The Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: Complete Sagittarius Horoscope

Name:   Sagittarius
Date:   November 22 - December 21
Symbol:   An arrow
House Ruled:   Ninth House
Attributes:   Fire sign
Ruler:   Jupiter
Characteristics:   Free
Key Words:   Philosophy
Representative:   Organizational figure
Greatest Compatibility:   Gemini, Aries
Color:   Blue
Lucky Numbers:   3, 7, 9, 12, 21
Day:   Thursday

Sagittarius Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Sagittarius Personality Traits

Sagittarius is innocent, lively and cheerful, with the ability to focus on one thing and devote all its energy to one thing. This kind of personality allows Sagittarius to learn various experiences and rich knowledge, and become a courageous and courageous person. Sagittarius hopes that he can enjoy a magnificent, deep and content life. Sagittarius will use their agile action ability to gallop towards the set goal and move forward bravely. Sagittarius is characterized by being open-minded and not being shackles by the past.

1. Sagittarius: Obsessive-compulsive disorder

Sagittarius is characterized by strong obsessive-compulsive disorder and even some neurosis, but this is because he is afraid of loneliness and cares about his lover, which leads to some neurosis. In fact, they are very dedicated in their feelings, even to the point where they can't tolerate any sand. They are also a very nostalgic zodiac sign, often looking back at the good times or things they once had.

2.Sagittarius: Pretentious and noble

Sagittarius is often self-righteous and feels good about himself. Although he is very domineering in a quarrel, he will come to comfort you afterwards because he is a zodiac sign that knows how to cherish others.

3. Sagittarius: weak willed

Sagittarius advocates freedom and tends to be claustrophobic. If they are in the same environment for a long time, they will become quite frustrated. They like to explore areas they don’t understand. Language is a tool for them to expand their knowledge, so they actively expand their language abilities in many aspects. They often focus on things that are beyond their ability, treating them as simple and easy goals and pursuing them with all their strength, but they are always eager to engage in new plans before completing one thing. When they feel tired, it is mostly due to monotony and boredom, and they can regain their usual vitality by simply changing jobs. You must try to correct the defect of restlessness, otherwise it will be difficult to have a happy ending in career or marriage.

4. Sagittarius: too persistent

Generally speaking, Sagittarius women are carefree, outgoing, straightforward, and bold. When many things happen around him, Sagittarius will think: No matter what, as long as there is no deception, you can have whatever you like. Sagittarius likes to endure unbearable pain and never has a bottom line for the people he loves. But the day when we can't bear it anymore will be the day when we separate. Because at this time the shooter gave up, was desperate, and couldn't persist.

5. Sagittarius: Innocence

Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that trusts others easily and is also easily deceived, because as long as there are generally reasonable rules to follow, they will not be suspicious of what you say and are easily moved, so they are very easy to be moved. Easily taken advantage of by friends or colleagues.

6. Sagittarius: Playful and weird

Sagittarius is very easy to deceive, impulsive, and fun-loving, as long as you can withstand his three-second temper tantrum when he discovers that he has been deceived. If you ask him out, the fun-loving Sagittarius will definitely have no doubt that he is there, and then you can achieve the same goal by teasing him in a mysterious way. Sagittarius is very playful, and will even say "bold words": "I will give you five dollars, and you will play with me for another five minutes...". Sagittarius is more sophistical and seems to be right no matter what they say, which is very irritating.
Sagittarius loves to flaunt their strong logical ability, and they start to shine when it comes to reasoning. No matter what the facts are, Sagittarius will argue for their logic and put all their brain cells and life experience into serving themselves. In terms of logic and reasoning, even if you are not right, you can always come up with a set of self-justifying arguments. That set of specious theories can easily drive people crazy. Even if their sophistry fails, they will put on a cute face or run away immediately.

7. Sagittarius: Don’t like to be restrained

Sagittarius is a free person who hates restraint in spirit, words and deeds. He should find a tolerant partner with whom he can share happiness and comfort each other. Leo, who is upright, cheerful, generous, and has the same outlook on life; Aries, who has lofty ideals and goals and can actively create opportunities; Sagittarius, who also has an optimistic personality, will all bring happiness. Mismatched ones such as the passive and pessimistic Pisces will make it difficult for you to realize your ideals; the superficial and neurotic Gemini will only lead to separation in the end; the overly delicate and rigorous Virgo will make you feel restricted.

8. Sagittarius: You are a free, bold and passionate person

You are free, bold, and enthusiastic and will go all out for what you think is right, and you feel happiest at this time, so people who cannot go all out are not qualified to be your lover. A dynamic type with a strong sense of adventure and enthusiasm for life and love is your ideal partner.

9. Sagittarius: Optimism

Sagittarius people are very good at comforting and encouraging themselves and those around them, and lifting their spirits. An optimistic spirit, a healthy body and a happy mood will bring them luck and widespread favor, but such an optimist

10. Sagittarius: Honesty

Sagittarius is very honest. When communicating with them, he will honestly express all his inner feelings. This method of communication will be good at the beginning, but the consequences of speaking openly may make you angry to death in the end. Sometimes there is no need to communicate at all, and they will tell you the truth honestly. Although they are not stubborn, they will be overly honest and make your heart paralyze. When communicating with them, you have to learn to be honest in everything.
The symbol of Sagittarius is a beast that is half man and half horse, with animal characteristics. He hates others taking care of him. Therefore, it is useless to use a commanding tone when communicating. Instead, he runs farther and farther away and becomes more rebellious. Communication is interactive and does not mean that you are required to control him or restrain him.

Dedicated to Sagittarius men: Being extremely happy and sad because of good luck is a taboo for your military strategist.

A message for Sagittarius women: It is easy for you to feel in love, but be careful of being shocked by love.

Love between Sagittarius and the 12 Zodiac Signs

Perfectionist Sagittarius will not pursue love because of their needs. People think that Sagittarius is very picky about love. In fact, for Sagittarius, they will identify you at first sight. Sagittarius is also a straightforward person who does not beat around the bush when it comes to the person he loves, and likes simple love.

1. The love between Sagittarius and Aries

They are a very simple and unscheming couple, and they get along very easily. Due to similar personalities, progress usually goes smoothly. Sagittarius may have never met someone as direct as Aries. Aries also feels that the straightforward and cheerful Sagittarius is very suitable for him. Appetite, no matter what they do, the two of them devote themselves wholeheartedly to a colorful life. This is what the two of them pursue. They are a very well-matched couple, like a golden boy and a beautiful girl.

2. The love between Sagittarius and Taurus

The steady Taurus meets the active Sagittarius, one is introverted and the other is extroverted. Taurus is a typical family-oriented person, while Sagittarius is more yearning for the outside world. It's best to think clearly before the two get together. The stubborn Taurus may feel that the fun-loving Sagittarius is unreliable. If the lively Sagittarius resists, he may push harder and harder. If it can give Taurus some sense of security, then Taurus will naturally Being able to be down-to-earth and give the other person freedom.

3. The love between Sagittarius and Gemini

Although you are two people with opposite zodiac signs, you have many similarities. You both like to go out and explore. You can share fun and amuse each other, and your relationship can always remain fresh. The difference is that Gemini cannot accept Sagittarius's blind optimism, and Sagittarius cannot agree that Gemini only pursues the superficial pleasures of life. You need to be careful of each other thinking too much. You are a highly intelligent pair.

4. The love between Sagittarius and Cancer

It can be said that Cancer and Sagittarius are from different planets. Cancer is sensitive at home, while Sagittarius is very nervous and loves to go out. It seems that they are very complementary, but in fact it is difficult to coordinate. However, when faced with the gentleness and elegance of Cancer, Sagittarius can always ignite a strong desire to protect. In the relationship, if Sagittarius can give Cancer enough sense of security, Cancer can open up and show off. With strong tolerance, the rest will be simple.

5. The love between Sagittarius and Leo

Both of them are very adventurous, optimistic and fun-loving. Their mutual enthusiasm can inspire a strong love. Even if they meet for the first time, they are no strangers at all. They are a very attractive combination. However, both of them have hot tempers. When they are happy, they can love each other to the death, and when they have conflicts, they can easily quarrel. If you want the free-spirited Sagittarius to settle down, appropriate tolerance and understanding are necessary.

6. The love between Sagittarius and Virgo

Being attracted to Sagittarius is mostly due to Sagittarius’ unfettered way of thinking. Virgo’s intelligence and super expressive ability are definitely advantages in Sagittarius’s eyes. Faced with Virgo's carefulness and caution, Sagittarius's casual personality may not be suitable. However, as long as you adopt a non-careful attitude and sincere words, Virgo will not be picky anymore. A more natural approach may suit you better.

7. The love between Sagittarius and Libra

Both of them love to have fun and be spontaneous. They hit it off easily and often turn from friends into lovers. Sagittarius's own way of doing things and the lively atmosphere can easily attract Libra. Libra can also respect Sagittarius's laissez-faire and love of freedom, because Libra also likes to go out too much. The versatile and free-spirited personality of Libra, coupled with the personality of Sagittarius who loves to run around, the two of them need more sense of responsibility if they want to stabilize. More: Sagittarius and Libra Love

8. The love between Sagittarius and Scorpio

Scorpio's unique insights and strong sense of mystery can arouse the interest of Sagittarius. The cheerful and smart Sagittarius can also understand the profound Scorpio very well, and can bring Scorpio relaxed conversations and romantic travel. Scorpio can naturally put down heavy protection in front of Sagittarius. . But Scorpio's strong possessiveness is definitely a constraint for Sagittarius who regards freedom as life. At this time, Sagittarius needs to show grace and wisdom to deal with it.

9. The love between Sagittarius and Sagittarius

Your strengths are your cleverness, broad knowledge, and grace. You are like a pair of twins, studying together and traveling together. The same novel ideas can always create sparks of thought, and passion is also reasonable. If you When we are together, we never have to worry about running out of topics to talk about, and we can also give each other absolute freedom, which really makes everyone envious and jealous. However, if both parties want to maintain it, they need more responsibility and patience.

10. The love between Sagittarius and Capricorn

One is pragmatic and steady, and the other is energetic. Although they have different personalities, they are still a good combination. Capricorn likes Sagittarius' mobility and optimistic attitude towards life. Sagittarius often walks around outside, and what he wants in his heart needs Capricorn's help. Finish. What the two of them have in common is that they are very ambitious. If they are together, they should cultivate more common interests and don't lose confidence because of Sagittarius's fun-loving nature.

11. The love between Sagittarius and Aquarius

Aquarius is like a strong wind, and Sagittarius is like a flame. The combination of the two is undoubtedly a firestorm. They will never be boring together, nor will they be carried away by love. Both of them love freedom, are outgoing, and love each other. New things are full of curiosity. Sagittarius' honesty can help Aquarius understand the world better, and Sagittarius also appreciates Aquarius' own way of doing things. Both are a little unrealistic, and that's the only thing to worry about.

12. The love between Sagittarius and Pisces

The sentimental Pisces will appreciate Sagittarius's strong thinking ability, because he can think of everything and has the courage to solve everything, which makes Pisces feel safer. Pisces' emotionality is noticeable to Sagittarius, and it always arouses curiosity. Coupled with the natural romantic nature of Pisces, the two of them hit it off easily. If the nervous Sagittarius and the sensitive Pisces are together, what they need most is a mature mentality.

Sagittarius Career

Sagittarius people love freedom, are curious and have a spirit of adventure. They are suitable for fields such as tourism, education and sports. Sagittarius people like to explore new places and cultures, and they are suitable for becoming travel consultants, educational mentors, sports coaches or explorers. They crave challenge and excitement and enjoy interacting with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

requires attention
Work with ease and freedom

At work, Sagittarius cannot sit in a fixed position for too long. Resigning and changing jobs is a necessary process for Sagittarius to pursue their own ideals. If Sagittarius wants to escape from a place they think they can no longer stay in, as long as they are in a good mood and are ready to travel far away, they can enjoy the extreme freedom of letting go of everything. If there is anything in life that Sagittarius can't let go of, it might be money. After all, you have to keep more money around so that Sagittarius can have the capital to fly high and far.

Sagittarius does not have too high demands on people and things. Similarly, you do not want others to demand too much of you. It's just that sometimes you are casual and inconsiderate of other people's feelings, especially your outspoken personality, which can easily lead to misunderstandings by people who don't know you well. If you feel that you have been bullied by others, you will not deliberately hide your wounds, but boldly and directly shout out your displeasure to the person who hurt you. This is your character that makes people admire you.

Point of review: When Sagittarius pursues excitement, please pay attention to safety. If you are too casual, you will only make many people sweat for you.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Sagittarius

Strengths that Sagittarius should have

naturally optimistic
full of ideals about life
Integrity and frankness
rich sense of humor
Love peace
Kindness to others
Strong mobility
Have your own philosophy of life
withstand blows
Passionate about saving the world and saving people

Weaknesses he or she may have

Outspoken and easy to offend people
lack of patience
Don't understand the ways of the world
Act impulsively and don’t know how to think twice before acting
Do not believe in evil and do not listen to advice
Overly idealistic and unrealistic
Lack of step-by-step plan
Happiness and anger are too expressive

Sagittarius Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is a free bird, best suited to wearing some interesting and diverse jewelry, such as amber or amethyst. These accessories will help them show more freedom and unrestrainedness.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Sagittarius

Sagittarius is an ideal pursuer, and Jupiter is its guardian planet, which can inspire freedom and wisdom, so Sagittarius has a broad vision and a high mind.

Sagittarius is responsible for plants in late autumn and early winter, and loves flowers that express freedom, heroism and exoticism.

Plants that represent Sagittarius: bird of paradise, mountain cherry, Taiwanese eucalyptus, etc.

Flowering plant: Penglai pine. Sagittarius can make money and know how to seize opportunities, but the more they earn, the more they spend. They spend money like water and don't know how to save, so they can't save. In this case, you can even put a plate of "Penglai Song" in your study room to enrich yourself and your wallet.

The Representative Animal of Sagittarius

Big bad wolf

Sagittarius loves freedom, but is charged with being a romantic. In fact, you can use the big bad wolf to describe Sagittarius. Even if they are fickle, they are never sentimental, romantic but not obscene.

Lucky Colors for Sagittarius


The lucky color of Sagittarius is orange. They are full of vitality and energy, and they are full of vigor every day.

2024 Sagittarius Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius in 2024, the overall fortune will show a certain degree of volatility. Although Mercury retrograde has not been adversely affected, the appearance of evil stars has brought some obstacles to various areas of Sagittarius. Fortunately, the auspicious star "Sun" is also guarding you. As long as you insist on doing your job step by step, many things can develop in a good direction.

In the first half of the year, Sagittarius performed well in career and love. You can break through career bottlenecks, achieve good development through your own efforts, and get along harmoniously with colleagues. However, you must maintain attention on some details to avoid frequent mistakes that may have a negative impact on your work.

In the second half of the year, affected by the evil stars, Sagittarius' fortune will decline sharply. You may encounter many unexpected situations at work, and you may also face strong competitors, which will pose certain threats to your career development.

In terms of finances, your desire to consume will increase and you will easily fall into a situation of spending money indiscriminately. At the same time, investment is also unfavorable and serious losses will occur. You need to be more cautious when it comes to money matters.

In addition, Sagittarius also needs to be more cautious when it comes to emotional issues. Especially for singles, although there will be many members of the opposite sex around, don't start a relationship casually. Being too casual in relationships can easily lead to disputes and have a negative impact on your overall development.

2024 Sagittarius Career Horoscope

2024 will be a volatile year for the career fortune of Sagittarius. Especially in the first half of the year, it is easy to make mistakes at work and have tense relationships with colleagues. Sagittarius has large mood swings and is not good at handling interpersonal relationships. Coupled with his blunt words, he can easily offend others and have a negative impact on his own development.

Fortunately, Sagittarius can wake up in time, realize his own shortcomings, and with the help of family and friends, overcome difficulties and gradually develop his career for the better. Sagittarius also understands the importance of maintaining good interpersonal relationships.

For Sagittarius who are engaged in business, there will be few opportunities to make money in 2024, and the overall market is not good, so it is not suitable to expand the scale of business. When getting along with partners, you should be careful. If there is a disagreement, you should sit down and discuss it carefully to resolve it. It is not advisable to be stubborn, as being too arbitrary will hinder business operations. Everyone hopes that their career will develop smoothly. As long as we treat the cooperative relationship with care, we believe that the business will be on the right track.

In the second half of 2024, the career fortune of Sagittarius will become clear, mainly due to the arrival of the guardian star, which means that Sagittarius will be more comfortable at work. People around you will also give constructive suggestions to help avoid unnecessary trouble.

However, Sagittarius should also take work seriously and not place hope on others. Only when oneself becomes stronger can the career develop smoothly.

2024 Sagittarius Wealth Horoscope

There are also some fluctuations in the wealth fortune of Sagittarius in 2024. Due to unstable career development, Sagittarius' income will be affected to a certain extent.

In the first half of the year, Sagittarius' financial fortune is mediocre, and the income obtained from work is not ideal. In addition, living expenses are high, and the economy will often feel tense. Fortunately, Sagittarius is usually not a spendthrift and is more rational about money. When the economy is in short supply, people will choose to live frugally and lower their living standards. Although the quality of life has been reduced, there will not be too much financial pressure.

When the economy is tight, Sagittarius will also realize the importance of money and work hard to find opportunities to make money. Through the introduction of friends, you may find some suitable investment projects, from which you can obtain considerable profits and alleviate your financial difficulties.

However, in the second half of 2024, it is not suitable to invest and manage money, because Mercury retrograde will lead to a decline in financial fortune. If you over-invest, you may suffer huge losses. Especially around September, the financial situation of Sagittarius is very pessimistic. In addition to spending a certain amount of money on dealing with the world, you may also face expenses such as moving, holding a wedding banquet, or decorating. For those who have no savings, they may only get through this stage by asking for a loan from a bank or seeking help from family and friends.

However, for most people, the economic situation in 2024 is relatively optimistic. As long as you make a good spending plan, you don't have to worry too much about financial issues.

2024 Sagittarius Love Horoscope

The love fortune for Sagittarius in 2024 shows a very good trend, especially for single friends, the love life will become extremely colorful.

At the beginning of the year, the charm of Sagittarius will greatly increase, and there will be many high-quality members of the opposite sex around you. You don't even need to take the initiative, someone will confess to you or show your goodwill, and your love fortune will be very strong. For friends who are eager to end their single life, this is a rare opportunity to successfully start a beautiful relationship.

However, some careful consideration is needed before enjoying the relationship, because while it is important to be free of being single, it is equally crucial to find someone who is compatible with you. If you start a relationship casually, you may fall into an emotional trap and end up breaking up. This will not only waste the time of both parties, but also miss the fate that is truly suitable for you.

Entering the second half of 2024, the relationship progress of Sagittarius will become slightly more complicated. Especially for those who are in a relationship, your relationship will be blocked by both parents. The two parties often quarrel over trivial matters and face many practical problems, such as buying cars, buying houses, and long-distance relationships.

These problems placed in front of Sagittarius will make you feel stressed, confused and at a loss. You paradoxically want to maintain the relationship, but are troubled by the reality.

Although the mood may be low and negative, Sagittarius still needs to think carefully about future developments. If you feel that these problems cannot be solved, it is best to end it properly, get back on your feet, and welcome a new relationship.

Sagittarius Man

Sagittarius Man: Humorous



Sagittarius men are typical men of the zodiac sign who love freedom and are unfettered. Likes to move freely, has a strong subjective consciousness, and often unconsciously ignores the feelings of others and only pays attention to his own feelings.

Sagittarius men are enthusiastic and optimistic. Whether emotionally or mentally, their vision is always longing for distant countries. They are naturally humorous, understanding of life, funny, and optimistic. They can create a relaxing and laughing atmosphere no matter what the occasion. They regard making friends as a major event in life and enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by women.

Sagittarius men are very loyal and generous. Because there are many friends, the expenses are naturally high, but they don't care and always rush to pay. Most Sagittarius men have no plan for their financial expenses. They often waste money in order to help their friends, without thinking about how they will have nothing to lose, and they don't even care about how to maintain their lives tomorrow.

Sagittarius men are also representatives of "love heart". Once he feels that he has something in common with a girl, he will happily and sincerely give his friendship and affection. They lack self-control, and even when they have a partner, they can easily forget their original intentions due to temporary feelings.

Sagittarius men act recklessly and act recklessly. I am often attracted to new things, often impulsive, unplanned, and completely reckless once I invest. They pursue feelings, love adventure, are very receptive, changeable, and have unlimited curiosity and expectations for unknown things.

Personalized tags

1. Optimism: Having countless lofty ideals and ignoring immediate problems.

2. Freedom first: pursue physical and mental freedom and hate restraint.

3. Three-point enthusiasm: Most people have a three-point enthusiasm for new things and act unplanned.

How to get along with a Sagittarius man

Most Sagittarius men love outdoor sports and are rarely homebodies. The easiest way to get along with them is to start with exercise. Show your athletic talent to your heart's content and let the Sagittarius man discover your cheerfulness and optimism and your athleticism that matches his.

Show your truest side when getting along with Sagittarius men. They are naturally casual people and like simple and casual things. Remember to be pretentious, act crazy, and be careful in front of them. They are very smart. Even if they don't say it on the surface, they have seen everything and are ready to draw a clear line with you at any time.

Don't comment on or interfere with the Sagittarius man's life, family, and friends. No matter what your relationship is, there are bound to be minefields. They have their own opinions and principles. They don’t like to be pointed out and judged too much by those around them. They think this is an interference with freedom and will make them feel bored or even angry.

Don’t ask too many questions about every aspect of a Sagittarius man. They attach great importance to privacy and have their own principles for making friends, and do not want others to interfere too much. When you are in a friendship or deep in love, they will naturally confess to themselves.

Sagittarius man and sex

Most Sagittarius men can be called mid-range masters. Although he usually looks very gentlemanly and rarely makes frivolous moves, his sexual performance is full of passion and skill. If you can create a noble atmosphere, choose a comfortable place, and respond enthusiastically, you will have a great time getting along. What Sagittarius men pursue is not just physical union, but spiritual intersection.

Sagittarius as a dad

A Sagittarius man is a good partner to his son and a genius father to his daughter. Although his outspoken way sometimes embarrasses children and his impatience can make them feel a little stressed, they still find him cute. It will be more difficult for introverted children to communicate with him because he often emphasizes speaking directly. A child who is as bored as a gourd will make him impatient and even lose his patience.

Sagittarius Woman

Sagittarius Woman: Honest and Frank



You have high self-esteem and strong adaptability, and you will deal with difficulties in an orderly manner. Honesty, trustworthiness, and a good mind are your strengths. You will bring happiness to others! You have a wide range of interests. Although you will intervene in boring things, it will be okay. You will reflect on it, find out what you should do, and then become a great person.

In addition, you have a sense of justice and a dual personality of teasing others. You are an optimist who hates restraint and loves freedom. You are not satisfied in your daily life and in a society that values money.

Sagittarius is a male sign with an extroverted personality: you are very outgoing and generous, tend to be brave and ambitious, active and spiritual, and are full of interest in everything.

Sagittarius woman

If Sagittarius men often have a "Don Quixote" tendency, then Sagittarius women are prone to have a "Nightingale" complex. A Sagittarius woman often falls in love with a person that her family disapproves of and her friends disapprove of. Because she is passionate and has a sense of justice, she always feels that if I don't understand and support him, who can he trust? Sagittarius women are often curious and unwary about the world. Especially when they are still young. She is sincerely looking for a soul-matching partner. The result is often that after impulsively jumping into love, one realizes that it was just a smelly ditch.

Fortunately, Sagittarius women usually have an innocent and optimistic personality. The setbacks of love will not knock her down easily. Wiping away her tears, she soon gained the courage to try again. However, nature is easy to change, and the lessons of failure are not easy to train her to be more sophisticated. Therefore, the story of broken love may have to be repeated again and again until one day, the man who really knows how to cherish her appears.

Therefore, maybe you have heard rumors that Sagittarius women play love and avoid marriage. This is really a male chauvinist distortion of the facts. The concepts and behaviors of Sagittarius women may not be so traditional and conservative. However, they are indeed very sincere about their feelings.

If you want to be her lover, you must first become her good friend, one who has many of the same interests and opinions. Her love often grows out of friendship. Sometimes it's hard even for her to tell the difference. Her personality is usually very independent, and she is not the kind of girl who wants to be arranged by you in everything. She pursues freedom very much and doesn't like others to give her too much restraint. But this does not mean that she is dissolute.

Sagittarius is an aristocratic sign. Sagittarius women usually have high self-discipline and admire noble human sentiments. She believes that everyone is born equal and free, and that people should trust and respect each other. Therefore, she doesn't like anyone to set any rules for her. Of course she will definitely give you the respect and freedom you deserve.

Sagittarius women almost cannot stand "hypocrisy" and "hypocrisy". She's not a good actress, and if she doesn't like you, he'll definitely let you know. For some Sagittarius women, this is simply their obligation.

So if you are a chauvinistic man. A Sagittarius woman may not be a good match for you. At the same time, you may not be able to stand her outspokenness. Please don't criticize her harshly with a sophisticated perspective. You should know how to cherish this rare frankness and innocence.

As for some people, Sagittarius women have a tendency to refuse marriage. In fact, it was just her fear of losing. In fact, she is eager to find a partner who can understand her, trust her, and cherish her to spend this life with her. Sagittarius women are very loyal. Moreover, she will also trust you in this way. Therefore, if you let her discover your infidelity, it will cause her great sadness and anger.

In fact, a Sagittarius woman really needs you to love her well. Because there is often a high chance that she will be harmed. Her innocence and straightforwardness make her easy to trust. And her outspokenness can easily offend people. Therefore, she will always suffer some hidden losses without knowing why. The way of loving her does not require careful care, but constant reminders. What she needs most is your respect, understanding and encouragement. For an optimistic and independent Sagittarius woman, this is enough to support her to continue to use a bright and innocent outlook on life. Fighting against the reality and sophistication of society.

Most Sagittarius women will still choose to be career women after marriage. You should understand that a person who pursues freedom will of course want to be financially independent. Moreover, Sagittarius women's requirements for quality of life are usually quite aristocratic. Rarely is she the kind of housewife who saves money and saves money on food and expenses.

Sagittarius women and "sex"

Sagittarius women can make very interesting sexual partners. She has an innocent nature that pursues excitement and is full of curiosity. She doesn't stick to form, place or time. She can cooperate with the other party to create various sexual intercourse scenes with different atmospheres and methods, and her attitude is clear and generous.

But they will feel impatient with partners who are overly stubborn, passionate, or who like to indulge in sex for a long time.

Sagittarius woman and men of twelve zodiac signs

1. Aries: They are compatible with each other in sexual orientation, but there will often be fights that make them red-faced. Fortunately, both of them are honest and don't hold grudges, so their true feelings won't be hurt.

2. Taurus: Your outspokenness may be a bit too much for him. And his traditional male concept may not convince you.

3. Gemini: You will feel very happy getting along with him, and they can cooperate well with each other in many aspects. Perhaps because of this, you will be content with the status quo and lack the motivation to move to the other end of the carpet.

4. Cancer: Your straightforwardness often hurts him without even realizing it. There will often be situations where he is sulking and you are confused.

5. Leo: Each other is a typical example of enthusiasm and clarity. But it seems a little difficult for you to succumb to the wings of a Leo man.

6. Virgo: You really know that he is very kind to you, but his way is a bit too much for you. Your frankness and naivety always make him a little worried.

7. Libra: You will get along happily. The Libra man will not care about your independence and freedom, and your approach will not put too much pressure on him.

8. Scorpio: He has the charm to attract you and seduce your curiosity. But the result of being together is often that you have the upper hand on the surface, but in fact you have troubles that you can't tell.

9. Sagittarius: With the same zodiac sign, it is naturally easy for you to resonate and trust each other. But when there are disagreements, there is less room for buffering.

10. Capricorn: He advocates tradition and his outlook on life is very different from yours. Although they can complement each other, they are more difficult to resonate with.

11. Aquarius: You will become very good friends. He can understand all your innocent thoughts, but it may be difficult to spark the spark of love.

12. Pisces: He is a man who can easily trigger your "Nightingale" complex. Although his personality is different, you will always want to accompany him and take care of him.

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