The Libra Zodiac Sign: Complete Libra Horoscope

Name:   Libra
Date:   September 23 - October 22
Symbol:   Libra
House Ruled:   Seventh house
Attributes:   Air sign
Ruler:   Venus
Characteristics:   Weighing choices
Key Words:   Partnership
Representative:   Leader
Greatest Compatibility:   Aries, Sagittarius
Color:   Pink, Green
Lucky Numbers:   4, 6, 13, 15, 24
Day:   Friday

Libra Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Libra Personality Traits

Libra people want to live in a harmonious and elegant world. He has a gentle personality, is kind to others, and does not like to argue. He naturally integrates into interpersonal interactions and social environments, and is always welcomed by people.

At the same time, Libra's calm rationality drives him or her to reject extreme sexual behavior and strive to maintain his or her grace. In order to live in the ideal world they desire, Libras will not deliberately emphasize their own self-esteem and desires, but will do their best to maintain a harmonious and stable environment.

1. Libra: intellectually curious and tasteful

Libras have good taste, and living leisurely and elegantly in an elegant atmosphere is your creed. But you are always a little dissatisfied. Deep down in your heart, you always have the desire to constantly accept new knowledge. People who are unique, creative and provocative are the lovers who can satisfy you the most. You will stick to your own personality. Judge the doer for himself.

2. Libra: Emphasis on friendship

Libras are always considerate of others and always appear friendly and enthusiastic on the outside, but inside they are extremely against themselves, but they still do it because they value friendship.

3. Libra: Strong patience

Libra is a very tolerant zodiac sign. They will not reveal their pain to others and bear it silently. They do not have a strong competitive mentality. They believe that what is yours is yours, and what is not yours will never be yours.

4. Libra: balance is required in everything

Libra requires balance in everything, and maintaining deep relationships with others is his life goal. They are most likely to feel lonely, and often feel empty in their hearts. Although sharing is his motto in life, unfortunately, it is easy to add his own set of ideas to others. When it comes to others, as the saying goes, "Measure others by your own ruler." Libra friends should be careful about this. Most people think that Libra is a good person and will not offend others. That's because Libra doesn't feel the need to be serious with them.

In fact, Libras can speak very directly, and they can only speak directly to good friends. Being too direct may occasionally hurt people, but it is all for the good of their friends. For example, if you know that your best friend's boyfriend is with another girl, you will definitely not hide it for fear of making your best friend sad. Libra will be outspoken and help your best friend see the facts clearly, face the facts, and reduce future harm. In this regard, Libra regards it as a bounden duty as a friend.

5. Libra: Don’t like decisions

Libras don't like to make decisions because they don't know how to decide, they like to escape reality, are hesitant, at a loss, and don't know what to do next; they are most afraid of loneliness, friends are very important to them, and female Libras want a partner It's best to stay with her 24 hours a day!

6. Libra: romantic and sensual

Libras are very romantic and emotional. Although they are sensitive, their reactions are sometimes slow. They are used to understanding feelings bit by bit. Libras are very hesitant and ambiguous about relationships, so you can take the initiative, but don't ruin the good atmosphere.

7. Libra: Pursuing safety and happiness

Compatible partners for Libra include Aquarius, who pursues a safe and happy life and never flinches when encountering difficulties; Gemini, who is innocent, lively, beautiful and full of humor, so that you will not feel lonely; Libra, who also has a mediocre and peaceful personality; more ideal . Incompatible ones include the conservative, simple and lifeless Capricorn; the rough and impatient Aries, who have many divorces; and the inconsistent life pace of Cancer, which will make the pace of life disordered.

8. Libra: quarrelsome

Everyone knows that Libras are born with a sharp tongue. In theory, they can convince both heaven and earth. Sometimes, Libra people like to quarrel with the people they like, but they will not quarrel loudly, or they will not quarrel at all. You can quarrel with Libra if you want, but Libra will just turn around and walk away, too lazy to argue with you. Similarly, although Libra is eloquent, when she is misunderstood by others, she does not like to explain to others. The reason is that she does not like to explain.

9. Libra: Indecisive

Libras don't like to make decisions. They can do whatever they want with small things, it doesn't matter. Libra likes to listen to friends' opinions on big things. If you are a trustworthy person, Libra will ask for your opinion. All you need to do is analyze, and Libra will make the decision themselves. If they think your analysis makes sense, they will think about it in their minds and adopt it if it is feasible. If Libra has an idea of his own, once he makes a decision, even if the whole world opposes it, there is almost no possibility of change. Acting on one's own will actually relies more or less on intuition, but Libra's intuition is pretty accurate most of the time.

10. Libra: Don’t know the trade-offs

There is a lyrics that goes well: "Standing at both ends of the scale, I am in a dilemma." Libras are often in this dilemma and cannot make a choice. Especially when it comes to emotional issues, Libra feels like there are two evenly matched teams in a tug-of-war, making it difficult to make a decisive choice. It is easy for them to see the advantages of the opposite sex, and it is easy for them to appreciate a person of the opposite sex. It is very difficult for them to give up one or the other, just like letting them choose to lose their wallet or their mobile phone. Therefore, when Libra is unwilling to make a choice, they adopt delaying tactics, making the relationship complicated and ambiguous, and ultimately hurting everyone.

A note to Libra men: God knows how fine a weight it would take to measure how sensitive you are.

A note to Libra women: Unfortunately, even the lightest breeze can shake your resolve significantly.

Love between Libra and the 12 Zodiac Signs

Libras who are unwilling to be lonely are people who like to make friends in life. They like to be lively and get together with crowds. In love, they will have higher requirements for the appearance of their partner, and their loyalty to love will be very high, but in love, they do not understand that rejection is often the prerequisite for suffering a loss.

1. The love between Libra and Aries

Two people with completely opposite personalities can always attract each other. Both parties can learn the qualities they lack from each other. Aries, who is straightforward and self-conscious, can learn a harmonious way of life from Libra, and Libra, who does not understand rejection, can do the same. Learn how to be yourself from the straightforward Aries. Their strong points make up for their shortcomings, and they are full of vitality. This is a combination that can rely on each other for a lifetime.

2. The love between Libra and Taurus

Both of them like art, beautiful things, and a good environment. They both have high taste and can resonate with each other. Taurus always appreciates Libra's temperament, but it is difficult to understand Libra's changing and unstable thinking. Libra loves chatting, but Taurus prefers to think, which may make Libra feel left out. For the relationship between two people with incompatible personalities to develop smoothly, they must go all out.

3. Love between Libra and Gemini

Gemini and Libra can be said to be a match made in heaven. Sparks can always fly quickly when they first meet. Both of them are outgoing and have many similar ideas. Libra likes Gemini's wit and humor very much, and it is always easy to understand Libra's thoughts. Gemini also admires Libra's keen observation ability. The two get along very smoothly, and it is easy to expand their social circle. They are a combination with a high degree of speed.

4. Love between Libra and Cancer

Cancer is a very home-loving person and a little sensitive, while Libra prefers to go out and socialize with others. The nervous, sensitive and emotional Cancer may be the main conflict between the two. It is difficult for Libra to tolerate it. They both need each other very much. To adjust to a sense of security, but neither of them are strong people and like to maintain a superficial balance, so there will be no big conflicts when they get along.

5. The love between Libra and Leo

It is easy to understand and appreciate each other, and they usually start as friends. Leo loves to express his personality, and when he meets Libra, who loves to be sociable, the two of them are very compatible. They both love new things and like to attend parties. You are always full of energy when you are together. However, Leo, who has strong self-esteem, has to be a little patient when facing Libra's hesitation. The two people who cherish each other will be a classic combination.

6. Love between Libra and Virgo

Virgo's clear analytical skills, extraordinary service spirit, and natural team awareness can make Libra appreciate it endlessly. Libra can always discover the advantages of Virgo. While Virgo is moved, he will also be attracted by Libra's elegance and gregarious personality. Both of them also like to analyze things and can easily find common topics. However, neither of them is very proactive, so the first breakthrough will be critical.

7. The love between Libra and Libra

When two Libras with similar personalities are together, it is like falling in love with themselves in the mirror. They have the same preferences and weaknesses, and they can appreciate each other and tolerate each other. The two of them are always full of rationality and wisdom in getting along, but their shortcomings cannot complement each other. Libras are born to cooperate with others, lack a certain degree of decision-making power, and have a tendency to escape when encountering difficulties, so life You will encounter a lot of trouble.

8. Love between Libra and Scorpio

The elegant, sociable Libra and the mysterious, sexy Scorpio will be an eye-catching combination. Scorpio's decisiveness and super willpower will be greatly appreciated by Libra, and Libra can always guide a depressed Scorpio out of negative emotions at the right time. However, the lifestyles of the two are too different. If Libra wants to attract the interest of Scorpio, it also needs to maintain its own mystery.

9. Love between Libra and Sagittarius

Libra likes to meet people and participate in various social activities, while Sagittarius likes to travel and increase their experience. Both of them were VIPs at the event. Sagittarius pursues freedom and no restraint, and Libra's tolerance and cooperation will be even more important here. Being comfortable with each other can easily make Sagittarius settle down. However, Libra's tact and Sagittarius' straightforwardness may cause some obstacles in communication between the two.

10. The love between Libra and Capricorn

The two people have obvious differences in their outlook on life. Capricorn may be more indifferent when they first get along, but once Capricorn identifies with Libra, Libra will easily become unappreciative of the relationship. Capricorns always find Libras elegant and charming, but they also think that Libras lack some principles. The harmonious Libra is definitely a good helper for Capricorn's career, and Capricorn's sense of responsibility is also a reliable partner for the dependent Libra.

11. The love between Libra and Aquarius

The two have close personalities, have endless topics to talk about, and have a very tacit understanding. They can collide with each other for a lot of inspiration, and they can also give each other enough space to keep distance without alienating each other. Paying attention to spiritual communication, they will become a couple that is very much like friends, and they will be an excellent combination. If we insist on talking about the contradiction in getting along, it is that Aquarius yearns for freedom too much, while Libra still longs for the support of family after all.

12. Love between Libra and Pisces

Two people who also have super creativity. They are also idealists, and are most suitable for a romantic relationship. Libra is an objective and rational type, but Pisces is extremely sensitive. Libra can always bring different inspirations and new perspectives to Pisces, but it often interrupts Pisces' sensibility and fantasy. The romantic feelings of Pisces can arouse Libra's interest, but unstable emotions can also throw Libra off balance.

Libra Career

Libra people have coordination, fairness and social skills. They are suitable for working in fields such as law, diplomacy and human resources. Libras are good at handling conflicts, maintaining balance and establishing cooperative relationships. They are suitable for becoming lawyers, diplomats, human resources managers or public relations specialists. They prefer a fair and harmonious work environment and have good interpersonal skills.

requires attention
Take fame and fortune lightly, but shoulder responsibilities on both shoulders

If Libra doesn't care about fame and fortune, it's because in your world, everything is about balance. When a Libra's life is out of balance, he or she should consider adjusting the weights on the left and right scales. At work, you do spend a lot of time out of balance and are often hesitant, which often makes many people around you sad.

Libra hopes to gain the approval of the crowd, and sometimes their emotions tend to be superficial. In fact, what you say and what you think in your heart are sometimes different things. Your communication skills are very strong, and you have gained a lot of connections by making a lot of friends, but sometimes this can cause interpersonal problems. The most common way you get hurt is by being led around. If you really want to fight back, you should come up with your own ideas and say "no" bravely.

Key points to review: Libras who don’t contribute enough to their family and have no motivation for their career should wake up early.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Libra

Strengths that Libra should have

Fair and objective
Sense of justice
very adaptive
Have an appreciation for beauty
Strong logic and good at analysis
natural elegance
romantic love expert
be diplomatic
Able to adapt to circumstances, able to bend and stretch, and have strong adaptability

Weaknesses he or she may have

indecisive, indecisive
Weak willed and easily influenced by others
Afraid of offending others
Can't bear pressure and have no sense of responsibility
If you demand too much about fairness, you won’t suffer any loss.
Putting things to rest and treating the symptoms rather than the root cause
Always justifying yourself, too many excuses
Like to enjoy and hate work
often show mercy inadvertently
Lack of self-reflection ability

Aries Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Libra

Libras pay attention to balance and harmony, so they are best suited to wear some elegant and harmonious jewelry, such as rose quartz or garnet. These accessories will help them achieve inner balance and harmony.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Libra

Libra is the balancer of partnerships, and Venus, the god of love and beauty, is its ruler. He impresses with his friendly demeanor and facilitates smooth interpersonal relationships.

Libra rules autumn flowers and is also a person who loves beauty. He prefers flowers with graceful lines, bright colors and romantic gestures.

Flowers that symbolize Libra: gerbera, peacock tail, cosmos, etc.

Flowering Plant: Podophyllum. Libra people have good financial luck and a strong motivation to make money, but this person is relatively greedy, and it is this greed that causes them to lose money on the way to making money. Putting a few pots of "green radish" at home can help increase wealth, but it still depends on the individual. If you see something good, just accept it, don’t be greedy.

The Representative Animal of Libra


Libra people are the most generous and generous people, and they like to reconcile contradictory people and things, striving to achieve a balance in everything. Libra has this ability to turn conflicts into friendship. The dove, which represents peace, is the most suitable for Libra. The same love for nature, the same love for peace.

Lucky Colors for Libra


The lucky color of Libra is green, because Libras often have a lot of thoughts and have great emotional ups and downs. Green can help them relax.

2024 Libra Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Libra

Entering 2024, the overall fortune of Libra is relatively stable. You can keep a cool head, have clear judgment, and know when to do something and when not to do it.

However, the influence of Mercury retrograde will bring some obstacles to your development, especially in terms of interpersonal relationships. Sometimes, Libras give people the impression of being shrewd and calculating, which may lead some people to have a bad view of you, or even deliberately slander you. This will strain the relationship between Libra and colleagues, and may even be regarded as a thorn in the leader's side, hindering career development.

Libra needs to invest more energy and patience when dealing with interpersonal relationships. As long as you do things openly and do not harm others, I believe you will soon be understood by others.

At the same time, Libra's relationship status will fluctuate somewhat this year. Because people in love have many friends of the opposite sex around them, if they do not grasp the boundaries when getting along with the opposite sex, it is easy to cause trouble to their relationship. Although you have not committed any betrayal of your relationship, if you do not pay attention to propriety, the progress of your relationship will become difficult.

In addition, Libra's financial situation will be somewhat volatile in 2024. Although you can earn a decent income through hard work, living expenses are also relatively high, especially those due to irrational consumption. Libras need to develop good consumption habits, don't shop blindly, let alone compare with others. You should decide your consumption based on your actual financial situation and avoid excessive spending due to the pursuit of vanity.

Overall, 2024 is a relatively stable year for Libra, but it also requires you to stay alert in terms of interpersonal relationships, emotions, and finances, and take appropriate measures to balance and improve the situation.

2024 Libra Career Horoscope

When Libra enters the road of career development in 2024, you will encounter some ups and downs and challenges. Especially at the beginning of the year, errors and mistakes frequently occur in the work. These omissions not only have an impact on you, but also cause distress to those around you, which in turn affects interpersonal relationships and worsens tensions with colleagues.

Some of Libra's behaviors sometimes give people the impression of being shrewd and calculating, always seeming to pursue personal interests. Although you have no malicious intentions and have not done anything excessive, this misunderstanding may cause certain obstacles to career development. In order to cope with this situation, Libra needs to remain cautious in words and deeds in 2024. In work and interpersonal interactions, you should be more thoughtful and avoid trouble caused by impulsiveness and verbal mistakes.

In addition, Libras also need to be aware that being too high-profile may be counterproductive. Especially when achieving something, a humble and low-key posture will leave a better impression on others and strive for more development opportunities for yourself.

However, the second half of 2024 will be more difficult for Libra's career development. Especially for those who plan to start a business, they need to be treated with more caution. Blindly following someone else's path to success often brings more risks. At this stage, Libra may not be ready to take on the financial and interpersonal pressures of starting a business. Therefore, it is a wiser choice to do your job well and lay a solid foundation.

Although there will be some twists and turns in Libra's career development in 2024, it is also an opportunity for growth. You can prepare for future opportunities by actively learning and improving your skills.

In addition, it is also very important to establish good communication and collaboration skills and repair and improve interpersonal relationships. A good network and partnerships are crucial to successful career development.

2024 Libra Wealth Horoscope

In 2024, Libra will face some challenges and instability in terms of economic fortune. In addition to a drop in income, there is a higher possibility of unexpected expenses in life, which will put great pressure on the economy. For those Libras who want to save money in 2024, it is best to stay rational and not have too high expectations. Excessive expectations will only increase disappointment and create more trouble for yourself.

In addition, Libras need to be wary of financial risks to avoid falling into financial distress and bankruptcy. At work, especially those Libras who are responsible for finances, they must remain honest and do not have selfish desires for other people's property. Avoid making regrettable decisions out of momentary greed.

In addition, when others borrow money from themselves, Libras should find suitable reasons to refuse, or if they have to lend, be sure to leave a written IOU and try to find a guarantor to protect their rights and interests.

What needs special attention is that Libras will have a strong desire to consume in 2024 and will often buy unnecessary items impulsively. Even though I know I don't need it, I will follow the trend after seeing others buy it, and then regret it. This happens often, resulting in a lot of unnecessary waste.

In 2024, Libras should pay more attention to rational consumption and financial planning. Set a reasonable budget and stick to it to avoid unnecessary waste and impulse purchases. Learn about investment and savings opportunities to grow your wealth in a sound way by consulting with a financial expert.

At the same time, cultivate the habit of rational shopping and don’t be driven by vanity and comparison. Only by paying attention to your own actual needs and making reasonable decisions based on your economic situation can you achieve the dual goals of financial stability and personal happiness.

2024 Libra Love Horoscope

Entering 2024, Libra will face some challenges and complex emotional experiences in relationships. You will taste the ups and downs of love, and all kinds of flavors will fill your emotional world. Although sometimes love is full of sweetness, Libras often fall into the pain of love, and some unpredictable problems often occur in the relationship.

Especially for Libras who are in love, a series of practical problems will be before you, such as buying a car, buying a house, choosing a city to live in in the future, etc. These problems will make Libras feel annoyed and don't know how to deal with them, but you are reluctant to let go of this relationship, so the whole person is in a state of anxiety and uneasiness.

For single Libras, although you are eager to get out of single status, you have yet to find a partner who matches you. Or you meet someone you like, but the other person doesn't like you; or there are suitors around you, but they don't match your ideal type. Therefore, the possibility of getting divorced this year is not very high. Watching friends around you fall in love happily and sweetly, single Libras will feel envious in their hearts.

In addition, during Mercury retrograde in August, married Libras may encounter some problems in their marriage. Especially when it comes to children's education, there will be great differences and conflicts between husband and wife. Both parties are unable to agree on many concepts and are unwilling to make concessions, which causes tension in the marriage.

For this situation, Libra needs more tolerance and understanding. After all, both husband and wife have the same original intention. In order to make the relationship more harmonious, some compromises can be made appropriately. By showing your efforts and letting the other party see your changes, you can make the relationship develop in a better direction and avoid many conflicts and quarrels.

2024 Libra Academic Progress Horoscope

Libra's academic performance in 2024 will encounter some difficulties, and it can even be said to be a little bad. The main reason is that it is difficult for Libras to concentrate on their studies and they are always susceptible to external temptations. Some people are addicted to online games, and some people are obsessed with star-chasing entertainment and have no interest in learning. While others are focusing on their studies, Libras are busy doing their own things, with poor learning status and unsatisfactory results.

In response to this situation, Libras must adjust their mentality in time, correct their learning attitude, and do not regard learning as a dispensable thing. After all, during the learning stage, learning is the most important. Only by investing your energy in learning can you lay a solid foundation for future life.

In addition, during the learning process, Libras should find a learning method that suits them, instead of just memorizing things by rote. Especially for science knowledge, you should do more questions, don't be lazy, and don't think too highly of yourself. Don't be complacent just because you have mastered some knowledge. Only by maintaining an open-minded and down-to-earth attitude towards learning can your grades be improved.

For Libras in college, you especially need to pay attention to your learning attitude. Although there is no pressure to enter higher education at this stage, if you do not perform well, it will cause problems after graduation. Libras should realize the importance of university study, develop good study habits, focus on combining theory with practice, actively participate in courses and academic activities, and broaden their knowledge and skills. Achieving good grades in studies is not only related to your future development, but also a kind of responsibility and respect for yourself.

Libras should always remind themselves to work hard to overcome difficulties in learning, maintain their enthusiasm and motivation for learning, and lay a solid foundation for their own growth.

Libra Man

Libra Man: Steady and Witty



Libra men are typical perfectionists. They want themselves and everything around them to be spotless, and the pursuit of perfection is always the persistent goal of Libra men. A Libra man has an innate charm. Even if he is not handsome, he mostly has a gentle and elegant temperament. There are many idol-level male stars who are Libras. In addition, he is a natural master of ambiguity, and girls will It's not weird at all to fall under a Libra man's jeans.

It is better to say that Libra men are love-minded than they are philanthropic. They like new and beautiful things, so there are always girls around them. However, their sentimental character and indecisive style make them at a loss when faced with a bunch of girls, and they don't know which one to choose as their significant other. They treat every girl warmly and considerately, and seem to like every girl, but only because they don't want to destroy a beautiful relationship. Libra men believe that there is a true and pure friendship between men and women.

Libra men always give people the appearance of being strong and indifferent, but in fact their hearts are made of glass. A little blow will break it, and a little injury is enough to make it bleed. They will just light a cigarette and cry alone in the dead of night.

Libra men believe that friendships last forever. They like to make friends, but only a few of them are really interested in them. They don't need to spend time and wine to show the friendship between friends. But when their friends need help, they are always the first to lend a hand.

The Libra man's mantra is that it doesn't matter. It seems like it doesn't matter, but in fact, a Libra man never doesn't matter. They cherish every day of their lives, care about everyone around them, do what they like, and live an ordinary and peaceful life.

Personalized tags:

1. Indecisive: too emotional in love and choice, unable to make a decision.

2. Ambiguity master: He likes all beautiful things and is ambiguous with girls, and uses this to show his good popularity.

3. Gentle and elegant: The temperament is extraordinary and gives people a gentle and reliable feeling.

How to get along with a Libra man

When facing such elegant Libra men, first of all, you should not use vulgar words and deeds to get along with them. They don't like bad things and will hate you from the bottom of their hearts. When facing dissatisfaction, you can only find a suitable time and place to have a heart-to-heart talk with him and explain your thoughts. They will accept it. Don't interrupt and refute them when they explain their objective evaluation.

They pay great attention to details. If you ignore small details because you have been together for a long time, a Libra man will start to hate you or even change his heart. You must have not only external beauty but also inner beauty, so that a Libra man will be more willing to get along with you.

Remember to be sloppy, foul-mouthed, and behave vulgarly in front of a Libra man. A Libra man feels that you really don't respect him. In front of his friends, you must respect him, praise him, and give him enough face.

Faced with his difficulty in making choices, you can help him choose small things. Show your opinionated side. When it comes to big things, please don't comment or interfere at will. This will make Libra men disgusted.

Libra men and sex

A Libra man's sexual skills may not be as outstanding as his love skills. In this regard, he was somewhat self-indulgent. You may feel that he doesn't pay much attention to your feelings. Don't be sulky by yourself, tell him your feelings and needs, and you will cooperate more happily.

Libra as a dad

A Libra father will be the "Bao Qingtian" in the eyes of his children. He always handled the children's disputes with great fairness. He will not be a father who loses his temper easily. When his children make mistakes, he will patiently listen to their reasons. However, many Libra fathers have the habit of debating and giving speeches, which can cause headaches for their children. He will be a good dad and won't neglect you because of the kids.

Libra Woman

Libra Woman: Flexible


You are energetic, have a wide range of interests, and like activities. You never lack things to interact with, and you are a person who lives in excitement. You are very considerate of others, deliberately pursue beauty and justice, and do not like to argue. You are fair, rational, and value friendship.

Although you can be a little willful occasionally, you are usually calm and advocating harmony, and you are not fanatical about anything. You have a balanced outlook on life and an attitude that understands all of life's experiences.

You are a dual personality sign. Because you are in a daze and don't understand yourself, you have a dual personality and you don't know it either.

Libra women are male signs with an extroverted personality: you are very outgoing and generous, tend to be brave and ambitious, active and spiritual, and are full of interest in everything.

Libra girls

Libra is the zodiac sign with the highest probability of beautiful women. In fact, most Libra women possess an elegant temperament. They can almost be said to be a combination of "men" and "girls". In appearance, he always possesses an elegant and delicate feminine taste, while in thought, he possesses masculine intelligence with rich logical concepts.

Even better, Libra women rarely seek the limelight. They often know how to hide their intelligence behind pleasant feminine tenderness and never let it sharply hurt men's self-esteem. Therefore, whether they are of the same sex or the opposite sex, they are rare and good partners.

As for how to win your heart? Of course, first of all you have to be a very logical man. People who are too stubborn, extreme, and emotional are not good partners for Libra girls.

You'd better be a man with noble taste, because most Libra girls have a great appreciation for "beauty". Of course, handsome and gentle men will definitely be the favorites of Libra girls.

Furthermore, if you are a man who doesn't like girls talking, then you may not be suitable for Libra girls. Almost all Libra women have a natural talent for eloquence. She is very talkative, likes to discuss things with others, and analyzes things in an orderly manner. And many times, it can indeed give you some help. Because she often likes to analyze things from various angles and find an objective and fair conclusion.

A Libra woman doesn't like people who are too emotional, and of course she is by no means an emotional person herself. Because she is so "reasonable". She likes to reason with others, and she also likes to reason with herself all the time. But people always have emotions, and not everything in the world (especially emotional matters) is reasonable. At such a time, the Libra girl's arms start to swing dramatically. You don't have to be nervous, and you don't have to reason with her effortlessly (that's her specialty). A little more tenderness and consideration, a little more sweetness and love. Soon, she will return to her original balanced beauty.

Many Libra girls tend to overeat when they are emotionally unstable.

Libra girls have an excellent sense of balance when facing the ever-changing world. In almost any situation, she can always find a way to balance herself. This is really a rare advantage for her male companion. Because of this, many Libra women can become good helpers to their husbands in their careers after marriage. They are committed to being a good partner, whether in life or career. Moreover, a Libra woman will never compete with you to be the chairman.

If you don't need her help in your career, I still recommend that you let her freely develop her career after marriage. At first, the simple housewife life seems too boring for smart Libra girls. Secondly, a Libra girl usually needs "enough" money to satisfy her desire to pursue "beauty." So, let her be self-sufficient and it will be easier for you. What's more, they are indeed very capable at work.

She is a woman who puts her husband first. She can be a gentle and lovely little wife, or a buddy who accompanies you to create a career. She is reliable without being boastful. Give you the best advice, but never steal your grace. She is very stable and does not have the shortcomings of many girls who are willful, arrogant and unreasonable. She is a typical wife that many husbands respect and love. Being able to marry a Libra girl is such a blessing!

Libra women and "sex"

Libra women are women who like to "fall in love" and are very particular about the skills of "love". The same goes for sex.

Libra women don't like rough and emotionless sexual intercourse. Instead she would rather give up and pursue other pleasures. She attaches great importance to cooperation with each other. Mutual flirtation is very important to her. Although Libra women will not play an aggressive role in sex. But once you are in it, you will fully cooperate and demand. It is a typical example of attaching importance to sensory stimulation.

Libra woman and men of twelve zodiac signs

1 Aries: His aggressive way of doing things is very different from your repeated weighing. If they can complement each other, it will be helpful to each other. Otherwise, conflicts will easily arise.

2. Taurus: You can resonate with the pursuit of "beauty". But he seemed a little too stubborn for you at times.

3. Gemini: You are both intellectual examples of the wind direction, and many of your ideas coincide with each other. Their relationship will not be too sticky.

4. Cancer: He seems a little too emotional for you. And your rationality and calmness sometimes make him misunderstand that you are indifferent.

5. Leo: His down-to-earth and generous attitude can basically attract you. If they have common interests, they can become happy partners sharing life.

6. Virgo: Generally speaking, he is usually not a typical person you admire. And he often doesn't take your "big principles" seriously.

7. Libra: Generally speaking, this is a combination of talent and beauty. But be careful, after you have said a lot of opinions to each other, it is always difficult to come to a conclusion.

8. Scorpio: Their personality seems too strong for you. It is not in line with the peace-seeking Libra.

9. Sagittarius: You are good friends who are easy to play with. However, Sagittarius men like to persuade others, which may not be suitable for you.

10 Capricorn: Your basic concepts of life and life are completely different. It is difficult for you to understand his stubbornness and prejudice. And he may think that you are not principled enough.

11. Aquarius: According to astrology, this is the zodiac sign that is most suitable for you. He often has an attitude of being unchanging and adaptable, and is magnanimous in accepting various different opinions. You can get along happily while having your own space.

12. Pisces: He has a lot of emotional ups and downs, and his personality is very different from yours. Although sometimes you will feel very happy together, but most of the time you still have different steps.

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