In terms of diet, you should also take in some foods in a targeted way. Don't be picky about food. You should take in a balanced nutritional intake of vegetables, fruits and other nutritious ingredients. Only in this way can your physical health become better and better.

Snake people who have the habit of driving should pay attention to driving safety and abide by traffic rules.

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