The Pisces Zodiac Sign: Complete Pisces Horoscope

Name:   Pisces
Date:   February 19 - March 20
Symbol:   Two crescent-shaped arcs
House Ruled:   Twelfth house
Attributes:   Water sign
Ruler:   Neptune, Jupiter
Characteristics:   Changeable and complex
Key Words:   Subconscious
Representative:   Teaching person
Greatest Compatibility:   Virgo, Taurus
Color:   Mauve, Lilac, Purple, Violet, Sea green
Lucky Numbers:   3, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24
Day:   Thursday

Pisces Personality, Love, Career, Strengths and Weaknesses

Pisces Personality Traits

Pisces is the last house of the zodiac, so it can be said to combine all the advantages and disadvantages of the twelve constellations into one, and it can also be symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions representing Pisces. You know this is multiple. A contradictory sign; coupled with the emotional nature of the water evil sign, you can imagine how complicated Pisces people are.

1. Pisces: gentle and kind

The biggest advantage of Pisces is that he has a kind heart. He likes to help people the most and is willing to sacrifice himself for others. But don’t think that he is great. In fact, it is just that he highlights his own value by helping others. This shows how little they have. confidence. Because he has no confidence, he often makes excuses for himself to escape. Many times he knowingly makes mistakes because he loves to deceive himself and others!
Don't think that Pisces people are gentle in nature. Sometimes older Pisces can't bear the pressure of self-reliance, so they turn into their own temper, make unreasonable troubles with others, and are self-righteous. Even so, he is still fragile inside!

2. Pisces: Can’t stand being picky

A compatible partner for Pisces must choose someone who is romantic, humorous, and caring for each other. Cancer, who is ingenious and loves his family; Libra, who attaches great importance to love and private life; Pisces, who has a spirit of sacrifice and dedication, shares joys and sorrows, are all suitable candidates.
On the contrary, Gemini, who has different views on love, will make you feel untrustworthy; picky and trivial Virgo will compose a divorce song; Sagittarius will be too understanding of Pisces' split personality, making you live a joyless life.

3. Pisces: Flexible and adaptable

Pisces fall in love with each other when they see each other. It can be said that Pisces people may be in estrus 24 hours a day. When you are with such a person, you don’t have to care too much about commitment. Anyway, things may change. As long as the two people living in the moment are happy with each other, then Why wait forever? As long as you take contingency measures at any time, you don't have to worry about the future.

4. Pisces: Not practical enough, too much fantasy

Pisces people are likely to be full of fantasies throughout their lives. It is best for them to choose careers that require fantasy or imagination, such as music, artistic creation, movies, television, drama, and especially dance. Marine environment or water-related occupations are also very beneficial to him. Not enough awareness of danger.

5. Pisces: Unsteady willed

He needs the support and help of a strong person in his life. An amiable nature will win the favor of everyone, but excessive sincerity and kindness can sometimes make him fall into the status of a slave. In fact, he was often in situations that required devotion or sacrifice. It is easy to be bewitched and influenced by others.
In reality, Pisces does give people too much disappointment, cowardice, suspicion, low self-esteem, indecisiveness, and lack of opinion... A Pisces may not have all of the above characteristics, but it will have at least one or two.

6. Pisces: Lack of courage to face reality

She has a gentle temperament and is easy to get along with. She has a strange charm about her that is irresistible. This is a romantic and imaginative person who is full of enthusiasm for life but lacks the ability to adapt. Therefore, she needs someone to protect her. She likes to have everything arranged for her. Most women of this zodiac sign are like innocent and lovely children, hoping to be the apple of their husband's eye.

7. Pisces: Easy to develop the habit of lying

He may also win the lottery or meet a very wealthy and generous confidant on his life path. As a result, this Pisces person will enter a new artistic conception and live a beautiful life full of fantasy or mystery.
Another tendency is for him to show complete ignorance of the ways of making money, and perhaps to be tainted with dishonesty at times. This mainly depends on the position of Jupiter and Neptune in his birth horoscope.

8. Pisces: Not good at managing money

The economic conditions of Pisces people are often in an unstable state. Sometimes they live in affluence and sometimes they have financial difficulties. This instability often brings trouble to them. Whenever this happens, he always wants to comfort himself by avoiding and escaping.

9. Pisces: Too emotional and sentimental

Pisces people are warm, flexible and mysterious. This is a "psychological" type of sensitive and fragile character. Rough words and deeds will strongly stimulate his spirit, and he hopes that his surroundings will be filled with an atmosphere of harmony and friendship.

10. Pisces: Lack of rationality, emotional

Mysterious, somewhat mysterious, one cannot know what he is thinking or hoping for. Like those who are strongly influenced by Neptune in their birth horoscope, Pisces people have a bit of a utopian ideological tendency. Life is often muddled along. He doesn't like to make concessions in the face of difficulties or conflicts, and always longs for miraculous solutions. When he needs to make a decision, he is often at a loss.
In terms of love, if the other person does not take the initiative to express his true feelings to him, he will never consider taking action. He needs a capable life partner who can guide his words and actions. Due to the lack of initiative in matters of love, letting others choose and pursue, it is easy to promote a union that does not follow his wishes.

A message to Pisces men: Children, don’t worry. No one can force you to grow up until you are mentally prepared.

A message for Pisces women: You dance with a stranger at the end of the world, fall in love with him, and emigrate to another planet together to get married and have children.

Love between Pisces and the 12 Zodiac Signs

Pisces, who are naturally romantic, are always full of expectations for love. The girl they long for every day suddenly appears, and sweet love appears in them. The innocent Pisces are always loved by everyone, but they lack initiative in love. sex.

1. Love between Pisces and Aries

The dreamy Pisces can best show their tender side when they meet the passionate Aries. Pisces appreciates that the straightforward Aries can bring novel fun, and Aries also likes Pisces' vision and keenness, which can bring new feelings and experiences to Aries. The elusive Pisces meets the frank and direct Aries. The two are the best combination of imagination and action. Both pursue a romantic life, which makes them an interesting pairing.

2. The love between Pisces and Taurus

Taurus, who is naturally stable, can calm down the sensitive Pisces and find a long-lost sense of security. Coupled with Taurus' persistence and patience, Pisces will often be moved and become dependent on Taurus without knowing it. The gentle Pisces is always considerate and considerate, which makes Taurus very useful. They are a very well-matched pair. The divergence point is that Taurus likes to own, while Pisces may prefer to look to the future, but this will not prevent the two from loving each other.

3. The love between Pisces and Gemini

Both of them have somewhat erratic and contradictory personalities, but they have no problem communicating. The dreamy Pisces can always detect the kind nature of Gemini, and may also think that Gemini is too playful. Gemini likes that Pisces' mystery can inspire unlimited curiosity, but may also think that Pisces is sometimes too sensitive and confused. If they can strengthen communication and be good at discovering the common points between each other, they will be a very adaptable pair.

4. The love between Pisces and Cancer

They are truly a match made in heaven. Both of them have a rich emotional world and can understand each other's feelings. They are attracted to each other and have endless affection. Cancer needs the other person to understand them. Pisces happens to have this kind of strong sympathy. Pisces Her gentleness, thoughtfulness and strong sensitivity can easily make Cancer fall in love, and Pisces appreciates Cancer's dependence on family the most. The two of them have endless romance together.

5. Love between Pisces and Leo

Gentle Pisces likes Leo's open-mindedness and high energy, while confident Leo appreciates Pisces' gentleness, sensitivity and rich imagination. The two of them together will bring amazing results. Leo can always inspire the potential courage and courage in Pisces. Similarly, Pisces can also make Leo realize the importance of carefulness. If Pisces can stick to his own feelings and personality in this relationship, it will be a very desirable combination.

6. Love between Pisces and Virgo

The two of them look equally tender, sensitive, and not pushy in style, but they have completely different personalities. Pisces' gentleness and romance are very attractive to Virgo, and Pisces is also very attracted to Virgo's super analytical ability. Admiration, and because of their opposite traits, they are deeply attracted to each other. They are the best people to learn from each other. If they can learn from each other and understand each other, they will be an ideal pairing.

7. Love between Pisces and Libra

Both of them look gentle on the surface and like to accommodate others. In fact, they have different personalities. Libra likes to socialize and socialize, while Pisces focuses on spiritual satisfaction. The two of them can appreciate each other's personalities. Libra only needs to show natural elegance. Falling in love with Pisces, they also have similar interests. Pisces' natural artistic temperament is very appreciated by Libra. Both have artistic talents and are the most creative combination.

8. Love between Pisces and Scorpio

The two are true soul mates, both are very sensitive. Scorpio can always inspire Pisces' feelings and is Pisces' best spiritual partner. Coupled with Scorpio's loyalty and caution, Pisces can feel deep love, and so can Pisces. Bringing the energy of life to Scorpio, a gentle and considerate personality coupled with selfless dedication are all what Scorpio wants, and can almost fully meet Scorpio's high requirements. It's a very rare combination.

9. The love between Pisces and Sagittarius

Both of them have unstable personalities, but they appreciate each other. The philosophical charm of Sagittarius is very attractive to the fantasy-loving Pisces, but Pisces is often hurt by Sagittarius's outspoken way of expression. Sagittarius can be impressed by Pisces' gentle and considerate treatment. Pisces' sensibility and sentimentality can just help Sagittarius correct his arbitrary character. The mutual constraints of their personalities make them a perfect match.

10. Love between Pisces and Capricorn

Capricorn and the super imaginative Pisces are one strong and the other weak, which is a very wise combination. Capricorn can bring a sense of security to sensitive Pisces. Pisces will use his tenderness and understanding to make Capricorn willing to pay for it, and he is the most loyal supporter behind Pisces. What needs to be noted is that two people should not use their own rulers to measure each other.

11. The love between Pisces and Aquarius

Aquarius's full of ideals and super wisdom will make Pisces admire them, and the gentle and considerate Pisces can also arouse the interest of Aquarius. The mystery and inaccessibility of Aquarius is the key point that attracts Pisces, but it is also the reason why Pisces can't stand it. The fragile Pisces is always very emotional and can easily fall into feelings and cannot extricate himself. For the rational Aquarius, this will be a problem. Trouble, the two of them are a combination that needs fate.

12. Love between Pisces and Pisces

The two have similar personalities, both have creative imaginations and romantic feelings. When they fall in love, they are both incredibly romantic. If everything goes smoothly, they will naturally be the happiest couple, but when difficulties come, I'm afraid Pisces don't know how to face reality. Understanding what you are thinking is something you need to think about. If you want a long-term relationship, it is feasible. Planning is a must.

Pisces Career

Pisces people are sensitive, dreamy and creative, and they are suitable for engaging in the fields of art, spiritual healing and spirituality. Pisces people are good at expressing emotions and exploring their inner world. They are suitable to become artists, writers, psychotherapists or spiritual teachers. Their pursuit of beauty and deep thinking make them stand out in creative and spiritual fields.

Requires attention
Comply with others and lose yourself

It's true that Pisces is compassionate, but you should also try to "sympathize" with yourself occasionally. Think about it, have you suffered any injustice at work because you are too sentimental? Dreams are the food for Pisces to survive, but can they be full just by relying on these? When someone steps on your head, you should get angry and fight back!

Pisces is warm and compassionate. If you are hurt, the seemingly gentle Pisces will become "hard" without mercy. Your high-temperature counterattack energy can be explained by being "emotional". But if you have seen the current situation clearly, you will know that "counterattack is redundant" and choose not to see everything too clearly. After all, "hazyness is also a kind of beauty." Sometimes, the so-called "counterattack" is nothing more than what you are writing, directing and acting.

Key points to review: Pisces must learn to express their thoughts.

The Strengths and Weaknesses of Pisces

Strengths that Pisces should have

Be kind-hearted, self-sacrifice for others, not selfish
Strong intuition
Know how to tolerate
Gentle and polite
Easily trust others and not suspicious

Weaknesses he or she may have

Not realistic enough, too much fantasy
Not enough awareness of danger
Too emotional and sentimental
Not strong-willed
Lack of courage to face reality
It’s easy to fall into depression and be unable to extricate yourself
It’s easy to get into the habit of lying
Not good at managing money
susceptible to environmental influences
Lack of rationality and acting emotionally

Pisces Lucky Charm

Accessories Suitable for Pisces

Pisces is the representative of gentleness and dreaminess, and is most suitable for wearing some romantic and dreamy jewelry, such as amethyst or rose quartz. These accessories will give them more of a soft dreamy feel.

Exclusive Lucky Flowers and Plants for Pisces

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and the bearer of understanding. Its ruler Neptune radiates unconscious spiritual energy, making Pisces intuitive dreamers.

In early spring, Pisces is responsible for plants, especially water and wet grass. Imaginative plants match them with pastel blooms and delicate shapes.

Plants that symbolize Pisces: pansies, daisies, water lilies, tulips, etc.

Flowering plant: Pingpengxiang. Pisces people live a wealthy life, eat well and dress well, and their money is often squandered on luxurious life. There is often no extra money to save and wealth dwindles. If you put a plate and a pinch of incense candles on your computer desk at home and in the office, you will spend money more rationally, you will not spend money recklessly, and you will save a lot of money, but don't forget to touch your plants, you will often see results!

The Representative Animal of Pisces


In fact, Pisces are babies living in water, because life cannot be separated from water, so regardless of men or women, their characters are soft and delicate, just like coquettish children who are not yet sensible. Coupled with the natural fantasy personality of Pisces, Koala's attitude towards life is the most suitable. Both are protected animals that require careful care.

Lucky Colors for Pisces


When it comes to pink, it cannot be separated from the girlish heart. Pisces has a girlish heart, and their favorite color is pink.

2024 Pisces Horoscope

2024 Yearly Horoscope for Pisces

2024 will be a year of change for Pisces. As introverted and delicate Pisces, you often behave introverted when facing strangers, giving people a feeling of being unapproachable. However, those who are truly familiar with Pisces will find that you are warm and kind-hearted at heart.

The first half of 2024 is not very ideal for Pisces. You will encounter setbacks in the development process, and you may even have self-doubt and thoughts of giving up. However, in June and July, Pisces' fortune begins to gradually heat up. Especially at work, you will encounter smooth situations and your interpersonal relationships will develop well. There will be many friends around who are willing to help you.

In September 2024, Pisces will achieve significant development at work and obtain ideal financial gains. However, a good development momentum may also make Pisces impetuous and underestimate the enemy, and you will show an arrogant attitude. This state is detrimental to social and emotional development.
Therefore, Pisces should maintain a humble and low-key attitude at all times to stabilize their own development.

Pisces also need to pay attention to health issues in 2024. Although the risk of serious illness is low, you may experience some discomfort, such as skin allergies or hair loss. Although these problems are not life-threatening, they are difficult to treat. This has a lot to do with your living habits, so you need to adjust your work and rest schedule in time to avoid staying up late frequently.

At the same time, it is also important to strengthen physical exercise and improve immunity. Once immunity is strengthened, these uncomfortable symptoms will disappear naturally.

Pisces will face some challenges academically, and you will behave negatively and be easily affected by external things. Therefore, Pisces needs to pay attention and actively adjust their learning attitude to overcome difficulties. By developing good study habits and staying focused, you can overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

2024 Pisces Career Horoscope

For Pisces in 2024, career development will face some fluctuations. Especially at the beginning of the year, you will encounter tremendous work pressure and heavy tasks, which often require you to work overtime and stay up late to complete them. Faced with such a workload, Pisces feels helpless.

Sometimes, you have put in a lot of hard work, but you cannot get the rewards you deserve, while colleagues who are worse than you can get more development opportunities. This kind of unfair treatment will make Pisces feel headaches and even consider resigning.

However, in the face of this situation, Pisces must adjust their mentality. Quitting your job is not a good solution to your problem. When development is blocked, Pisces should work hard to improve themselves and believe that gold will always shine. No matter where you are, you will never be buried.

Entering the second half of 2024, Pisces' work momentum will become very good. Work will begin smoothly, and leaders will entrust important tasks to you. As long as they work hard to do these tasks well, Pisces will have the opportunity to get promotions and salary increases, and may even become department leaders, and their future development will be more stable.

However, when getting promotions at work, Pisces must maintain a humble and low-key attitude and maintain good interpersonal relationships attentively. Never show a arrogant attitude. Being too high-profile will only cause trouble and make it difficult to carry out work, which is very detrimental to career development.

In addition, Pisces who are starting a business will also have a smooth entrepreneurial path at this stage. There will be many noble people around you to provide support and help you solve a series of problems. The future development will be full of expectations.

2024 Pisces Wealth Horoscope

In 2024, for Pisces, wealth will show rich and diverse trends. This year, you will gradually shift your attention to work and future planning, and this change will also bring about a positive impact on finances.

Pisces shows unique wisdom in financial management. Compared with others, you pay more attention to stability and prudence, and do not easily chase high-risk investment opportunities. This conservative attitude allows Pisces to avoid many possible losses and maintain a relatively stable financial situation. Pisces knows how to plan and manage their assets reasonably, and gradually accumulate wealth through small investments and long-term accumulation.

However, as financial luck improves, sometimes Pisces will be subject to some interference and temptation. There may be people who covet your wealth and try to get close to you in various ways.

When faced with a situation like this, Pisces should remain vigilant and carefully choose with whom to share their financial information. Don't be fooled by other people's rhetoric, stick to your own principles and bottom line. In addition to remaining cautious and alert, Pisces should also focus on increasing the value of their assets.

2024 is a suitable time for Pisces to carry out financial planning and investment. Pisces can consider looking for some stable investment channels, such as real estate or stable stock funds. Reasonably diversify the investment portfolio to reduce risks and at the same time obtain relatively stable returns.

2024 Pisces Love Horoscope

In 2024, Pisces will present a beautiful scene in terms of relationships. As your career becomes more stable, you have more time to spend with your family, and you long for the experience of security and care. Although Pisces is sometimes more passive in relationships, their attitude towards relationships is always focused and sincere.

Entering May, Pisces will get along harmoniously and harmoniously with their partner, and can reach consensus on many aspects. You take the initiative to take on household chores, which enhances your relationship with each other and significantly increases intimacy.

However, it should be noted that Pisces are sometimes not very good at communicating and prefer to remain silent, which may give people the impression of not being enthusiastic enough. Although you have no malicious intentions or bad intentions, such an attitude is detrimental to the development of your relationship.

If you want to maintain stable relationship progress, Pisces needs to strengthen communication and interaction with your partner, and actively share the happiness and unhappiness at work, so as to make the relationship more stable.

For single Pisces, this year's determination to pursue independence will be even stronger. You are willing to take the initiative to participate in blind dates and gatherings, and you must show confidence in these occasions. Before attending a party, pay attention to how you dress, especially for male Pisces, you can choose casual-style clothing. In terms of color matching, black, white and gray are the main colors, which looks more stable. Avoid choosing clothing that is too flashy to avoid coming across as too casual.

2024 Pisces Academic Progress Horoscope

In 2024, Pisces will face some challenges in their learning fortune. You will show a negative attitude and be easily disturbed by external things.

Especially for Pisces in junior high school and high school, puppy love may become a stumbling block to your studies. Puppy love will seriously affect your studies and leave regrets in the future. Therefore, Pisces need to pay special attention to emotional changes this year, control their emotions, and not fall into love prematurely. Instead, they should focus on their studies.

To improve their academic performance, Pisces can try to participate in some extracurricular tutoring and training classes. This will help you supplement your knowledge and improve your learning effectiveness. At the same time, you should also actively interact with the teacher, ask the teacher questions in a timely manner, and do not give up the opportunity because of shyness.

Through good communication with teachers, Pisces can better understand the course content and improve their learning level. In addition, Pisces should also develop good study habits. You can make a reasonable study plan, arrange your time reasonably, and ensure that there is enough time for study and review every day.

At the same time, you should also pay attention to maintaining a good routine. Adequate sleep is very important for brain recovery and memory improvement.

Pisces Man

Pisces Man: Full of Romantic Cells



Pisces men are very delicate, they are gentle, considerate, considerate, and have very strong perception. They can feel the mood swings of others very keenly, and you will often find that they are the quickest to come to comfort you when you are sad.

Pisces men are humorous, have a wide range of interests and are versatile. They get along very well with others, play well with everyone, and enjoy interpersonal communication like a fish in water. They have rich imaginations and are very romantic and dreamy. They can make romantic moves that move girls, and they can also come up with very creative plans.

They have a high ability to appreciate art and have the temperament of a romantic artist. When Pisces men are young, they are rich, handsome, and handsome. When they are older, they are handsome and boyish. Pisces men are very popular despite being called scumbags.

The Pisces man has a fearless spirit of sacrifice and dedication. At work, he always does the most tiring work quietly and helps his colleagues without any complaints. They are compassionate, very affectionate and righteous, and will generously help their friends when they are in trouble.

However, they are not defensive about others, trust others unconditionally, and are easily deceived. They are sentimental and very fragile at heart, and like to hide in their dreams and lose touch with reality. They have no concept of money, spend money like water, and often live alone.

Personalized tags:

1. Gentle and considerate

A Pisces man is always very gentle, caring about other people's moods, and making all kinds of heart-warming and considerate actions. People who get along with him are very fond of him. If they are in love, girls will be fascinated by his gentleness and considerateness. .

2. Compassionate and kind

Pisces boyfriends are very compassionate and very kind. I can't bear to see others hurt, so I help my friends generously when they encounter difficulties.

3. Romantic and passionate

The strongest trait of Pisces men is romance and passion. They pursue romance and they themselves are the strongest romantic masters. Girls often easily fall into his extremely romantic pursuit. Their feelings are very rich and delicate, and they are always merciful, but just because they are easily attracted to others, they give people a very sentimental impression.

4. Break away from reality

Pisces men love to dream and indulge in their own fantasies. A fish living in their own fantasy has no time to take into account reality, so they often choose to escape. Someone needs to consider and guide him from a realistic perspective.

How to get along with a Pisces man

What you need to pay attention to when getting along with a Pisces man is not to think that he is easy to bully just because he has a gentle personality. A Pisces man seems to be very gentle and harmless. In fact, if you make him hold a grudge, then you may not be able to go smoothly next time. Pisces men are not that easy to bully.

When getting along with a Pisces man, you must respect him no matter how good the relationship is. Small jokes are fine, but they shouldn't go too far. Although a Pisces man is not very good at rejecting other people's requests, don't let him do something he doesn't want to do.

It is usually very comfortable to get along with a Pisces man, because he has a very strong affinity that makes people put down their guard and trust him. He is also very trusting of his friends, so all you need to do to get along with him is sincere trust.

The Pisces man is also very playful. When you have time, ask him to go out for dinner or travel from time to time. I believe it will be fun to have his humorous companion on the trip.

If you want to develop a relationship with a Pisces man, you need to be very, very nice to him, so nice that he can feel your deep affection. Pisces men are very sensitive and emotional, and are easily moved. It would be better if you can share the same hobbies with him.

Pisces man and sex

In terms of sex, a Pisces man does not love because of sex, but sex because of love. He will not have sex with a woman he doesn't like just because of sex. Sex for a Pisces man is based on true love. A Pisces man likes the woman to take the initiative to seduce him. He enjoys this method very much. He believes that sex is the sublimation of feelings and a very sacred act. He feels that only in this way can he truly express his passionate feelings and truly feel the other person's love.
He is very gentle in sex, he pays great attention to the woman's feelings, he likes to make her happy, and he will take the initiative to please her. Sex for a Pisces man is a combination of emotion and sensuality, an experience and sublimation of emotion.

Pisces man becomes a father

When a Pisces man becomes a father, he will use his fantasy-loving personality to dress up his babies as little princesses and princes from fairy tales. He is very gentle and will not scold the children at all. He is very fond of his children and can easily spoil his own children to the point of being lawless. A Pisces father likes his children very much and likes to play with them. He also takes his children to eat all kinds of delicious food. He is very popular with his children. A Pisces father will make all kinds of plans for his baby in his heart, and he will not bear any grievance for his child. He will be a very gentle and doting father.

Pisces Woman

Pisces Woman: Empathetic



You are humble, compassionate, and patient. Have keen observation on psychology and philosophy. Your shortcomings are timidity, weak willpower and excessive worry. You are wired to accept everything and other people as they are, and you don't want to change them.

You keep your deepest feelings hidden in your heart, but if you meet a like-minded friend, you will also talk to your friend about your feelings. You often feel helpless and unable to cope with everything in the world, but you have a very rich inner world.

Pisces is a girl sign with an introverted personality: you are more inclined to the feminine side of girls. You value feelings, are down-to-earth, and quite confident in yourself! And you are steady, peaceful, gentle, and not too reckless in doing things.

Pisces woman

If he says "women are made of water", then he is probably referring to Pisces women. Because no one is more tender than her. "She is a standard girl." I believe you will agree that a typical Pisces woman is simply the embodiment of a man's dream lover. Even though she is not a stunning beauty, her every move is full of femininity.

More importantly, the girlish charm of a Pisces woman is definitely not just an illusion on the outside, she is a woman at heart. Among the twelve zodiac girls, Pisces girls have the least desire to dominate men. She always looks at you with those gentle eyes and listens to you very carefully. No matter you are being reasonable or bragging, she will not disapprove of you on the spot and make you lose face, and her emotions will also rise and fall with your joys and sorrows.

A Pisces woman usually fills her man with confidence. She can always make you feel that she appreciates you, trusts you, and needs you. She is willing to put you first in everything, and she is willing to rely on you and be protected by you. You think, what man wouldn’t like such a lovely woman?

However, such a perfect Pisces woman still has some shortcomings after all (otherwise, wouldn't God be too unfair?). However, I believe that given the trade-offs, you still won't be willing to give up on her.

First, Pisces women love fantasy and are not practical enough. Sometimes she would draw an ideal blueprint for life, so she felt that life was full of hope and she was endlessly excited. Her mood often changes because of the slightest disturbance. What happened to a friend, a sad movie, or even her fantasies may be factors that affect her mood.

Second, the Pisces woman lacks self-confidence. Even though she has so many advantages, she still often feels that she is not good enough. She may feel that she is not strong enough, motivated enough, or capable enough. The more she thought about it, the more worried and frustrated she became. Therefore, she desperately needs your encouragement and comfort. Your loud words or an impatient look could break her heart. Not to mention you have a change of heart! That would probably be a fatal blow to her. A Pisces woman's heart is made of glass. Since she is given to you, you have to take good care of it.

Third, many Pisces women have a tendency to self-exile. The main reason is that they can easily get stuck in an emotion and be unable to extricate themselves (especially sad emotions). The sad experiences coupled with their rich imagination finally turned themselves into tragic characters abandoned by the world. There are many Pisces women who, after being hit by family changes, emotional setbacks, etc., indulge in alcoholism, drug abuse, and even habitually commit suicide.

Fourth, Pisces women almost never have a concept of money. It may take them several painful experiences before they can develop some financial knowledge.

In fact, most Pisces women are willing to be happy housewives after marriage. There are very few Pisces "strong women" who compete with men in society. Occasionally you may see one or two Pisces career women who appear to be cold and capable on the surface, but they are just disguises made out of extreme fear of injury. Because no woman needs to be owned and protected by a man more than a Pisces woman. This alone is enough to make men yearn for it! Therefore, for more than 80% of women, the third party they fear most is Pisces girls.

As for some of their personality shortcomings, they are actually problems that can be solved with "a little more love" and "a little more care". Don't yell at her when you're in a bad mood. Don't turn a blind eye to her emotions, or you'll force her to swim to another tender embrace. You have to know that there are a lot of men lining up at the back. Don't blame her for not knowing how to budget. If possible, take care of your own accounts. Otherwise, when you see her tearful eyes, you will feel guilty that you have earned too little.

She is like a lively little white rabbit when she is happy, and like a frightened deer when she is sad. She always makes people feel that she should be loved more. She is the most enviable and jealous zodiac sign. Pisces women can always maintain their innocent and girly charm. Even though she fell in love eight times, got divorced three times, and gave birth to two children, the vicissitudes of life that she had experienced in the world could not be affected by her.

Pisces women and "sex"

She is a gentle woman who doesn't want to let the other person down. Because of this, Pisces women often cannot withstand the other party's positive demands and sometimes blame themselves afterwards.

She is a girl full of sensitive nerves who will burn up after a brief flirtation. You can be completely immersed in excitement, will not hide your feelings, and can boldly make requests. The joy of sex can last for a long time. It should be a sexual partner that can make the other person feel very happy.

Pisces woman and men of twelve zodiac signs

1. Aries: Sometimes he will be impatient with your emotions. And you always feel frustrated because of his carelessness.

2. Taurus: His loyal love makes you feel gentle and dependent. But if you occasionally get angry and have a bad temper, you have to be patient.

3. Gemini: If you are with him, you may have a high chance of getting hurt. You always worry about whether you are just his temporary playmate.

4. Cancer: This kind of man may be the one who can give you the most sense of security. Your emotions can always match and understand each other. He will also patiently cultivate your "money concept".

5 Leo: Your stars are not compatible, but you are extremely attracted to each other. The kingly Leo man captivates you, and your gentleness completely satisfies his male vanity.

6. Virgo: He is a mentor-type man. He may not be able to cooperate with your romance, but he can give you practical comfort and help.

7. Libra: In the beginning, each other may be attracted to each other. But your fantasy would become ridiculous and too emotional under his rational analysis.

8. Scorpio: His strong love is completely in line with your ups and downs of emotions, and he is the person you can fall in love with vigorously.

9. Sagittarius: He is straightforward and impatient. Therefore, many times you are completely uncooperative. Maybe staying friends would be ideal.

10. Capricorn: You can cooperate well in many aspects and complement each other. This is the man who can be your spiritual support.

11. Aquarius: He will try to understand your emotions, but it is still difficult to match the pace. You also won't be able to adapt to the indifferent attitude of a Horizontal man.

12. Pisces: With the combination of two fishes, there is a great chance of "lasting love". I'm afraid that when emotions surge, the two of them will swim in opposite directions.

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